Thursday, January 18, 2007

Images Of Broken Capillaries

analysis of Islam

who believes that Islam let reform itself, which should look at the arguments against which he must deliver. When

below the inserted text of "Yaab" will be driven with hard artillery.
The citations can be checked. Who's better know, may say you.

Have fun (this is serious, because Yaab writes fluently and drinkable)

Islam says


first No other ideology of hatred the world has such horror monsters (such as Zarqawi) produced as Islam.
second Almost exactly 100 percent of all currently active terrorists are Muslims.
third We have the enemy in the country, he came as a supplicant, delivering bombs in thanks.
The reasons are enough to deal with Islam. Many think that Islam is a kind of 'Contergan'-Christianity, had similarities to Judaism (which he stole from added) or to Christianity (which he despises). Which is not so. Islam is a unique hate ideology, founded for the purpose of the personal goals of the founder (striving for power, sexual gratification, wealth, revenge on enemies) forward, regardless of the means of terror, murder and manslaughter, through submission of humanity, whether "believers" or "infidels". " Already the very first "revelations" to achieve this goal, as we shall see by example. We will also see how the "prophet" his lack of "prophecy" and his own violations of the rules of earlier "prophecies" with new, matching "revelations" irons out again.

first Introduction

Because one of the bombers of Cologne Mohamad means and the other Jihad, ergo, the one named after the founder of Islam and the other after the Muslims commanded as a sacred duty war, and because there's a connection that is in following a bit of Islam are explained. And the basis of its own documents. Of course, were after 9 / 11 from anywhere in the book trade Korans, they were also busily bought, but she has not read. Who tried it yet, which may be a few pages have come to realize that this is a real, right shit is, but something may not tell you, do not even think, because otherwise the Muslims are offended again and put flags and embassies or other on fire. We will not say that Islam is a true, right shit, but to declare it in his own words, the Koran.
Muhammad (which is the historical name of the one who today is often referred to Mohammed), the founder of Islam, therefore, has, in its opinion, the Qur'an directly by a god. So he is the Word of God, eternal and true and unchanging. This should already be known. Muhammad himself was probably an Arab Heath with fragmentary knowledge of Judaism and Christianity, which he only heard about knew. He cited some verses from the Torah errors. For example, in Sura 2, "The Cow": "When Moses said to his people: 'God commands you to sacrifice a cow to him,' because they said: 'Did you spot our?'" Muhammad confused here a passage from 4th Moses 19 with fifth Moses 21, 1-9. His ignorance he is elsewhere in evidence, which I will not go into now. If the Koran is supposed to come in fact from an omniscient God, who earlier the Jews and Christians will have revealed it would not really too much to ask that he should still know what goes into Torah and the New Testament. He knows not.
It is clear that the Quran by Muhammad and is not "Allah". The error of the Koran are Muhammad's error, which - as I said - did Judaism and Christianity only by hearsay, and not the fault of a god.
Muhammad saw himself may (at least initially) as the innovator of Judaism, that is, he turned to his new teaching to the Jews of his neighborhood, but was laughed at by them unable pede, when he tried to come up with its crude Versatzstückchen from the Torah.
It is the chronic hatred of the Jews of Islam emerged. But more on that later.
Muhammad has tailored its teaching absolutely shameless in their own needs and desires. In the third Sure ("The Family of Amran") he claims: ". Implanted in the human instinct and desire was to women, children, gold and silver, noble horses, cattle and fields," He brings here may have their own pedophile tendencies expressed. Since the Koran is the eternal, imperishable word "Allah" should be applicable to all people, it is a strange feeling that the - let's say - a desire to Eskimos inherent to 'noble horses'. A strangely myopic God would have been, of such dictates.
on the fact that Muhammad and how the new doctrine has cobbled together his own personal gain, I will later even greater length.

second Constant repetition and brainwashing

Anyone who reads the Koran, which is striking how much defines this "religion" over the "infidel", rather than the opposition to them, in any case, Islam is defined less about my own than about the strangers.
The passages which refer to the "infidels" are legion. After the first impression half the text consists of such posts (which may be incorrect). Again and again emphasizes what should bloom the "infidels" in this world and the hereafter. It starts in the Qur'an quite in front, again Sura 2, "The Cow":
"ALM. This is the undoubted book, a guide for the righteous, so as to believe in the mysteries, and establish regular prayer and give of what we gave graciously, charity, and then believe in what we'll let you [ie Muhammad speaks of himself disclosed], and youngest of the day. Follow the guidance of their Lord and will be happy. The evil is but it matter if you let them tell the truth or not, they believe. Heart and ear, God has set a seal, covered his eyes, and great punishment awaits her. "
... more below ...
" Allah's curse rests on those infidels. To nullity they have sold their souls. They deny the revelation of God out of envy that Allah in his mercy to his servants revealed at pleasure. Wrath wrath comes upon them. Humiliating punishment meets the infidels. "
... and on ...
" O you who believe saith, not Raina, but Ontsorna, and obey the unbelievers but wait great punishment. "
... and more ...
" To those hiding, so there what Allah revealed in the Scriptures, and swap it to low wage will eat fire, the entrails. On the day of resurrection Allah will not address them and explain they do not clean. Great punishment awaits them. Those Sun error with real lessons, punishment swap with mercy, which they will suffer penalties fire! "
And so on and so on, endlessly. "Great punishment awaits her!" According to the Hellfire mentioned. A single brain-washing, because of endless repetition. The "believers" but the Koran promises not only a paradise after death, but already benefits in this world, but the "works of disbelievers, Allah will destroy."
Imagine a young Moslems from that which has in mind as an asylum seeker comes to us and here is on welfare. He should really be mistaken in his Koran. It's true no idea what "Allah" or have "Muhammad" as promised. His country is poor, too poor to feed him, the "infidels" have all the "believers" but did not, above all, are the "infidels" in the asylum country far, far wealthier than he, the true "believers "and" Allah "did not think of it," make their deeds be lost "on the contrary. Either he does now that he was cheated and lied, or he grows to an even greater hatred of the "infidels" approach. A rich foundation has already created the Koran in it. Muhammad also made
or "Allah" a galactic mistake of thinking when writing the Koran. First: Islam is defined primarily by its opposition to the "infidels". Second, one day the whole world should be Islamic. Third, the Quran is Allah's eternal word of truth ", the uncreated, that was there from the beginning. This fits, of course, not all together. Islam prevails one day, then there is half the Koran no more, because it was not "infidels" anymore. So is "Allah" was false tells, so the Koran is no "eternal truth" or "Allah" is not omniscient, but only a delusion, an unfortunate Camel traders who suffered from strange trance states, and had major problems with the logic.

