Saturday, September 26, 2009

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unemployed finds huge gold treasure in England

It is the dream of every hunter's Gold: An amateur treasure hunter has discovered in England, the largest hoard of gold from the time of the Anglo-Saxons. In the field of a neighboring farmer in the county of Staffordshire, the unemployed man found with his metal detector up to 1,500 pieces, including war equipment in particular.

The treasure is probably from the seventh century and is to be worth millions. Archaeologists think the Fund for the largest and most important from the time of the Germanic tribe. The Finder Terry Herbert said the treasure was so large that he had only dreamed of gold. "Imagine you're listening at home and someone not to put money through your mail slot - so was this"

For archaeologists, the discovery in central England, however, a totally different dimension: The treasure was probably more significant than that of Sutton Hoo in East Anglia. There, archaeologists found a tomb 70 years ago with 1.6 kilograms of gold. "This is our views on the Anglo-Saxon England is going to change radically," Leslie said Webster, an expert at the British Museum. A judge declared the Fund in Staffordshire on Thursday officially as a treasure - that means that he belongs to the Crown and may be purchased by museums.

The find consists of 5 kilos of gold and 1.3 kilos of silver. These include elaborately decorated hilts and helmet parts. Experts believe that they come from the highest noble house. Also, a gold bracelet with biblical inscription from the Old Testament and up to three crosses are among the finds.

Archaeologists now speculate about the origin of the treasure. "Have wealth of such magnitude must have belonged to a king," said Roger Bland, of the British Museum Treasures is responsible. It could be that the owner had hidden the pieces in dangerous times to be later re-dig. The site is located in the former Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia. Bland said the value of the treasure would amount to a seven-figure sum.

"It looks like a collection of trophies," said Kevin Leahy Portable Antiquities Scheme of the organization. However, there were still numerous unanswered questions, "which will be discussed for decades." Currently, the Fund is in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Parts of it are to be issued from Friday at around two weeks.

Herbert had the treasure in July near his House discovered. Then he dug five days after the pieces and informed archaeologists. "I have always imagined that I would find the next day," said the 55-year-old. His detector he bought 18 years ago at a flea market for a few pounds.

While there will be some time before the exact value it is the discovery. But the treasure once sold, the money goes to Herbert and the farmer fell asleep in his box the gold. "This is more fun than to win the lottery," said Herbert. He wanted to buy with the proceeds of a bungalow. And he hopes for a better image. "People laugh at detectorists They say" beep, beep, looking for pennies'. But we are there to see such things -.? And they are out there "

Who were the Anglo-Saxons

from the coastal countries of the North Sea, walked in the 5th and 6th centuries, Germanic tribes from the British Isles. The fishing, of which the name is derived England (Old English "Engla land" - "Land of the Angles"), came from the territory of present-day Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish island of Fyn (Funen), the Saxons from the area between the lower reaches of the Weser and Elbe. The Anglo-Saxons conquered the British lowlands and pushed the Celts who settled there.

Immigrants Germanic gods worshiped as Tiu (Tyr), Wotan and Donar (Thor). The English days of the week Tuesday (Tuesday), Wednesday (Wednesday) and Thursday (Thursday) still remind you.

first began with Augustine of Canterbury 597 Kent gradually to Christianity by missionaries from Franks, Ireland and Rome. The names of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms have been preserved in the names of English counties or regions - such as Essex, Middlesex, Sussex and Wessex.


Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

Friday, September 25, 2009

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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Happy Birthday Emperor Augustus

Augustus [Latin, "the sublime"], born Rome 23rd 9. 63 BC, died 19th Nola 8. AD 14, son of C. Octavius and Atia, a daughter of Caesar's sister Julia, after the adoption by his great uncle Julius Caesar Octavianus C., since 16 1. 27 Imperator Caesar Augustus. After he had accompanied Caesar into Spain and from him in various ways (priestly offices, military orders, admission among the patricians) had been awarded, he came after his assassination - adopted in his will and the heirs determined - in conflict with Antony, with whom he, however, after a game of Mutina and the March on Rome on 27 11. 43 BC Lepidus together with the so-called second Triumvirate ended. The political opponents, including Cicero, were by proscriptions of cleared the way, hit the Caesar's murderers Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, 42. In the division of the Empire (so-called Treaty of Brundisium) was Augustus the West, the East Antony, Lepidus, the African provinces. 37, the triumvirate was renewed for another 5 years, 36 sex. Pompey, the son of the famous Pompey at Mylae and Naulochos defeated and 35 killed in Miletus. After elimination of Lepidus began the rift between Augustus and Antonius. The latter was dismissed from his offices at the instigation of Augustus, also the related Egyptian queen Cleopatra declared the war. With the naval victory at Actium (31) Augustus was in sole possession of power and could have returned to Rome, as a sign of the war (29) close to the Temple of Janus.

In January 27 BC, took place the important Senate meetings, the decision on the position of Caesar's heir and the further development of the Roman Empire: On 13 January was transferred from the 35-year Senate proconsular empire for 10 years, divided the provinces into senatorial and imperial. Since the latter were concentrated in the armies, so Augustus had command of most of the Roman army. On 16 January he was awarded the title of Augustus. In June of that year he received the tribunician power for life, his proconsular empire was extended to the city of Rome and provincial governors was superior. This was the constitutional position of the first Princeps and all successor set and rested on the two pillars of the empire (since 19 BC for life) and the tribunician violence. The power of the emperor was strengthened further by his auctoritas and a number of religious functions: as a Divi Caesaris filius, "son of the deified Caesar, he was enjoying himself divine honor that led to the imperial cult, and he was pontifex maximus," high priest " and Pater patriae, "father of his country.
In foreign policy, mainly directed towards the securing of Roman rule in no new conquests was Augustus had seen during his 40-year government successes and failures: the Iberian peninsula and Gaul were finally and firmly incorporated into the Roman provincial system, secured the Rhine frontier (a conquest of freedom of Germania was set by the battle of the Teutoburg forest to an end), the northern boundary Italy was strengthened by the subjugation of the Alpine peoples and the conquest of Pannonia. Unless new provinces were established and guaranteed client states (Noricum, Moesia, Thrace), the Roman influence in Asia Minor (Armenia, Cappadocia, comma genes), where the return of the 53 BC, when the Parthians Carrhae lost Roman characters 20 was celebrated BC as a great diplomatic success in Rome.

In domestic policy was particularly the renewal of the Senate's comprehensive reforms of the administration (organizing a paid official apparatus of senators, knights and freedmen), particularly the provinces and the general financial situation of the Empire benefited, but also the order in Rome itself improved (construction, fire and police departments, grain supply, etc.), the creation of a standing, salaried army of great importance. These changes were, in law and legislation, and the success of the so-called marriage and sumptuary laws, however, must be doubted.

The undeniably successful domestic and foreign policy was the Participation capable helper and wise counselor requires, among which are mentioned in particular Agrippa and Maecenas. Finally, it is certainly their influence due to that reached under Augustus art and science is a proverbial bloom: the poet Horace, Propertius and Virgil celebrated the emperor and the time, Livy wrote a Roman history, the scholar Hyginus was head of the Palatine built library. An extensive building activity in Rome (imperial palace and forum, sundial, Ara Pacis and the mausoleum in the Campus Martius), Italy and the provinces (roads, aqueducts, temples, libraries, town halls and schools) began and carried along with city-ups and citizenship ceremonies to spread Roman culture and civilization.

Augustus died on 19 8. Nola in AD 14, the month has been renamed after him. One of the hardest problems, the succession, he was already 10 years before finally resolved after several failures: In 4 he had Tib. Claudius Nero, a son of his third wife Livia from her first marriage adopted; this succeeded him as emperor Tiberius (Tib. Caesar Augustus). Augustus left a statistical overview of the entire kingdom, and a list of his deeds, "Res Gestae Divi Augusti", fragments of which several copies were found (the so-called Monumentum Ancyranum the most important).


