Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Cm Do You Get Before Your Period

Happy Birthday Emperor Augustus

Augustus [Latin, "the sublime"], born Rome 23rd 9. 63 BC, died 19th Nola 8. AD 14, son of C. Octavius and Atia, a daughter of Caesar's sister Julia, after the adoption by his great uncle Julius Caesar Octavianus C., since 16 1. 27 Imperator Caesar Augustus. After he had accompanied Caesar into Spain and from him in various ways (priestly offices, military orders, admission among the patricians) had been awarded, he came after his assassination - adopted in his will and the heirs determined - in conflict with Antony, with whom he, however, after a game of Mutina and the March on Rome on 27 11. 43 BC Lepidus together with the so-called second Triumvirate ended. The political opponents, including Cicero, were by proscriptions of cleared the way, hit the Caesar's murderers Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, 42. In the division of the Empire (so-called Treaty of Brundisium) was Augustus the West, the East Antony, Lepidus, the African provinces. 37, the triumvirate was renewed for another 5 years, 36 sex. Pompey, the son of the famous Pompey at Mylae and Naulochos defeated and 35 killed in Miletus. After elimination of Lepidus began the rift between Augustus and Antonius. The latter was dismissed from his offices at the instigation of Augustus, also the related Egyptian queen Cleopatra declared the war. With the naval victory at Actium (31) Augustus was in sole possession of power and could have returned to Rome, as a sign of the war (29) close to the Temple of Janus.

In January 27 BC, took place the important Senate meetings, the decision on the position of Caesar's heir and the further development of the Roman Empire: On 13 January was transferred from the 35-year Senate proconsular empire for 10 years, divided the provinces into senatorial and imperial. Since the latter were concentrated in the armies, so Augustus had command of most of the Roman army. On 16 January he was awarded the title of Augustus. In June of that year he received the tribunician power for life, his proconsular empire was extended to the city of Rome and provincial governors was superior. This was the constitutional position of the first Princeps and all successor set and rested on the two pillars of the empire (since 19 BC for life) and the tribunician violence. The power of the emperor was strengthened further by his auctoritas and a number of religious functions: as a Divi Caesaris filius, "son of the deified Caesar, he was enjoying himself divine honor that led to the imperial cult, and he was pontifex maximus," high priest " and Pater patriae, "father of his country.
In foreign policy, mainly directed towards the securing of Roman rule in no new conquests was Augustus had seen during his 40-year government successes and failures: the Iberian peninsula and Gaul were finally and firmly incorporated into the Roman provincial system, secured the Rhine frontier (a conquest of freedom of Germania was set by the battle of the Teutoburg forest to an end), the northern boundary Italy was strengthened by the subjugation of the Alpine peoples and the conquest of Pannonia. Unless new provinces were established and guaranteed client states (Noricum, Moesia, Thrace), the Roman influence in Asia Minor (Armenia, Cappadocia, comma genes), where the return of the 53 BC, when the Parthians Carrhae lost Roman characters 20 was celebrated BC as a great diplomatic success in Rome.

In domestic policy was particularly the renewal of the Senate's comprehensive reforms of the administration (organizing a paid official apparatus of senators, knights and freedmen), particularly the provinces and the general financial situation of the Empire benefited, but also the order in Rome itself improved (construction, fire and police departments, grain supply, etc.), the creation of a standing, salaried army of great importance. These changes were, in law and legislation, and the success of the so-called marriage and sumptuary laws, however, must be doubted.

The undeniably successful domestic and foreign policy was the Participation capable helper and wise counselor requires, among which are mentioned in particular Agrippa and Maecenas. Finally, it is certainly their influence due to that reached under Augustus art and science is a proverbial bloom: the poet Horace, Propertius and Virgil celebrated the emperor and the time, Livy wrote a Roman history, the scholar Hyginus was head of the Palatine built library. An extensive building activity in Rome (imperial palace and forum, sundial, Ara Pacis and the mausoleum in the Campus Martius), Italy and the provinces (roads, aqueducts, temples, libraries, town halls and schools) began and carried along with city-ups and citizenship ceremonies to spread Roman culture and civilization.

Augustus died on 19 8. Nola in AD 14, the month has been renamed after him. One of the hardest problems, the succession, he was already 10 years before finally resolved after several failures: In 4 he had Tib. Claudius Nero, a son of his third wife Livia from her first marriage adopted; this succeeded him as emperor Tiberius (Tib. Caesar Augustus). Augustus left a statistical overview of the entire kingdom, and a list of his deeds, "Res Gestae Divi Augusti", fragments of which several copies were found (the so-called Monumentum Ancyranum the most important).

Source: novaesium.de


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