Video:" Dinosaur Planet-Pod's Travels "
Video: "Dinosaur Planet-Pod's Travels"
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Presure Point To Fall Asleep
Videos:" Dinosaur Animation
Dinosaur Animation 1: a Stegosaurus vs an Allosaurus.
This is taken from the 1992 documentary-series: The Dinosaurs
Dinosaur Animation 2: Tyrannosaurus vs Triceratops
Dinosaur Animation 3: Under the Sea
Dinosaur Animation 4: Sea and Air
Dinosaur Animation 5: From Lizard to bird
Dinosaur Animation 1: a Stegosaurus vs an Allosaurus.
This is taken from the 1992 documentary-series: The Dinosaurs
Dinosaur Animation 2: Tyrannosaurus vs Triceratops
Dinosaur Animation 3: Under the Sea
Dinosaur Animation 4: Sea and Air
Dinosaur Animation 5: From Lizard to bird
Thursday, March 13, 2008
How To Tell If A Cologne Is Fake
Who was the biggest dinosaur in Lower Saxony?
interview with the paleontologist and dinosaur expert, Dr. Ute Richter, Lower Saxony State Museum Hanover
Question: Who was the biggest dinosaur in Lower Saxony?
Answer: The largest dinosaur was a plant-eating sauropod Security (lizard pelvic dinosaurs), probably the North American Diplodocus or Apatosaurus was similar. He had a long neck and an even longer tail and could be up to 20 feet long and weigh 15 tons. The body without a neck and tail was only about 5 meters long! His four-legged gear probably resembled that of a leisurely day Elephants. All that we know of running for example from Münchehagen finds that these animals have left back then, about 140 million years (Lower Cretaceous), in the soft sandy mud. The individual, round-oval or rounded-triangular footprints are about 90 cm long and 85 cm wide. Based on these and on the basis of the distances between the footprints (step length), one can roughly calculate the waist of the animal that produced the track. Based on the hips can be finally determined, after considering the proportions, for example, shows the skeleton of an Apatosaurus, the full size. Dinosaur bones have been in this type of Niedersachsen has not been found. Then serve to reconstruct the complete skeletons from other sites, for example, North America, where the bones of Apatosaurus have been found many times.
Fischer, R., 1998: The natural monument "Münchehagen dinosaur tracks." - Communications of the Geological Institute of the University of Hannover, 37, 125 pages; Hannover.
Fischer, R. & Thies, D., 1993: The dinosaur museum and the "natural monument dinosaur tracks Münchehagen. A leader. - 60 pages, Dinosaur Park GmbH, Münchehagen.
Parker, S., 2004: Dinosaurs. - Weltbild Verlag (ISBN 3-8289-6031-6)
Probst, E. & Windolf, R., 1993: Dinosaurs in Germany. - 316 pages; C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich.

interview with the paleontologist and dinosaur expert, Dr. Ute Richter, Lower Saxony State Museum Hanover
Question: Who was the biggest dinosaur in Lower Saxony?
Answer: The largest dinosaur was a plant-eating sauropod Security (lizard pelvic dinosaurs), probably the North American Diplodocus or Apatosaurus was similar. He had a long neck and an even longer tail and could be up to 20 feet long and weigh 15 tons. The body without a neck and tail was only about 5 meters long! His four-legged gear probably resembled that of a leisurely day Elephants. All that we know of running for example from Münchehagen finds that these animals have left back then, about 140 million years (Lower Cretaceous), in the soft sandy mud. The individual, round-oval or rounded-triangular footprints are about 90 cm long and 85 cm wide. Based on these and on the basis of the distances between the footprints (step length), one can roughly calculate the waist of the animal that produced the track. Based on the hips can be finally determined, after considering the proportions, for example, shows the skeleton of an Apatosaurus, the full size. Dinosaur bones have been in this type of Niedersachsen has not been found. Then serve to reconstruct the complete skeletons from other sites, for example, North America, where the bones of Apatosaurus have been found many times.
