Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Build Corrigated Fence

underwater city is almost 6000 years old

On bottom front are the Greek Peloponnese peninsula, the remains of Pavlopetri that applies for decades as the oldest sunken city in the world. But their origins lie not in the Bronze Age, as archaeologists previously thought, but even in the late Stone Age. The proof ceramic pieces that archaeologists have now found in the area and are aged 5000-6000 years.

Pavlopetri once was 100 000 square meters, about half of the area have Nic Flemming from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and his team are now mapped. Since many roads and houses are still visible, they could reconstruct the plan of the port city almost completely. Nearby, the researchers also made shipwreck and its cargo of lost. Soon they will investigate the findings further, to learn more about the beginnings of maritime trade in the Mediterranean.

Flemming had Pavlopetri discovered in 1967, the remains were initially estimated at an age of 4000 years. The town existed until about 1000 BC, why then sank in the sea, is unclear. According to geologists could you fall with a rise in sea level or an earthquake related.

National Oceanography Centre



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