The jihad is often portrayed as "striving in the way of God." The sources, however, are clear: Jihad is war.
So the Malakit (a member of the 4 schools of law) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani 996 AD, says that it only asks the disbelievers better to accept Islam before attacking them - except the unbelievers had already started a war .
Jihad is a precept of Divine institution. Its performance by certain individuals may dispense others from it. We maintain that it is Maliki's preferable not to begin hostilities with the enemy before having invited the Latter to embrace the religion of Allah except where the enemy attacks first. They have the alternative of either converting to Islam or paying the poll tax (jizya), short of Which was Will be declared against them.
Jihad is an obligation of divine origin, their implementation by certain people, the other from that. Maliki for us it is better not to begin hostilities with the enemy before you have not asked him to accept the religion of Allah except where the enemy attacks first. There are two possibilities: either convert them, for Islam or she must pay the poll tax (jizya, dhimmi see), otherwise they will be fought.
(German version of this text from Wiki, Chapter Islamic scholars on the theory of jihad. click me Stand 2.11.2007)
.. . Hanibalit and Ibn Taymiyya in 1328 AD, is blowing from the same hymn: When considering the reputation, do not accept to submit, then jihad is justified. One may even women, children, the blind, monks, kill old people, and cripple, if they speak out against Islam.
Since lawful warfare is Essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God's entirely and God's word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought. As for those who cannot offer resistance or cannot fight, such as women, children, monks, old people, the blind, handicapped and their likes, they shall not be killed unless they actually fight with words (e.g. by propaganda) and acts (e.g. by spying or otherwise assisting in the warfare).
Die Hanafi-Schule macht klar, dass der Krieg um die Religion geht, und dass die Angegriffenen immer noch die Wahl haben zwischen Islam, Kopfsteuer oder Tod. (Hidayah, vol. Ii. P. 140 , 1196 n.Chr.):
It is not lawful to make war upon any people who have never before been called to the faith, without previously requiring them to embrace it, because the Prophet so instructed his commanders, directing them to call the infidels to the faith, and also because the people will hence perceive that they are attacked for the sake of religion, and not for the sake of taking their property, or making slaves of their children, and on this consideration it is possible that they may be induced to agree to the call, in order to save themselves from the troubles of war… If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them, because God is the assistant of those who serve Him, and the destroyer of His enemies, the infidels, and It Is Necessary to implore His aid upon every occasion, the Prophet, moreover, commands U.S. SO to do.
Last but not least Al-Mawardi of the Shafi School, 1058 AD. Again, the same pattern: Invitation to Islam, and then in rejecting war.
The mushrikun [infidels] of Dar al-Harb (the arena of battle) are of two types: First, those whom the call of Islam has reached, but they have refused it and have taken up arms. The amir of the army has the option of fighting them ... In accordance with what he judges to be in the best interest of the Muslims and most harmful to the mushrikun… Second, those whom the invitation to Islam has not reached, although such persons are few nowadays since Allah has made manifest the call of his Messenger…it is forbidden to…begin an attack before explaining the invitation to Islam to them, informing them of the miracles of the Prophet and making plain the proofs so as to encourage acceptance on their part; if they still refuse to accept after this, war is waged against them and they are treated as those whom the call has reached…
Inneres Streben? Ach, geh!
alle Zitate nach The Legacy of Jihad , Andrew G. Bostom.
see also "Opinion of Islamic scholars on Jihad in Wiki (as of 07/18/2007)
Schröters blog for jihad: click me
Here you can hadiths ( recorded sayings of Muhammad) for Jihad reinziehen: click me
analysis of the New York Police Department for home grown terrorism: (pdf) click me
quest? war? All the same.
"get" the word is too colloquial, even if it goes back to the default language word "war." It originally meant "seek," "seek," "strain" as the "war" initially meant above all an "effort". (Source , found thanks to the da: click me )
And today? The Lord Bardakoglu, president of the Office of Religious Affairs in Turkey, speaks so , and 38 "Islamic scholars" in the letter to the Pope as well.