Fischer, R., 1998: The natural monument "Münchehagen dinosaur tracks." - Communications of the Geological Institute of the University of Hannover, 37, 125 pages; Hannover.
Fischer, R. & Thies, D., 1993: The dinosaur museum and the "natural monument dinosaur tracks Münchehagen. A leader. - 60 pages, Dinosaur Park GmbH, Münchehagen.
Parker, S., 2004: Dinosaurs. - Weltbild Verlag (ISBN 3-8289-6031-6)
Probst, E. & Windolf, R., 1993: Dinosaurs in Germany. - 316 pages; C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
See How Much Money Is On An Aeropostale Card
Joe Tucciarone portrays dinosaurs
Wiesbaden (Dinosaur World) - searches If you on the internet for pictures of dinosaurs or artists who paint such motives, we come now to the name of Joe Tucciarone. The American is considered a true master of his craft. However, he is more versatile than you think at first glance. Because: Another specialty of the artist, born 1957 in Ohio are stunning beautiful pictures with motifs from space.
Impressive dinosaur pictures by Joe Tucciarone may be on the 'Prehistoric Animal Illustrations "at the address / see Dino Planet / az.html the web. There are dinosaurs from Allosaurus to Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor to be admired, also of pterosaur Pteranodon to Tropeognathus and prehistoric mammals of Doedicurus to woolly.
Related links:
Wiesbaden (Dinosaur World) - searches If you on the internet for pictures of dinosaurs or artists who paint such motives, we come now to the name of Joe Tucciarone. The American is considered a true master of his craft. However, he is more versatile than you think at first glance. Because: Another specialty of the artist, born 1957 in Ohio are stunning beautiful pictures with motifs from space.

Impressive dinosaur pictures by Joe Tucciarone may be on the 'Prehistoric Animal Illustrations "at the address / see Dino Planet / az.html the web. There are dinosaurs from Allosaurus to Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor to be admired, also of pterosaur Pteranodon to Tropeognathus and prehistoric mammals of Doedicurus to woolly.
Related links:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Netgearcuv2 Mfc Application Has Stopped Working
Peaceful Koran
A few excerpts from the Quran which prove its peaceful:
(The Koran is the basis of Sharia and eternal and immutable valid because it directly from Allah comes and not by the people changed or reinterpreted may be. Who has a different opinion, is considered an apostate, and applies the death penalty for apostasy.)
first Call for murder, manslaughter, assault, war
2.178 Pa: O you who believe! If you murder is mandatory retaliation: a free man for the free, the slave for a slave and a female for a female.
2.191 Pa: And they kill (ie the pagan opponents), where (always) offered to get her them, and drive them from whence they drove you out!
2.193 Pa: And fight them until no one (more) tries to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), and up only Allah is worshiped!
2.216 Pa: you is required, (against the infidels) to fight, despite them being contrary.
2.244 Pa: And fight for Allah's sake! Sure
Pa: And if one is fighting for Allah's sake, and he is killed - or he wins - we will give him (in the Hereafter) a great reward. Sure
Pa: Those who believe fight for Allah's sake, those who disbelieve to the gods sake. Now Fight against the friends of Satan!
4.104 Pa: And not to let in your willingness to seek out the enemy and to make the fight. Sure
Pa: O you who believe! Fear Allah and strive to get close to him, for his sake, and bring war. Sure
Pa: skin (them [the infidels] with the sword) on the neck and beat on every finger of them! Sure
8.39 [text with the same Surah 2.193]
Pa: And fight them until no one (more) tries to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), and until only Allah is worshiped! Sure
Pa: And kill when the sacred months are past, then the pagans wherever you find it, it does, and they surrounded it lurks everywhere. Sure
Pa: And fight against all the nations, as they all fight against you.
9.111 Pa: Well have they (the believers) fight for Allah and kill and suffer death.
9.123 Pa: O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near you! They should remember that you can be hard. Sure
Pa: Let now (in your will to fight) to not call (the opponent) not (early) will for peace, but where their (eventually) have the upper hand!
second Sedition, abuse of confessions
Pa: When the worst of beasts in Allah are those who disbelieve, and (also) will not believe (?).