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Rittertunier-Bad Münster 2009 Part 1

Friday, September 18, 2009

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Happy Birthday Emperor Trajan, M. Ulpius

Trajan, M. Ulpius, dt Trajan, born in Italica (Spain, near Seville in today Santi Ponce) 18 9. 53, died in Selinus (Anatolia) 7 / 8 8. 117, Roman Emperor since 28 1. 98. He came from the Munizipalaristokratie southern Spain. His father had come under Nero in the Senate. Trajan was superior under Domitian Legion commander in Spain, 91 and 96 consul governor of Germania. 97 was the favorite among the soldiers of Senator Nerva adopted and ascended after his death as the first provincial of the imperial throne.

His foreign policy is characterized by large Offensive marked. 101/02 Dacia was subjected and put in a function, 105/06 and 107 conquering again declared a Roman province. As victory monuments created the monument of Adamklissi 109 and 113 in Rome, the 33-meter-high column of Trajan with 200 m long relief band. At Turnu Severin Apollodorus of Damascus, built the first permanent bridge across the Danube from 1 km in length. 106, the Nabatean kingdom in the province of Arabia was transformed. In the Parthian 114-117 Trajan Armenia and Mesopotamia was conquered and incorporated the kingdom. 116 he came to Ctesiphon to the Persian Gulf. Riots in the hinterland, especially a collection of Jews, prevented the continuation of the war. died on the return trip to Rome the Emperor at Selinus in Cilicia.

preserved in the internal politics Trajan the Rights of the Senate, which gave him only 114 to the track Optimus princeps (best Kaiser). Simultaneously, the Arch of Trajan was built in Beneventum whose extensive, well-preserved relief decoration on the relationship of the emperor at Rome (city side) and to the provinces (land side) is dedicated. The imperial power has been strengthened through the expansion of bureaucracy and the army, subordinate to the provincial cities increasingly imperial control. The correspondence of Trajan with Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, is instructive for its state political wisdom in matters of detail, eg in the treatment of Christians. The Emperor sought to the strengthening of border defenses along the Rhine and Danube (the Limes and Trajanswall in Dobrogea) and founded many colonies, including Ulpia Traiana (Xanten), Noviomagus (Nijmegen) and Thamugadi (Timgad). An extensive building activity (Trajan's Forum with 2 libraries and Basilica Ulpia, expansion of ports and roads), the extension of Nerva Alimentarstiftungen, generous donations and magnificent games made him and the people is very popular, exhausted but the finances, despite the influx of Dacian gold.

The marriage to the originating from southern Gaul Plotina remained childless. The successor Hadrian was adopted by will (Adoptivkaisertum). In the reign of Trajan's military The Roman Empire reached its greatest extent and the height of his power. Of all the emperors, he was the greatest conqueror and also the last.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

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a theme day at the ancient Greeks

3Sat Sunday 20 September 2009 6.35Uhr

A visit to Athens was a must for any educated Roman antiquity. Ancient Greece was already recognized as the cradle of civilization. To date, the country and its history have lost none of its fascination. 3sat deals for 24 hours with the ancient Greeks, its architectural heritage, its cultural achievements and with their everyday lives.

3sat theme day in ancient Greece

Sunday, September 6, 2009

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medieval fair with jousting tournament Bad Münster

From Friday, 09/18 through Sunday, 22.09.2009, states in Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg again "Well, be it" - as at 23 Time now been returned to the medieval world in the narrow winding streets Ebernburg. Well worth a visit then by all means, the boars burger market has one of the oldest and, moreover, the largest and most beautiful medieval festivals in Germany.
Proud Knight in flashing armor, noble damsels, jesters, witches, craftsmen, and Pfaff Bauersleut people back in time to the beginning end of the 13th Century. For the Countess invited us to the market day after Ebernburg. As is stands at around 100 medieval Crafts demonstrated Kramer try to bring their goods among the people and in the taverns there is a lively atmosphere. In the bath house you can indulge yourself with delicious recipes, before the lady of his heart to show grounds falls to the noble knights in the battle to watch.


more information (timetables, program, photos, contact details) under summer

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Abraham - father of the Faith

Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the nomadic tribal leaders Abraham from Mesopotamia as a classic example of a trusting conversation with God ...