third A "religion" for the personal benefits of the "prophet"

Now to the topic of how Muhammad has been the new "religion" cobbled together for their own advantage.
He was married in first marriage to a wealthy widow, Muhammad was about mid-twenties, her early or mid-forties, was developed in this marriage, and a successful businesswoman. Yes, it was among the ancient Arabs, emancipated women, and they even had goddesses whose statues stood in the Kaaba and enjoyed great respect. Maybe it
its not like him, only one was single and then to even have such an old woman, about twenty years older, while rich Arabs had up to ten women, but Muhammad had poor and happy to have made such a good match. When his wife died, he inherited from her so much that he could live from now on, no worries. As he was about 40 years old. How to compensate for the losses
humiliations of the first marriage, he put in his new "religion" the relationship between man and woman arrested immediately contrary: The man is twice as much as the woman because he "fed", and be allowed more have wives, but they only a husband, she must obey him - it does not exist; then he can punish them.
The Muslims can, if he can afford it, marry one or two or three or four wives (Surah "The Women"). For Muhammad was not enough. He "revealed" is therefore sometimes surprising that he, Muhammad, and his male descendants may marry as many wives as they want. (The Saudi king, consider themselves his descendants, the practice today.)
The term "women" in Islam is interpreted a little remarkable. For example, belonged to the six-year Ayscha with which Muhammad married when he was about fifty years old. An Islamic dream couple - he fifty, she six. At the request of the father of Ayscha he performed sexual intercourse with her until she was nine years old. These children Greisen-marriage has consequences. In many Muslim communities are girls still nine years as marriageable.
But even the small Ayscha Muhammad could not greed for female breast. He frequented secretly with Maria, a Coptic slave who had been given him. And although on a marriage bed. Bad luck that his wife learned of it. They were furious, as you can well imagine, they had that in the normal competitive enough. Moreover, Muhammad's behavior was a violation of his own recent "revelations", namely adultery and fornication. (This is probably the worst sins in Islam. Adultery, refusal of the struggle against the "infidels", murder and theft) He should have received according to his own doctrine hundred lashes.
"Whip the fornicators and the sexually immoral, each with a hundred lashes out, and let you take in the light of this rule of Allah is not with pity for them, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And a party of believers witness their punishment "(Surah 24, 2 - The Light)
But Muhammad did to some advice he received prompt another." Revelation "in him" Allah "in the Hindsight allows exactly what he had done. Clever, eh? This is the Sura 66 ("The prohibition") done:
"O Prophet! why do you forbid you what Allah allows you? Looking to please your wives? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful "(Surah 66 - The ban).
and everything was back pronto. Permitted the Muslims since the movement of all his wives, and with everything else on femininity, which is in its "possession", ie mainly slaves who were captured in the many wars. With Mary, he was then together until his death, besides all the other course.
practice when you are so beautiful and has the appropriate disclosures.
Now let even one of the cardinal sins of Islam. These include, as I said, adultery and fornication, theft and murder. One of the strangest oddities of this "religion" is one that is punished harder also a theft than murder.
"the thief, thief hacked off his hands in retaliation for their actions and as a deterrent punishment of Allah! Allah is almighty and wise "(Sura 5, 38 - The Table).
wonder whether this hardness, because Muhammad was a merchant and his tenure he was certainly more than a human life. For murder is death, but it can if the family of murder victim's consent is to be replaced in an expiation by blood money. The killer or his family pays the survivor ends of the murdered man a sum of money and is a free man practice in the event that a rich man a poor man will bring the corner, because the poorer the murdered man (and his family) is, the easier the bereaved to accept the blood money fall. Also great: the blood money for killing an "infidel" is only half as high as that for the murder of a "faithful", the same goes for "believing" women: half of last. The cheapest but is the "infidel" women, because for the same blood money to the murder a Muslim does, and you just by moving four "infidel" féminas. This should all Muslims think the times will be too hard to collect a blood rush.
How brazenly open and brutal Muhammad but his "religion" for the enforcement of its own interests, in this case has used his personal vengeance, is proved by the 111th Sura number The whole (short) Sure is nothing more than a Verfluchungsschwur against his uncle Abu Laheb, against whom he harbored a grudge, and his wife, which is done with equal. "Allah," one must imagine, though, Muhammad fulfilled a wish and sent the curse-disclosure via the Archangel Gabriel to his "prophet". And it has been since she was "revealed" was learned from each Rezititanten by heart, and since then the Koran printed there in black and white, reproduced in millions of copies, in almost all languages of the world, the documentation of a personal strife with an uncle : be
"Dedicated to ruin the hands of Abu Laheb, and dedicated to the destruction he is! What he uses his wealth, and what he has acquired? He will burn in a blazing fire, and his wife will carry the firewood to do so. Around her neck she has a rope of palm fibers "(Surah 111 - Abu Laheb).