March 2008: "The only way to get to heaven is fighting." click me
March 2008: Lecture on Islam in Vienna: click me
March 2008: Jihad (and hatred of Jews) for children: click me
See also " harbi "
2007: Pro-jihad lecture airs on Canadian TV
on German at PI
In a one-hour Lecture on Vision TV, "said Israr Ahmad, a minister from Pakistan:
jihad in the eyes of Allah, for Allah's Cause, either through the use of financial resources or the physical effort, if you go and fight the enemy on the battlefield happen. Sun Jihad, in its highest form, is fighting for the cause of Allah "
financing : Zakat (from Arabic. زكاة - make pure), religious duty duty for every Muslim, one of the five pillars of Islam. It is levied according to a set rate depending on type of property, cash assets eg 2, 5%. The Z is once a year only to possession due, the excess of the necessities of life. Except in Saudi Arabia, Z. Nowhere is driven by the state. It is used primarily support of the poor and needy, but also the passengers in a difficult situation, the convert who pilgrims and volunteers in the Holy War (Jihad) . Moreover, every Muslim is encouraged to and voluntary charity (Sadaqah) to pay to get rid of the cupidity.
Zakat, or "alms " be described more accurately in a compendium, which is certified by the Al-Azhar University: " Reliance of the Traveller: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law Umdat Al-Salik " Ahmad Ibn Lulu Ibn Al-Naqib
Zakat with this work are taxes that are due to those who move to the Jihad (p. 272)
(... and what is Jihad in this work?
"was upon Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and [..] until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax. "(quoted in Robert Spencer Religion of Peace , P82)
" war Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians [..] are Muslims to them or pay the poll tax ")
Zakat, the financing of Jihad. click me
alms see here
information about Qaradawi, Ghozlan and terrorist theology: click me
quotes from Islamic scholars, found in an open letter ( source ):..
"are enemies of the killing has no place in Islam, our Prophet killed with his own blessed hands Our Imam Ali killed in a single day for seven hundred people. bloodshed is necessary for the existence of our faith, We are here to fulfill our duty, ". The Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali said any event, who, solely by the honorary title "Ayatollah", identifying them as a high cleric in Shiite Islam. The blind sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman from Al-Azhar University in Cairo probably had the intellectual look through, as he said to a student question about the peacefulness in the Koran five hundred students in 1980: "My brother, there is a whole sura, the "The spoils of war" means. There is no Sure, the "peace" means. The Jihad and the killing are the head of Islam, if one takes them out, then beheaded one Islam. " (Prof. Mark A. Gabriel Islam and Terrorism ", p. 44). Has about Omar Abdel Rahman, the Sunni scholars of Al-Azhar University of the Koran does not know or ignored, or perhaps not understood Islam? It would, however, have many important clerics of Islam, including Ali Khamenei Hassani misunderstood Islam thoroughly. It supplements the statement on the Koran by Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman by a picture of the Messenger of Allah with the following words: "the Koran in one hand and a sword in the other: thus our prophet from his divine mission. Islam is a religion of hypocrites, but faith of those who appreciate the struggle and the revenge " .
Dr. Walid Phares: Preventing the West from Understanding Jihad
Dr. Walid Phares is the author of Future Jihad
Channel 4 Dispatches videos: click me
transcription to the channel 4 Videos (German): a , two, three
Channel 4 Dispatches, a year later : click me (Part 1 m.dt.Untertiteln) click me (all parts English)
ex-terrorists in the interview (s) click me
for charity Jihad: click me
Playing kill: click me
training: click me
tactical principles to the propagation of Islam: click me
Al Qaeda manual, discussion: click me and PDF: click me
The Sword of Allah: click me
version of jihad: click me accept
laws to form the Muslim majority:
should Muslims behave peacefully in Western states - to they are strong enough for jihad " Muhammad Taqi Usmani
for the Sunni Muslims of the world one of the foremost religious scholars. What does this man istt, for many Muslims subjective absolutely mandatory. Muhammad Taqi Usmani has dozens of honorary posts, to nenenn few: He is a permanent member of the International Islamic Law Academy (Jeddah / Saudi Arabia), Vice-President of the Islamic University Darul Uloom Karachi (Pakistan), Chairman of the Islamic Law Council of the Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions (Bahrain), Chairman of the Council of Islamic law "Bahrain Monetary Agency, Chairman of the Council of Islamic law," Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank " (United Arab Emirates), he from 1982 to 2002, Judge at the highest Pakistani Sharia court (see Wikipedia), and he is a pioneer of Islamic banking, which Islam can be explained, in his view the "verdarbten West" economic war . And precisely the prestigious Man, the authority of Islam, the world can now know how Muslims should behave in the West: they are to have peace in countries like Great Britain, as long as they are a minority - and prepare for the meantime to the Jihad (Source : Times September 8, 2007).
The four-stage plan: click me
strategy: click me
The Muslim Brotherhood plan: click me
The World: Muslim Brotherhood Germany destroy it from within: click me
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