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Bad Kreuznach Roman Hall is contemporary

FUNDING No more reading tables, visitors will be active / country subsidizes new concept

The concept of the Roman Hall, opened 25 years ago to the current needs of the museum visitor will be adjusted. In four stages, changes made in the permanent exhibition, there will be interactive stations where visitors themselves actively and playfully called knowledge is presented. For example, to building materials, heating equipment, the lives of the rich and the poor Romans, the military and of course, the mosaic floors. The Museum Association of Rhineland-Palatinate 2007 was the city, and Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp, Director of Museums in the manor Bangert, approached the question of a development concept for the transformation.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Culture, Mainz, has promised the city's financial support for a revision and expansion of the permanent exhibition in the Roman Hall. The Roman Hall is one of four museums in Rhineland-Palatinate, undergoing multi-year project funding from state funds. "This support also makes clear the importance, which the Romans have Hall and the Roman Villa of the Roman past of our state," emphasized Cultural Affairs Helga Baumann and Nestler-Zapp.

A total of 189 000 euro will put into the redesign, 50 000 of them with the city. Due to the promotion of "cultural heritage of the region," the implementation of the project is based on four years. It takes place in annual projects, the first step "building history of the Roman Villa of Bad Kreuznach" begins in 2009.

Heidi Schumacher, Head of the Culture Ministry, stressed that the Tourism Strategy 2015, the country's culture which is considered as the basis of the four priorities hiking, cycling, wine and wellness. Under the umbrella of "Romans, knights, and romantic," said Schumacher, funded projects, of which one is a Revitalization of an entire region promise. In particular, "bad weather" offerings were sown in the country for the tourists not as abundant. The cultural significance of the Roman Villa, on the basis of the residential type, the size of the plant, the building concept and the splendor of the interior construction of an outstanding example of Roman architecture villas north of the Alps, was evaluated in the application as a unique selling point. The collection of soldiers grave stones of the cemetery at Bingerbrück from the 1st Century AD and the late ancient fort at Kreuznach will be important topics of the redesign. Target is the contemporary treatment and presentation of exhibits, the cultural experience and the intergenerational learning for the visitors in the foreground. Archaeological findings are to be made usable as a former Roman territory readable and thus as an identification feature of the region of Rhineland-Palatinate.

A team, the project, its scientific management in the hands of Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp implement, is: Sibylle von Roesgen MA, (v.roesgens cultural management, Heidenheim, Germany), Alfred Engler (arts + media, Mainz), Dr. Karin Drda-Kuehn (k media, Bad Mergentheim), and Dr. Sabine Hornung MA, Mainz. Support has also promised provincial archaeologist Dr. Gerd Rupprecht. "Through the promotion of a contemporary Roman Hall Standard of Presentation prepared. It contains unique treasures, but they alone are not sufficient to attract visitors, it must also meet the show standard to today's requirements, "said Cultural Affairs Baumann. Currently, in the Roman Hall counted annually 13000-14000 visitors. Nester-Zapp stressed that the number to be increased, "the device would have earned more than twice as many visitors."


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A shard saves the Roman settlement

The paper has become nightmare by Gerda Weller is called "master plan No. 14" and is on the 13 . dated November 1990th almost 19 years later, she stands on that place where the community Lahnau in the Lahn-Dill-Kreis originally wanted to set up a 3.6-acre industrial park. Weller moves with the index finger on the sketch plan at the time, then it has a sweeping gesture over the surrounding area: In two hundred yards away stands a large mound.