4th Amazing dressage performance

"Allah" requires a lot of his supporters. You always think that Islam is a simple religion and the "believers" must do no more pray than five times a day, Friday times in the mosque, once in a lifetime to Mecca on pilgrimage, almsgiving, and a month to eat the day nothing but the not true, because "Allah" requires quite sophisticated things.
"If anyone of you dies, leaving behind women, which provides them a living in a whole year without having to drive them out of the house. Get out of the same volunteer, you have no sin, of cases proceed according to equity with them, Allah is the Almighty and . Wise "(Surah 4 - The women)
care and supervision to beyond death. Sent his wives, the deceased then checks from the sky down? Similar is the complicated
a "faithful" demanded dressage performance:
"They will ask you what to eat them because it allowed? Answer: All that for you good (healthy), is allowed and what game animals that you trained like dogs to you begin, what to kill her but the game as it has taught Allah teach müsset. . What makes this catch for you, that you eat and remember Allah with it, and fear Allah, for Allah is swift at reckoning "(Surah 5 - The Table)
Because really requires not a little. The Moslems have their hunting animals such as hawks, dressing so that they shafts their prey according to the prescribed rite, so they cut through at full Bewusssein throat and let them bleed out completely. And the shafts must call the hawk still: "In the name of Allah, the Almighty and Merciful" Really a very, very difficult dressage performance!

5th "Allah" does not know from

"Allah is the Knower. What he wants done, and what he does not want does not happen.
is now, however, can be seen from the Koran that the attitude of Muslims toward the Jews changed over time. First the clay is still relatively conciliatory, but is increasingly harder and more brutal. The first verses emphasize the similarities between the new "religion" and Judaism. Some of the earlier verses (from the Meccan period) are of Jewish origin, some retellings of the Torah (though often with errors, as Muhammad's Jewish doctrine only knew by hearsay), like Sura 12 - Joseph.
"We want you, by revelation of this sura of the Koran, tell one of the best stories to which you have not previously aware. When Joseph said to his father: O my father! I saw in my dream eleven planets and the sun and moon bow down before me, Jacob said: O my son, do not tell your dream Release your brothers, because otherwise they want to plot against you, for Satan is an open enemy . of men "(Sura 12 - Joseph)
Now we do know (according to 1 Moses 37, 9) that Joseph had told his dream has already been the brothers before him, he told the father. Why did
"Allah" is not? Because it does not exist. The good "Allah" is nothing more than an invention, a puppet of the puppet master Muhammad.

6th Islamic Jew hatred

There but much more evidence of the ignorance "of Allah." As I said in the earlier verses is the tone of Jews to have moderate to easy. That changes when Muhammad Mecca leaves and moved to Medina. However, the local Jews reject his teaching from flatly. This narcissistic injury forgets the "prophet" never, parallel to his personal hatred of the Jews, the sound of the suras (with respect to the Jews) aggressive. Muhammad now leads the war against the Jews. First verbally, then with the blade.
"O you who believe, involves no friendship with Jews and Christians." (Sura 3 - The Family of Amran) If
But "Allah" really knows everything and if nothing happens without his will, he would also need to know that Muhammad would proselytizing among the Jews remain unanswered and he had his "prophets" can avoid this wasted effort.
Muhammad was certainly news of the Jewish doctrine, but only in fragments and not from first reading (he is said to have been ignorant of reading). It can be regarded as certain that he, at least at the beginning of his "revelations" as a reformer of Judaism saw that the - wanted to bring deviant Jews back on the right path - in his opinion. Some suras contain Parts of the Torah, but cited incorrectly. The first Muslims prayed, looking to Jerusalem, only later, when Muhammad had fallen out with the Jews, was the direction of prayer changed and today shows to Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad.
in both Mecca and Medina, Muhammad had contact with Jewish communities and tried to convince her of his mission and his "revelations", which did not succeed. The Jews rejected his message and put him off roundly also tough questions (and his for defective Torah knowledge came to light).
This narcissistic hurt by the rejection of his message by the Jews, Muhammad has never been overcome - She is the reason for Islamic Jew hatred that persists to this day. In his "revelations", the increasingly aggressive tone against the Jews:
"Those who reject the truth in the book owners and the idolaters will live forever in hell. They are the most evil of all creatures "(Sura 98, 6 - The Clear Evidence)
" The Jews say: Allah.'s Hands are tied. But her hands are tied and they say this they are cursed "(Sura 5, 64 - The Table)
" Say. "Oh her book owners! Deprecated you tell us only because we believe in Allah and the revelation to us because come, while most of you are rebellious and disobedient listings? Say: 'Shall I tell you how much worse can happen that when they receive fair treatment from Allah? Those subjected to the curse of Allah on himself and his hatred of which he turned in some monkeys and pigs, those who worshiped the evil, they are much less value and deviate even more from the right path '"(Sura 5 , 59-60 - The Table)
hatred of Jews to this day: "Kill him"
Up to the present day is instilled in the young Muslims, Jews are "apes and pigs".
occurs even murderous hatred of the Jews in the non-Koranic writings reveal, for example in the Hadith, a collection of stories about and sayings of Muhammad.
"Allah's prophet says:" The time will not come until you defeat the Jews and the stone behind which a Jew will get hidden: 'Oh believers! Hidden behind me, a Jew, kill him '"(Sahih Bukhari, 4 Band)
has manifested itself the Islamic hatred of Jews already in Muhammad's time in bloody campaigns, and wars against the Jewish tribes who refused to submit to his teaching. But Islamic hatred of Jews survived to the present day and, with the announcements of Iranian President the eradication of Israel's new high point found. Ready for this hatred can draw any Muslims from the Quran. In it, he is enshrined forever.

