millions of years ago, in a lost world ...
Jean-Luc Herelle:
dinosaur votes
Price: 12,95 €
Order no. 240 001 CD ISBN 978-3-935329-28-6
audio CD 74:04 minutes
This audio CD gives you the world of the dinosaurs - many millions of years. A listening experience with a difference! Travel to another dimension of sound, into the midst under the then rulers of the earth. On the basis of scientific knowledge, with the computer, the votes of 26 dinosaur species have been reconstructed: so, how could it have sounded millions of years ago, long before the appearance of man ... Science is convinced that dinosaurs possessed one vote and thus were not dumb. Some of them whined roared and lowed, the duck-billed hadrosaur or lizards. The question of how the voices might have sounded the dinosaurs, employ , various researchers. In order to draw conclusions about the build and vocalizations, it is important to study the remains of each dinosaur species exactly. The Parasaurolophus was about with his comb, which he wore on his head, generate noise. The American dinosaur researcher Dr. David Weishampel sent air flows through such a surviving ridge. Here sound waves were made with a frequency 48-210 Hz: noise that sounded so similar as if they were created with a curved horn, a popular woodwind instrument of the 15th to 17 Century with a restrained, somewhat jarring sound. Our modern birds are probably of the dinosaurs from. Therefore, this CD are mostly based on recordings of bird songs, sometimes the vocalizations of amphibians, insects and mammals - as a whole than six hours of audio material, which originated in France and North America. During the subsequent modify using modern digital technology have always been considered the body and the shape of each dinosaur species to produce a realistic sound.
1 From the Paleozoic to Mesozoic Permian, Triassic, Lower Jurassic - 20:59
A Journey from the Late Permian (last section of the Paleozoic era: from 258-248 million years ago) to the Mesozoic era: the Triassic (248 bis 213 000 000 Years) to the end of the Lower Jurassic (213-188 million years ago). The dinosaurs are living in a time of significant continental formations, and more and more species are formed. Heard: Plateosaurus, Nothosaurus, Coelophysis, Eudimorphodon, Metoposaurus, Barapasaurus, Dilophosaurus, plesiosaur, Rhamphorhynchus, Dimorphodon.
two Mesozoic Jurassic - 13:55
In a warm and pleasant climate with global sea raids develop the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Period (213-144 million years ago) to the rulers of the earth. Heard: Archaeopteryx, Camptosaurus, Scaphognatus, Megalosaurus, Allosaurus.
three Mesozoic Cretaceous - 28:16
The Cretaceous (144 to 65 million Years) is characterized by extensive flooding by shallow seas. The climate is colder and the dinosaurs are dying out. Heard: Pterodaustros, Iguanodon, Euhelopus, Baryonyx, Tarbosaurus, Deinonychus, Parasaurolophus, Alamosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Pteranodon, Corythosaurus.
4 Transition to Cenozoic - 2:25
With the end of the Mesozoic void the reign of the dinosaurs. We are in the Cenozoic (65 million years ago until today).
50-30 The individual dinosaur species - 7:31
5 6 7 Allosaurus
8 9 10 Baryonyx
11 Coelophysis
12 Corythosaurus
Deinonychus Dilophosaurus
13 14 15 16 Dimorphodon
17 18 19 Iguanodon
20 21 22 Nothosaurus
23 24 25 Plesiosaurus
26 Pterodaustros
27 28 29 Scaphognatus
30 Tyrannosaurus
The Magazine for Girls and Boys "Benjamin writes: Can you listen to the past? Strange as it seems: The music publisher Edition AMPLE has reconstructed cast of 26 dinosaur species on the basis of scientific findings by computer and made audible. Since grunts and growls it - Sometimes a bit scary - all 74 minutes! Who is a real dinosaur fan so, listen very relaxed his favorites on the CD, while lying on the carpet, paint, or lounging in a chair. In such Urgeräuschen from 35 million years is guaranteed to no stress, and your parents may be wondering why hear from the children out of this strange Gegrummel nothing is "
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