Pa: Enjoy the disbelievers (her short temporary existence) and yews are ridiculed (mindlessly) their food is a (literally) eat, how does the cattle there. They will have their quarters in the hell fire.
Pa: They [the believers were first, are then dropped again] are the (real) enemies. So beware of them care! Allah cursed them (people) (literally: they fight Allah)!
Sure 98.6:
The unbelievers among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians): They are of all beings in the most heinous.
third Call to mutilations and beatings
5.38 Pa: If a man or a woman has committed a theft, then their skin from the hand.
Sure 24.2
Pa: If a woman and a man committing adultery, then each of them administered 100 lashes!
Sure 24.4
Pa: And if that respectable women bring into disrepute and teach then not four witnesses, then they administered 80 lashes ...
Sura 4:34
Pa: The men are to women ... And if you fear that women rebel, she admonished, avoid them in bed and beat them.
4th Approval of trespassing and theft
24.29 Pa: It is (but) no sin for you to enter houses that are not (actually) lived and where is something that you need.
5th Violation of the principle of equality
2.228 Pa: And are the men (in all this) a degree above them [women]
4.11 Pa: Go to (a child) male sex is (at time of division) equal to that of two females. Sure
Pa: Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day not prohibit (or prohibited) state, which have prohibited by Allah and His Messenger, and not the religion of truth - of those who have received the Scripture - (fight them) until they meekly tribute out of hand (?) ! pay
6th Breach of general personality rights
2.223 Pa: Your wives are a tilth to you. Go to (that) your tilth, wherever you want. Sure
Pa: And if of your women who commit an abomination, then, requires that four of you (men) bear witness against them! If they (actually) testify, they hold fast in the house until death them away or Allah provides them an opportunity (to return to normal life)! Sure
F. breach of the general personality rights
Pa: And not a believing man or a believing woman may have when Allah and His Messenger is a matter (which it relates) ruled in (this) of their affair (free ) select. Sure
Pa: Prophet! We will allow you to marriage: your wives to whom thou hast given their reward, and what you own (to slaves), (a possession) () which has been assigned to you by Allah (as prey), the daughters of your uncle and your paternal aunts and your Uncles and aunts, your mother, who emigrated with thee, (on) a (all) believing woman if she gives the Prophet and he (his part) wants to marry her. The (last?) Applies especially for you as opposed to the (other) believers. Sure
Pa: The believing women (literally: you) are that (literally them dhden unbelieving men) do not (for marriage) allowed, and vice versa.
7th Denying freedom of religion
2.191 Pa: Trying to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam) is worse than slaughter. Sure
Pa: And the attempt to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), weighs heavier than killing.
Sure 47.8
Pa: But those who disbelieve, - down with them!
8th Duty to the truth
5.89 Pa: Allah sued you (the court?) With respect to the (empty) talk in your oaths. He sued but you when you enter into a (real) sworn loyalty (and then they do not hold). The punishment for this is that we boarded ten arms, as you usually (literally, on average) boarded your (own) family, or she dresses or is a slave to freedom. And if a no way (Atonement to such services) is, he (it) to fast three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you swear (and then will break your oath).
Sure 66.2
Pa: Allah has ordered for you, you shall your (rash?) Eide cancel (by atonement?) (Literally dissolve).