7th Remarkable sequence of Suras

After it has even been in the FAZ, it's time to deal with the sequence of Suras in the Koran. Sure, apart from the opening, which occupies the first place, they are arranged longitudinally, and the longest Surah is up front, the shortest Surah behind entirely. (Length refers of course to the Arabic original, in translation, there may be small deviations). This arrangement is for us quite unusual and we would arrange the suras thematically or chronologically or alphabetically. So do not the Muslims. We do not know why this array was selected, but it contributes to the confusion and makes a critical analysis of the text. Even the Pope has fallen out, as he mentioned in his Regensburg lecture, the No. 2 Sure one of the oldest, it is she is one of the younger, it is only up front, because it is so long.
The oldest Koran Sura
There were Western scientists who have reconstructed the chronological sequence of Suras by text and content analysis. Assmann Following are the oldest suras following: 96, 74, 111, 106, 108, 104, 107
Even the oldest sura (No. 96) is very interesting because it illuminates several aspects of the same Koran.
96 The clotted blood
"Read in the name of your Lord who created everything and created man from congealed blood."
After presenting Muhammad's revelations of the suras are indeed "Allah", which gives him by the Archangel Gabriel were. The archangel is to be executed come before him with the request, "Read!", After which Muhammad claims to have said he is illiterate and can not read, but the archangel had its call "Lies" once again, that Mohammed could read the sura.
The Qur'an begins with a miracle: the transformation of an illiterate in a reader.
In the first sentence explains the origin of man: "Allah" have created him from 'coagulated blood'. This is a contradiction to the Bible, which states that God formed Adam from clay. We can not judge whether the 'clot' is an Arabic metaphor for clay and we have to assume that really 'gore' is meant.
The question now is where this came from coagulated blood? "Allah" is uncreated, he 'does not testify,' and he 'could not be conceived'. He is without body, so it can not be his own blood. It can also be no human his blood, because the first man is precisely just been created. It can therefore only be the blood of other animals. The first man of the Koran is therefore from the clotted blood of any animal's body emerged. The next question would be, what type it may well have acted. For this purpose, the Koran is no information. We hope that there was no pig's blood.
But further in the text.
"Lies, by thy Lord, the glorious, as taught the use of the pen, and so that teach people what he does not know. That's it. Verily, man does is outrageous, when he looks in great riches "(Surah 96 - The coagulated blood).
Assmann Following Is in which the second sentence are 'human' by a certain Abu Jahl, a personal enemy of Muhammad, who wanted to bring him back to the Arab polytheism. In the further text of the Sure, we learn what the Muhammad Abu Jahl wishes. There is no good.
"But the return is to your Lord. What do you think well of him that wants to hold our servants (ie Muhammad) from praying? Do you think well that he was on the correct line and commands only piety? What do you think well of them when he accused our signs (ie, the "revelations") of fraud and applies the same back? Does he not know that Allah sees everything? Indeed, it may not ablässet, we will take him by his hair, lying in his hair and sinful. Let him then call his friends and patrons, but also we want to call the terrible hell guards. Otherwise it will be! Obey him not, but pray God and him near you "(Surah 96 - The coagulated blood) drag
First, the hair, as do small bickering girls, but it is equally very thick: into the fire of hell with him. . The same is placed in the following verses countless times all "infidels" in view.
summary of the oldest Sure:
first Muhammad is illiterate. (Education hostility)
second The Koranic text is contrary to the Bible. (Challenge)
third There are already now (!), Critics who noted that Muhammad has invented it all. (Infidels)
4th Man was created from clotted blood. (Bloodshed)
5th Muhammad used his revelations to impart his personal rancor and discord expression. (Hate, revenge)
6th For enemies, there's the hell fire. (Revenge)
Education hostility of war, "infidels," bloodshed. Hatred, revenge, revenge. As indicated in some of what is typical for Islam and what we are dealing especially today.

