Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shaggy Method Cornhole

parallel society

It is no coincidence that develop in parallel societies, which is provision in the Koran, for writing the Koran the Muslim before that he separates himself from the non-Muslims:
O ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than believers. Do ye give Allah a manifest proof against yourselves? Surah 4.144.

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends to each other. And whoever of you takes them to friends, truly belongs to them. Verily, Allah guides not a people unjust way. Surah 5.51.

The Koran is the revelation of Allah, and thus to be taken literally: separation of the non-Muslims wherever possible, so the formation of a parallel society is imperative for the Muslim.

parallel society in the Austrian Empire, officially see click me
More quotes at the bottom of this article: click me
Alice Schwarzer for parallel society: click me
See also " Golden Rule ", in particular commentary, Sura 33, 27

al-wala ' wa-l-barā'a: the principle to stay away from all non-Muslims and to seek the proximity of Muslims and to support them in an emergency against non-Muslims . click me

.. and here the statement that one should stay away from the celebrations of the kuffar: click me

Koran forbids integration: click me


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