9th Several suras
Sure 47, 4-5: "And if you meet the unbelievers, then down to the main until you have a slaughter made among them, and then schnüret the gang!" Sure
48, 28: "He It is His Messenger (Muhammad) has sent with guidance and the religion of truth, that he make her victorious over every other religion. And Allah is sufficient as testifying "(see also 5.34)
Sura 66, 9." Prophet! Wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites (munaafiqien) and be firm against them! ! Hell will they take up (one day) - a bad end "
Sura 9, 123:" O you who believe fight in the way, against those of the disbelievers who you are adjacent, and let them find harshness in you and know that Allah with those who is "
Sura 8, 39." And fight them until there is no civil war is more and until all believe in Allah .. "Sure
61" The order of battle ", Verse 3 & 4:" Great hatred it generated by Allah that ye say what ye do not. See Allah loves those who fight its way in battle, they were a settled construction "
Sura 4, 89:". You wish that ye should reject Faith, as they have disbelieved, so that on the same footing. Take you therefore none of them friends until they flee in the way of Allah. And if they turn back (from faith), then seize them and slay them wherever ye find them, and you receive him any of them for friends or helpers "
. Sura 2, 216: "Compulsory you is the fight, but he is your disgust. But perhaps you hate a thing which is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing which is bad for you, and Allah knows and you know not "is meant the fight with weapons."
Sura 4, 74. "And so shall fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. And those who fight in Allah's way as he fall or conquer it, verily, we give great reward "
Hadit 14, from ibn Mas'ud:". Allah's messenger Salla Allah u Alihi Wa sallamhat said: The blood of a Muslim is not allowed except in one of these three cases: the married adulterer, life for life (blood revenge), and his faith leaving in its community-differentiated. Buhari and Muslim reported this "
Sura 9, 5:". But if the sacred months passed, then slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and packet them and besiege them and lie in wait for them each ambush. They regret, however, and establish prayer and pay the poor-rate, so let them take their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful "
Sura 9:". And when the sacred months are past, then fight and slay the pagans where (always) you find them, it does, and they surrounded it lurks everywhere! ... "
Sura 9, 52: "Do you expect (the unbelievers) about is that we do not meet one of the two best things (martyrdom or victory)? And we expect you (the infidels), that you will meet Allah with a penalty, whether by him or by our hands. . And waiting, and we see wait with you "
Sura 2.193:" And fight them until the temptation ceased [to disbelief] has, and faith in Allah is born .... "
Sura 9, 111:" Behold Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their property with paradise. They will fight in the way of Allah and kill and be killed. ... Rejoice, therefore, the business that you've completed, and that is the Great Victory "
Sura 4, 76:". He who believes fighting in Allah's way, and who does not believe there is fighting in the path of Tagut. Sun bekämpfet Satan's friends. Behold, Satan's list is weak "
Sura 4, 84". This fight in Allah's way, only you should (do) are forced, and rouse the believers. ... "Sure
5.17" disbelief are certainly those who say Christ, the Son of Mary, is God "
Sura 9, 41:" Go forth from, light and heavy (armed), and rails with good and blood in the way of Allah "
Sura 4, 104:". erlahmet And not in the pursuit of the people (the unbelievers), and their suffering, they suffer as you suffer. ... "
Sura 47, 35:" Be not therefore dull and invite (them) not to peace, have at it the upper hand ... "
Sura 5, 38 (42):" And the thief and the thief cuts them off their hands as a reward for their deeds. (This is) an example of Allah, and Allah is Mighty, Wise "
Sure4, 89." If they turn renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them "
---. -
See also here
A few excerpts from the Quran which prove its peaceful:
(The Koran is the basis of Sharia and eternal and immutable valid because it directly from Allah comes and not by the people changed or reinterpreted may be. Who has a different opinion, is considered an apostate, and applies the death penalty for apostasy.)
first Call for murder, manslaughter, assault, war
2.178 Pa: O you who believe! If you murder is mandatory retaliation: a free man for the free, the slave for a slave and a female for a female.
2.191 Pa: And they kill (ie the pagan opponents), where (always) offered to get her them, and drive them from whence they drove you out!
2.193 Pa: And fight them until no one (more) tries to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), and up only Allah is worshiped!
2.216 Pa: you is required, (against the infidels) to fight, despite them being contrary.
2.244 Pa: And fight for Allah's sake! Sure
Pa: And if one is fighting for Allah's sake, and he is killed - or he wins - we will give him (in the Hereafter) a great reward. Sure
Pa: Those who believe fight for Allah's sake, those who disbelieve to the gods sake. Now Fight against the friends of Satan!