8. The second oldest Sure

According to the results of the 74th Koran researchers Sure, the second oldest.
"Oh you Covered, rise up and preach and glorify Allah, and clean your clothes, and flee from idolatry, and was not generous with the intention of this longer recover, and wait patiently for your Lord." (Surah 74 - The Covered)
The Covered Muhammed himself is because of this, as it appeared the archangel Gabriel, and when he was hallucinating, that it appears, wants to have hidden his face in awe.
"If the trumpet shall sound, then this day for the unbelievers as a day of sorrow and distress" (Surah 74 - The Covered)
Like many founders of doctrines, even as perhaps the majority of them, Muhammad at least initially convinced of the 'Doomsday', which would be the end of the world soon. The "disbelievers" then it would go badly, but the "believers" will open the heavens to eternal life.
"Let me be granted only with the one I created as the only and I riches given in abundance, and children who surround him, and whose I business he arranged a pleasant way, and still demands that I have more to him do. " (Surah 74 - The Covered)
This is yet another concrete person meant, an opponent of the Prophet, namely Walid Ibn Al'Mogheira. So the second Sure, in time, is used by Muhammad to a personal grudge to express. The Walid Ibn Al'Mogheira will fare badly.
"But not because he is an opponent of our characters (ie the verses). Therefore I will punish him with severe distress, because it lies (against the Koran) invented and disseminated. Again he curse, for how shamefully he has spread it! He was killed, because how shamefully he has spread it! Again he curse, for how shamefully he has spread it! " (Surah 74 - The Covered)
The threats are more specific and to some extent 'underground', because the enemy will not only be dragged by the hair to hell, but 'killed' all be profane. With 'kill' for the first time this appears one of the favorite words of the Koran that seems to be one of the entire Islamic world. Islam is a religion of killing.
We remember the demonstrations against the Pope's lecture or the Danish cartoons, was asked where in many variants 'kill' to the 'example' If anyone insults the prophet, kill him! " or "Behead those who insult Islam '. A real favorite word level.
same time, we met here again an important style element of the Koran, namely, the repetition, here it is still quite crude, because the same curse is three times repeated almost verbatim. Only the later repetitions are knitted something clever rhetorical.
"Then he looks around and frowns and takes a serious attitude, then he turns his back, and is hochmutsvoll and says: That (the Quran) is nothing but deception, borrowed from others, nothing but words of a man. But I want him to be burnt up, push down into the hell fire. But what will make you understand, what the hell actually is? You can be left intact and nothing and no escape. They burn the flesh of men, and nineteen guards we have set over them, and the number of them we have only intended to consider the infidels (ie that the number could be taken over by the Jews) so that the Jews and those who believe and those who whose hearts are weak, now no longer doubt and the Unbelievers: What does Allah really suggest this figure? Allah leads into error whom He wills and guides whom He wills. The armies of Allah only he alone knows, and this doctrine of Hell is a reminder to the people "(Surah 74 - The Covered).
Again the hell, one of the favorite themes of the Koran. Is described in great detail what the "infidels" expected in hell and it is repeated again and again. Two basic principles of the Koran: endless repetitions (reminiscent of the method of brainwashing), and the constant threat of terror and Einschüchterns (ditto).
"That's it. When the moon, and the retreating night, and the rising dawn, that hell is one of the most terrible things, and serve the people as a warning to both the of you, to move forward, and the one who left behind desireth. Every soul is a pledge of their Actions. The threat of the right hand (ie, come to Paradise), who live in gardens ask, then the wicked: What has he brought you into hell? However, these will answer: We do not keep up prayer, and not fed the poor, and are deeply involved with Eitelkeitskrämern in idle chatter, and denied the Day of Judgement until death do us come over. No exchange of any broker can help them then "(Surah 74 - The Covered).
offers protection from the torments of hell only the subjugation to the new faith. Anyone who fails to do so is lost. There is no other way out.
"What is for them that they differ from the admonitions turn away the Koran, the same timid asses, who flee from a lion? While everyone wants from them that it was of an open record of Allah, but this will not happen, because they fear not even have a future life. It is by no means, because this is a sufficient reminder Koran. If you want to do can warn, admonish the he is, but otherwise they will be admonished, or Allah, it should. He is the reverence due, and it is he who forgives love "(Surah 74 - The Covered)
The Meccans knew or Kurashites that was offered something better elsewhere, and demanded that Muhammad solid evidence, for example. an 'open book' or Schriftafel a la Moses that he could offer, of course. He explained their absence by saying that "Allah" this could very well when he wanted, but he will not. This motif occurs in other places also shows again and again.
Spicy: The copyist Muhammed, who has cobbled together his theory from Versatzstückchen of Judaism and Christianity to defend must be in the second sura against plagiarism accusations: 'This (the Quran) is nothing but deception, borrowed from others, nothing other than words of a man. " All of his contemporaries seem silly to not have been, at least smarter than many people today.

9th How and what the Muslims pray

They pray five times a day: morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Many devout other colors leave impressed them seriously. Five times! And always at set times!
Even the Pope made the mistake of equating the prayer of the Muslims with the prayer of Christians, this prayer every first grader smarter than that.
The prayers of Muslims consist of a variable, but the days specified, number of units.
One unit consists of physical exercises and recitations.
The physical exercises are: standing bow, fling.
The recitations are: first Koran sura, and the Creed. The first
Koran Sura (in the order in the book), according to the order of the "revelations" about the 50th Sure, it was "revealed" at the end of the first (of three) Meccan period.
your text? Here it comes:
"and praise Allah the world Lord, the Almighty, reigns as the Day of Judgement. You want to serve us, and you pray we do, that you lead us the right path, the path of those who are looking forward your grace, and not the path of those over which you angry and not that of the erring. "(Sura 1 - The Opening)
That's it.
is added the Glaubensbekenntis:
. "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet"
all together forming a unit (E). For each prayer time, a fixed number of units required. 2 E
morning, noon, 4 E, 4 E in the afternoon, evening 3 E, 4 E.
night And again and again, a whole Mohammedanerleben long. Who calls the simple, is not wrong - the "Dear Saviour, make me religious, I going to heaven," the preschool child has more soul, more warmth, more inner life, is especially when it is decorated with its own additions ( 'Dear God, please grant that the grandmother is well again'). No wonder that many Muslims are so primitive.
We recognize the Muslims in prayer are important elements of a successful re-brainwashed: The constant repetition of the same, and the blind, slavish submission to completely absurd rules. In Facts and fictions can read how the Muslims of the world are struggling to determine the true beginning of the Koran "Ramadan" Ramadan. Grotesque. Similarly, the ritual ablutions.
hands and wrists (3 times)
mouth rinse (3 times)
clean the nose by inhaling and blowing out of water (3 times)
face including forehead and chin (3 times)
right and then left forearm from elbow to wrist (each 3 times) go
With wet hands over the head hair (1 time)
ears with your hands wet (1 time)
right and then left foot including the ankle (3 times each)

