Wiesbaden (Dinosaur World) - Who wants to have a dinosaur from prehistoric times, must not compete in the long journey home or abroad, and in a fossil site where the search is still allowed to make the sweat of his brow extensive excavations. A visit to the "Antique Shop & Fossil Shop" at the Internet address http://www.antiquitaeten-shop.net enough: For there is selling a collector Wiesbaden parts of his collection of fossils, one of the rare and beautiful dinosaurs.
Facilities include amphibians and reptiles from Europe, Africa and Asia. The oldest of which date from the early Permian time ago about 290 million years ago, some 60 million years earlier than the first dinosaurs appeared on the stage of life. It is the predatory dinosaurs and amphibians and Sclerocephalus Apateon that once made freshwater lakes in Rhineland-Palatinate uncertain.
Sclerocephalus (in German: "hard head") was grown for up to 2 meters. In the "Antique Shop Fossils & Shop "only young animals of this dinosaur will be offered up to about 30 centimeters in length. There are finds from the period before 1986, in which the search and recovery of fossils in Rhineland-Palatinate was still permitted. Sclerocephalus hunting fish and small dinosaurs.
noticeably smaller than the maximum finger Sclerocephalus Branchiosaurier long been ("gill dinosaur") of the genus Apateon. Even adult animals rarely exceed 10 centimeters in length. The name "dinosaur gills" is based on the gills bundles that were attached to the side of the head of this little guy. At Branchiosauriern often are seen as interesting details Teeth, gills, spine, tail, front and rear legs, or skin shade.
Similar Sclerocephalus old is the dinosaur fossils from the famous Discosauriscus Boskovice locality in the Czech Republic. He also existed in the early Permian about 290 million years ago. The salamander and lizard-like Discosauriscus reached up to 40 centimeters in length. Fossil remains of him rest from Boskovice often very massive and heavy stone slabs.
on "Nessie", the legendary monster of Loch Ness, "recalls at first sight Keichousaurus the reptile from the Triassic period, about 230 million years ago. Such dinosaurs from China were at a maximum length of 30 centimeters a few years ago often offered in the fossil trade. Since the reference-only and export is prohibited Keichousaurier are a rarity and become noticeably more expensive.
by the largest predatory dinosaurs of the earth, namely, up to 17 meters long "spine lizard" Spinosaurus from North Africa, when most of the "Antique Shop & Fossil Shop" related dinosaur teeth. These "dinosaurs" with a man-sized skin sail on the back lived in the Cretaceous Period, more than 90 million years ago. Compared to the extremely expensive teeth of predatory dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus, which often cost several thousand dollars, Spinosaurus teeth are downright bargains.
Except dinosaurs are in the "Antique Shop & Fossil Shop" also fossils of ammonites, insects, crabs and fish available. Some of these animals were contemporaries of dinosaurs, dinosaurs, marine dinosaurs and pterodactyls. The dragonflies of Solnhofen and Eichstätt served, for example, many flying dinosaurs as prey.
The shop sold book "Who found the first bird?" Of the author, who died much too early Gerold Bielohlawek-Hübel describes the discovery of ancient birds in the area of Solnhofen and Eichstätt clearly in words and pictures.
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