4.104 Pa: And not to let in your willingness to seek out the enemy and to make the fight. Sure
Pa: O you who believe! Fear Allah and strive to get close to him, for his sake, and bring war. Sure
Pa: skin (them [the infidels] with the sword) on the neck and beat on every finger of them! Sure
8.39 [text with the same Surah 2.193]
Pa: And fight them until no one (more) tries to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), and until only Allah is worshiped! Sure
Pa: And kill when the sacred months are past, then the pagans wherever you find it, it does, and they surrounded it lurks everywhere. Sure
Pa: And fight against all the nations, as they all fight against you.
9.111 Pa: Well have they (the believers) fight for Allah and kill and suffer death.
9.123 Pa: O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near you! They should remember that you can be hard. Sure
Pa: Let now (in your will to fight) to not call (the opponent) not (early) will for peace, but where their (eventually) have the upper hand!
second Sedition, abuse of confessions
Pa: When the worst of beasts in Allah are those who disbelieve, and (also) will not believe (?).
Pa: Enjoy the disbelievers (her short temporary existence) and yews are ridiculed (mindlessly) their food is a (literally) eat, how does the cattle there. They will have their quarters in the hell fire.
Pa: They [the believers were first, are then dropped again] are the (real) enemies. So beware of them care! Allah cursed them (people) (literally: they fight Allah)!
Sure 98.6:
The unbelievers among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians): They are of all beings in the most heinous.
third Call to mutilations and beatings
5.38 Pa: If a man or a woman has committed a theft, then their skin from the hand.
Sure 24.2
Pa: If a woman and a man committing adultery, then each of them administered 100 lashes!
Sure 24.4
Pa: And if that respectable women bring into disrepute and teach then not four witnesses, then they administered 80 lashes ...
Sura 4:34
Pa: The men are to women ... And if you fear that women rebel, she admonished, avoid them in bed and beat them.
4th Approval of trespassing and theft
24.29 Pa: It is (but) no sin for you to enter houses that are not (actually) lived and where is something that you need.
5th Violation of the principle of equality
2.228 Pa: And are the men (in all this) a degree above them [women]
4.11 Pa: Go to (a child) male sex is (at time of division) equal to that of two females. Sure
Pa: Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day not prohibit (or prohibited) state, which have prohibited by Allah and His Messenger, and not the religion of truth - of those who have received the Scripture - (fight them) until they meekly tribute out of hand (?) ! pay
6th Breach of general personality rights
2.223 Pa: Your wives are a tilth to you. Go to (that) your tilth, wherever you want. Sure
Pa: And if of your women who commit an abomination, then, requires that four of you (men) bear witness against them! If they (actually) testify, they hold fast in the house until death them away or Allah provides them an opportunity (to return to normal life)! Sure
F. breach of the general personality rights
Pa: And not a believing man or a believing woman may have when Allah and His Messenger is a matter (which it relates) ruled in (this) of their affair (free ) select. Sure
Pa: Prophet! We will allow you to marriage: your wives to whom thou hast given their reward, and what you own (to slaves), (a possession) () which has been assigned to you by Allah (as prey), the daughters of your uncle and your paternal aunts and your Uncles and aunts, your mother, who emigrated with thee, (on) a (all) believing woman if she gives the Prophet and he (his part) wants to marry her. The (last?) Applies especially for you as opposed to the (other) believers. Sure
Pa: The believing women (literally: you) are that (literally them dhden unbelieving men) do not (for marriage) allowed, and vice versa.
7th Denying freedom of religion
2.191 Pa: Trying to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam) is worse than slaughter. Sure
Pa: And the attempt to seduce (believers to apostasy from Islam), weighs heavier than killing.
Sure 47.8
Pa: But those who disbelieve, - down with them!