10th Other accounts

Today we wish to consider the next three of the early suras. They are quite similar and do not bring much new, so that they can be discussed here together.
"The Association of Kurashites, the association of transmission of the caravans for the winter and summer time, they may worship the Lord of the house (ie Allah), who feedeth in famine and secure from all fear." (Sura 106 - The Kurashites)
The first attempts at conversion Muhammad taught, of course, in addition to the members of the family, the Meccans and Kurashites. After he was rebuffed by both, he developed hatred and enmity against them. The caravans of Kurashites he has attacked several times and robbed, he went from Mecca to meditate his American exile, a bitter war.
The Sure 106 seems unusually gentle and forgiving, because he still had hope that Kurashites would join him and his new doctrine. At the time of revelation, he knew nothing of their rejection. Strange: Allah, the All-Knowing, for the said "Revelation" will ultimately be responsible, knew nothing of it.
Verily, we have given you Al'Chautsar (ie abundance). Therefore, pray to Allah and sacrifice. Truly, the, hate thyself, to remain childless "(Surah 108 - Al'Chautsar).
This again is a personal statement. (The fourth of five "Revelations";! An impressive performance - Truly this Muhammad must have been petty, vindictive and vengeful) with which he in Surah 108 Muhammad's enemy Al Ibn select searching type is meant that the Muhammad, died when his sons , is said to have called for a mockery childless. Almost as a retort rotates the Muhammad in this "revelation" the tables around and wishes the Ibn Al select searching type in turn childlessness. What goes around, comes around.
"Woe to every slanderer and blasphemer, piling up the wealth and prepare for the future. He believes that the wealth will make him immortal. No way! He is thrown down in Al'Hutama (ie: hell). Understand what you teach but what is Al'Hutama? He is the kindled Fire of Allah, that beats the heart of the wicked. There they were, in arches towering pillars "(Sura 104 - The detractors).
addition to personal accounts is a major theme of the early "Revelations" the hell that is described later again and again (and again in more detail). Interesting that
the acclaimed poetic qualities of the Quran here for the first hint is related to the theme of "hell". "There they were, in arches towering pillars" is indeed plenty of bombastic, but in literature, but, but!, Not without. Pity the Muhammad has not used his poetic skills to write something decent.
to order it with the early "revelations" at first be even enough. Next we will look at how Muhammad's inadequate "prophecies" and must take back to his own advantage in the later "corrected", of course, by new "revelations."

11th The False Prophet "

First a quote.
"Mohammed compiled his Koran, which he claimed that an angel had it dictated to him or been whispering ... and when it suited him in the political stuff, always appeared the angel and told him a matching Sure against his enemies." Herbert Rosendorfer, German History - A Century of Prince Eugen, Munich 2006
This is true not only for the political stuff and enemies. Muhammad was always delivered the best "revelations", as if he had made a mistake - because a former "revelation" to be wrong turned out.
"Allah" is lying, and his "prophet" can save face
Prior to the famous Battle of Badr, he had made his men advanced, "Allah" would send them thousand angels who would help them. That turned out to be wrong, of course. From after the battle to put his speech, Muhammad was "Allah" the right "revelation" which, of course, explains everything:
"When you Allah [before the Battle] anflehtet for help, he answered you: Truly I will stand with a thousand angels, to follow the succession. This was done only to happiness tell you to calm your heart, because help is only Allah, for Allah is mighty and wise "(Sura 8 - The Spoils of War)
." Allah is "so without conditions, lied to have. Muhammad has not lied, but "Allah" has lied, but of course only because he wanted the good.
The "prophets" were revelations not only useful, previous, proven to be wrong, in retrospect, were, "posthumously" to correct or justify he has also often used to legitimate its own violations of rules from earlier "revelations."
Muhammad as a false prophet
The thing with the Coptic slave, with the illicit sexual relations Muhammad talked to him - how convenient! - Was by a subsequent "revelation" then accepted after all, we had already dealt with in the third section.
The showpiece for a posthumous revelation that Muhammad's sexual satisfaction was beneficial, but Sura 33 (The Conspirators). In Sura 3 (the women), "revealed" at Medina, it is stated clearly: "Prohibited to you, the women your sons. "Not long after this" revelation "Muhammad woke up in violent desire for Zainab, the wife of his adopted son Zaid. (According to the rules of the Qur'an adopted sons are counted as physical sons) Nero Ahead came promptly down a new revelation to Muhammad, in which it is stated as:
"It is not seemly to the believing men and women, Allah and His Messenger (! ) decided some thing the liberty to take out to vote differently, because those who disobey Allah and His Messenger (!!!) is that is in manifest error. When you (ie Muhammad) to the (ie Zaid), the grace of Allah and you (!!!) sheweth, said: Keep your wife and fear Allah, when were looking for you (Muhammad) the love to hide in your heart that wanted to have it published Allah, and you were afraid because the people where it would be cheaper (ie lawful) have to fear Allah . '(Surah 33 - The Conspirators)
A Meisterstücklein the rascal! First hard-pressed Muhammad's adopted son Zaid to divorce Zainab, that he, Muhammad could marry her. But Zaid refused. In the aftermath Muhammad acted as if he would suppress his desire ("Keep your wife and fear Allah"), which was good until "Allah" in person again to speak out and in sura 33 to the Muhammad ordered the marriage (which would have released but Allah "). Of course, after the matter had to be made "public", namely by the divorce of Zainab Zaid and her marriage to the old Muhammad. What else was left for him? He had tried to suppress his desire, but in the end was "Allah" is by design.
interesting way in this "revelation", the repeated mention of "Allah" and his "messenger" in one breath. decide "Allah" and his "messenger" "things"; "Allah" and his "messenger" shew the Zaid grace, sometimes the "believers" disobedient "Allah" and his "messenger". Apparently, Muhammad is the "Allah" is an equal partner. Actually more, since "Allah" is lying in favor of his "ambassadors" and turn to already adopted rules that degree as it fits his "ambassadors" in the stuff! One might almost think that it is not so much Muhammad, "Allah" is afraid, but vice versa, "Allah," Muhammad the fear of him and willing to meet all sorts of personal desires.
Perhaps the best example that Muhammad has more to say than "Allah" is the death penalty for adultery. In the Koran, this is not a word, although there are penalties already disgusting enough.
was first to Muhammad following 'revealed':
"And when committing some of your women is a whore, then four of you call as a witness against them, testify to it, then incarcerated in your houses until death overtakes them or Allah will give them a way out "(Sura 4, 15 - The women)
historians know such pigsty-like stalls for adulterous women;. those were windowless cell with a slot in the wall through which the food and into the faeces could be pushed out. A pig sty halt, but one of the worst kind.
had but a short time later, it was Muhammad mind and 'revealed' to any other penalty for extramarital activities:
"a whore and a fornicator, ye with a hundred strokes scourge." (Sura 24, 2 - The Light)
Whether the been a death sentence? Hundred lashes? Hard to imagine that a person can survive something like that.
The stoning but goes back to Muhammad, it was not longer necessary to advance his "Allah", but practice without any 'revelation' or the practice of stoning let (Sahih Muslim: Hadith 4207, Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith: Hadith 8817). And because the "prophet" is the model for every Moslem, stone the present-day adherents of Islam their adulterous women today (or they would have liked, it may not yet such as in Turkey).
And because they are so Muhammad's word is as "Allah" word, it must refer to it in order to do the truth enough, as a Muslim.