Next door is the large funnel, where researchers found the horse head of the Roman bronze statue, which created two weeks ago for world-wide attention. In the other facing the storage building of a commercial building adjacent to the site. There, the archaeologists team up: between concrete slabs and forklifts reside, the researchers and their collaborators in two orange containers. "That's all become a large industrial area, "says Weller.

sound fragments and shards from Roman times

It has become nothing, instead, has today a nondescript sign on the road towards Naunheim with "Roman Forum" in the direction of the site. There Weller prevented their field visits in the autumn of 1989 at an industrial park. She herself sees her subordinate role: the sensational discovery of the fragment of the statue was mainly due to right decisions with the authorities. She has not even seen the horse's head today.

Gerda Weller climb the so-called commander Hill, a viewing platform in the middle of the excavation site. In this area she made twenty years ago at the suggestion of the then district Bodendenkmalpflege Klaus Engelbach, the field visits, where they found the first fragments and sound fragments from the Roman period. "I actually thought of this early medieval finds," she says.

stone foundations of ancient Rome

Weller As the end of 1989 at the bottom of the circle of monuments Wetzlar, Heinrich Janke, their finds on the table, pulls out of a single shard. "This is Roman," is his brief comment. Weller then began on the western corner of her home town to thoroughly search for more remains. In 1991, she brought boxes of bricks and broken glass on the State Conservation Office in Wiesbaden, in the fall of 1992, finally went to Heinz-Jürgen Köhler of the Roman-Germanic Commission in the fields before Waldgirmes Frankfurt. "This was a historic day," says Weller. They tend not to euphoria, because of their passion, they need patience and a cool head: In 90 percent of their field visits they found absolutely nothing.

Allen was cause for celebration in 1993 after three years patiently searching: for a so-called sounding, the first soil analysis by the Roman-Germanic Commission is clear that among the fields more needs to be hidden: Then, the Plans for the industrial park shelved. In 1998, archaeologists discovered during excavation work even the first right bank of stone foundations of ancient Rome - "This place has a great historical significance," Weller says, looking back.

"concatenation of circumstances and reasonable diligence"

you've been interested in as a child for Archaeology, said the little woman, born in 1957. At that time she was pulled through the fields, and collected relics from the past. That was not easy, because the season for field inspections is limited to the spring and late fall: "If grain standing on the fields, can not search me, "says Weller. During the "season" for it is regularly out and sacrificed most of their leisure time. have made

fact that it was their field surveys 20 years ago, the sensation of weeks possible three rated it as "concatenation of favorable circumstances and diligence." "The Efficient sometimes luck," she says. The concept of "amateur archaeologist" Weller may not, that it sounds too derogatory: it is a volunteer from the state office for historic preservation.

systematically search for traces of the past

Before the equestrian statue of Emperor Augustus has now gathered a large group of elderly cyclists devoutly in a semicircle. The bronze sculpture in the center of the Roman Forum is just a replica - as well as the Forum itself, the one after the excavation had spilled over and instead modeled the ground a few feet above, white Weller. The plinth on which the equestrian statue shines in the sun, flanked by four rectangular concrete slabs mark the locations of other bases in the forum - whether there were also sculptures, is unclear.
will probably open if further discoveries are below the 7.7 hectares land of the former Roman town, for only part of the land have been plowed, the archaeologists: the Building Materials and some houses on the western edge of the town are on the site of the ancient settlement. Weller is still satisfied, and finally, the industrial area have been prevented. For Waldgirmes she wants an archaeological park to the Roman city of "visual experience" to make. "People must be offered something that history has taken place here," she says. The discovery of the horse's head, at least not finish their field visits - they will continue to search the Lahntal by their cadastral maps and plans systematically for evidence of the past. Without much enthusiasm, but with patience, "I never stop "

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Taking Woodstock

Actually dreams of young Elliot Tiber from a career as an interior designer. But the motel his parents is anything but exhilarating, and so he sits on in his native dump and ponders an idea of how to bring the business back up and running. When he learns from the newspaper that announced a large open air concert, the permit has been revoked, Elliot suspects a chance: He he offers organizers simply the Kuhwiese behind his parents' property as a venue, not knowing which wave he This offer lash out.

Taking Woodstock