8th Duty to the truth
5.89 Pa: Allah sued you (the court?) With respect to the (empty) talk in your oaths. He sued but you when you enter into a (real) sworn loyalty (and then they do not hold). The punishment for this is that we boarded ten arms, as you usually (literally, on average) boarded your (own) family, or she dresses or is a slave to freedom. And if a no way (Atonement to such services) is, he (it) to fast three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you swear (and then will break your oath).
Sure 66.2
Pa: Allah has ordered for you, you shall your (rash?) Eide cancel (by atonement?) (Literally dissolve).
9th Several suras
Sure 47, 4-5: "And if you meet the unbelievers, then down to the main until you have a slaughter made among them, and then schnüret the gang!" Sure
48, 28: "He It is His Messenger (Muhammad) has sent with guidance and the religion of truth, that he make her victorious over every other religion. And Allah is sufficient as testifying "(see also 5.34)
Sura 66, 9." Prophet! Wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites (munaafiqien) and be firm against them! ! Hell will they take up (one day) - a bad end "
Sura 9, 123:" O you who believe fight in the way, against those of the disbelievers who you are adjacent, and let them find harshness in you and know that Allah with those who is "
Sura 8, 39." And fight them until there is no civil war is more and until all believe in Allah .. "Sure
61" The order of battle ", Verse 3 & 4:" Great hatred it generated by Allah that ye say what ye do not. See Allah loves those who fight its way in battle, they were a settled construction "
Sura 4, 89:". You wish that ye should reject Faith, as they have disbelieved, so that on the same footing. Take you therefore none of them friends until they flee in the way of Allah. And if they turn back (from faith), then seize them and slay them wherever ye find them, and you receive him any of them for friends or helpers "
. Sura 2, 216: "Compulsory you is the fight, but he is your disgust. But perhaps you hate a thing which is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing which is bad for you, and Allah knows and you know not "is meant the fight with weapons."
Sura 4, 74. "And so shall fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. And those who fight in Allah's way as he fall or conquer it, verily, we give great reward "
Hadit 14, from ibn Mas'ud:". Allah's messenger Salla Allah u Alihi Wa sallamhat said: The blood of a Muslim is not allowed except in one of these three cases: the married adulterer, life for life (blood revenge), and his faith leaving in its community-differentiated. Buhari and Muslim reported this "
Sura 9, 5:". But if the sacred months passed, then slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and packet them and besiege them and lie in wait for them each ambush. They regret, however, and establish prayer and pay the poor-rate, so let them take their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful "
Sura 9:". And when the sacred months are past, then fight and slay the pagans where (always) you find them, it does, and they surrounded it lurks everywhere! ... "
Sura 9, 52: "Do you expect (the unbelievers) about is that we do not meet one of the two best things (martyrdom or victory)? And we expect you (the infidels), that you will meet Allah with a penalty, whether by him or by our hands. . And waiting, and we see wait with you "
Sura 2.193:" And fight them until the temptation ceased [to disbelief] has, and faith in Allah is born .... "
Sura 9, 111:" Behold Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their property with paradise. They will fight in the way of Allah and kill and be killed. ... Rejoice, therefore, the business that you've completed, and that is the Great Victory "
Sura 4, 76:". He who believes fighting in Allah's way, and who does not believe there is fighting in the path of Tagut. Sun bekämpfet Satan's friends. Behold, Satan's list is weak "
Sura 4, 84". This fight in Allah's way, only you should (do) are forced, and rouse the believers. ... "Sure
5.17" disbelief are certainly those who say Christ, the Son of Mary, is God "
Sura 9, 41:" Go forth from, light and heavy (armed), and rails with good and blood in the way of Allah "
Sura 4, 104:". erlahmet And not in the pursuit of the people (the unbelievers), and their suffering, they suffer as you suffer. ... "
Sura 47, 35:" Be not therefore dull and invite (them) not to peace, have at it the upper hand ... "
Sura 5, 38 (42):" And the thief and the thief cuts them off their hands as a reward for their deeds. (This is) an example of Allah, and Allah is Mighty, Wise "
Sure4, 89." If they turn renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them "
---. -
See also here
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