12th Relationship to Christianity

Muhammad, the "prophet" of Islam, has pieced together his theory from Versatzstückchen other religions. Quite bumpy at times. The "revelations" extended over a period of about 20 years, as it is understood that in the end he no longer knew exactly what he was "revealed" at the beginning.
Most Versatzstückchen came from Judaism and from Christianity, because Muhammad was illiterate in his own words, he knew the sources of both religions not their own reading, but only from hearsay. Therefore, he has much misunderstood, ergo rendered incorrectly, other things he has invented and added. Thus, in Muhammad, the Mary, Mother of Jesus, a daughter of Aaron, the older brother of Moses. It would have been so at the time of Jesus' birth, a few hundred years old. The obvious
Contradictions between the Koran and the New Testament were, of course, not long undiscovered, Muhammad has tried to explain it, the Christians (and Jews) were once in possession of the full and true word of Allah have been, had this word, but deliberately and maliciously falsified. This is especially true for those parts of the Gospel, which are said to belong to Muhammad, which were subsequently removed from the Christians. This must
"Allah" aka Muhammad Muhammad aka puppet itself, of course, in a "revelation" same correct times:
"Jesus son of Mary, said: 'O Children Israel, verily, I am to you a messenger of Allah, confirming the Torah which I have already before you now, and glad tidings bringing of a Messenger to come after me and his whose name Muhammad is' "(Surah 61 - The order of battle).
Plumper's not the point. The Good News of Christians should therefore be that published 500 years after Christ, the true and final prophet. Furthermore, Muhammad
throws against the Christians, they would be lying if they claimed that Jesus Christ died on the cross, the sacrifice. Muhammad knows better: A deception Jesus escaped his captors and his place was another crucified.
Muhammad raises the Christians against blasphemy, because he thinks she would Jesus as 2nd Deity and the Virgin Mary as the 3rd Deity Allah the associate, who would thus to Trinity. Muhammad so understood the Trinity. Of course there is a "revelation," according to Jesus himself the error of his followers, the Christians corrected:
"And ask if Allah once Jesus: 'O Jesus son of Mary, did you ever say to the people, Take, but Allah still me and my mother as gods in? He will just reply. And praise only you '"(Sura 5 - The Table)
Meaning, only Allah is God, otherwise it is not one. But because the Christians stop still do not want to blaspheme God or Allah, they face harm.
Verily, the infidels are saying, so that Christ is God, the son of Mary. [...] Who gavest Allah any being, in the schließet Allah from Paradise, and his apartment will be the Fire, and the wicked shall have no helper. These are also non-believers say that because God is the third of three. For there is only one God. "(Sura 5 - The Table)
Hellfire course, as usual for 'infidels' of all sorts that do not accept Islam.
The truly "faithful" but any time in danger of losing, through contacts with "infidels" their belief in the "religion of Allah." (Probably weak in faith, what?) Why they should avoid such contact.
"O you who believe, involves no friendship with those that do not belong to your religion."
are Christians (along with others have the "Book") invited to the crossing, and if they already do not like this, then they should, if you please to submit at least, and recognize the primacy of Islam.
"Say: O you the Book is, and let us find the following association between us, Let us worship only Allah alone and equate him no other being, even idolize any of us but Allah and accept as our Lord. If they refuse which, say: Be at least bear witness that we are truly devoted to God "(Sura 3 - The Family of Amran)
But, alas.! Even the best submission will not prevent hardship because:
. "Who a religion other than Islam accepts, the will to Allah for not belonging in that world for the lost,"
According to Islam, Christians are therefore writing counterfeiters and blasphemers . You have to avoid their company, otherwise rubs off on their depravity. You must be invited to transfer - refuse they are, then they lost already in this world, but no later than at that, because they bloom the Islamic hell.
Since Islam is hell invented but just like the rest of the Koran, I would say that they need to make in this regard do not worry. In view of the very current, reality-based world, however, and that badly.

13th Heaven and hell

The penultimate section deals with the promises of the Koran. For the "faithful" is the paradise, the "infidels" but who refuse to accept Islam, and other depraved threatened, however, the eternal hell fire.
Interestingly, the ratio of mentions. We counted 143 verses of the Koran, in which the "hell" is mentioned, this does not apply to 114 suras, statistically, on any Sure least a mention of hell. We had already seen that Muhammad is already the very first "revelations" this used to settle accounts with his personal enemies, he put before them the prospect of hell. Probably because this proved to be practical, he used this kind of curse over and over again. From "Paradise", however, is not so much talk, here we counted only 71 verses. The ratio
hell to paradise is therefore 2:1. We can conclude that the factor of "punishment" in Islam a more important role than the factor of "reward".
In endless repetitions is declared that the "infidels" to hell blooms. Here are some Kostpröbchen:
"And if you say to him:" Fear Allah ", grabs him by arrogance. For him, Hell is just the right thing - an evil bed "(Sura 2, 206 - The Cow)
" Say to those who disbelieve! You will be defeated and gathered together to Hell - an evil bed "(Sura 3 , 12 - The Family of Amran)
"And now believed that a of them in mind while the others (men) that kept people. Hell will (one day the unbelievers) burning bad enough. "(Sura 4, 55 - The women)
By type of brain washing is always the same, with minor variations, the" believers "is whipped. Over and over and over again until the "believers" completely stupid in the head.
"But those who disbelieve and explain our sign of deception are to be inmates of the hell fire." (Sura 5, 10 - The Table)
"And those who disbelieve will (one day) will be gathered into hell." (Sura 8, 36 - The spoils of war)
"Prophet! Wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them! Hell will welcome them, - a bad end "(Sura 9, 73 - Repentance)
!" And we have made Hell a prison for the unbelievers "(Sura 17, 8 - The Night Journey)
." The unbelievers be condemned to punishment in hell for eternity to dwell in it. Evil is what they have to take on the day of resurrection "(Sura 20, 101 - TH)
" To the two angels said:. "Cast into hell every one that is totally incredulous (kaffaar) and . (Astray) wanders "(Sura 50, 24 - K)
for a change once a verbatim repetition:
" Prophet! Wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them! Hell will they take one day - a bad end "(Sura 66, 9 - The ban)!
The torments of hell are described with relish-sadistic detail. (What must be for a character who imagines such a thing! One thinks involuntarily of a pervert.)
"get the hell to the camp. And they are hell fire blankets. Thus we requite wrong-doers "(Surah 7, 41 - The intermediate wall).
"On the Day of Judgement, as it is heated in the fire of hell, and they end, side and back will be branded: This is what you hoarded for yourselves. Now you get to feel it in the flesh "(Sura 9, 35 - Repentance)
." But those are the disbelievers, get the hell hot water to drink and have it that they were incredulous to expect a painful punishment. "(Surah 10, 4 - Jonas)
" Behind that, he can expect to hell. And there he gets to drink pus "(Sura 14, 16 - Abraham)
." Hell will take them. Whenever the fire subsides in it, we leave them the heat of the fire again be stronger "(Sura 17, 97 - The Night Journey)
. thereby caused to melt, what they have in the belly, and so is its skin" (Sura 22, 20 - The Pilgrimage)
. And then they are falling headlong into hell, they and those who are astray "(Surah 26, 94 - The Poets)
." But those who disbelieve, the fire can expect hell, with them not be snuffed out is made, so that they would die, nor penalty relief is granted "(Sura 35, 36 - The Angel).
Here we finally see what all is well. The "Believers" will be fear and terror hunts. Since the terrorist's is never far away!
"About himself in hell they have layers of fire, and among themselves as well. In this way Allah makes His servants fear "(Surah 39, 16 - distance)
. The fruit of the tree Al Sakkum them will be food in hell, and as molten brass it will boil in the belly" (Sura 44th , 44 - The Smoke)
"Seize him and bind him and cast him into the fire of hell, to be burned, and submit it to a chain whose length is seventy cubits, because he does not believe in Allah. Stinking rottenness should be his food. "(Sura 69, 30 - The guilty one)
but this is most beautiful:
fail "The character of our faith, we will soon run into the fire. As often as their skins are roasted, We give them other skins, that they may taste the punishment. Verily, Allah is Mighty, Wise. "(Sura 4, 56 - The women)
eternal, eternal torment for the infidels. But the lukewarm "believers" turn. (Take care to lax Muslims)
"To those who have not (alive by refusing to admit openly to Islam) transgressed against themselves say, the Angels, when she recalled:" In what circumstances waret for her ( because ? In your lifetime that not you believed) "You say," We have been (everywhere) are suppressed in the country (and could therefore not dare to admit us to the faith). "But the angels say:" Was it the ? Allah's earth not far enough so that you move yourselves out (and live in the new environment as believers) to "This (weaklings) will begin to hell - an evil refuge!" (Sura 4, 97 - The women) Non
only the lax, also issued the figs's nasty. Sura 8 ("The Loot") promises to those who want to weasel out of the "Holy Jihad" in the battle take against the "infidels" turn tail and not want to fight:
"Who then turns her back - and not (only) turns to (again) to fight or abschwenkt (to) to a (different) group (to and come there to participate in the fight) - who falls victim to the wrath of Allah, and hell will it take (one day). ! A bad end "(Sura 8, 16 - The spoils of war)
quitters are as bad as the" infidels "! Therefore: off to Hell!
"You are you, if you (after the campaign) to them returning home, swear by Allah, they would like to be with gone to war. They will swear that you turn away from them and not to task. But you turned away from them only! You are a paragon of impurity. The hell it will take one day as a reward for what they have committed in their earthly life "(Surah 9, 95 - Repentance)
carrots and sticks. Paradise or hell
to those who believed there and pulled bravely in the war against the "infidels," but is waiting for the paradise some day.
His delights are also described, though not nearly as detailed as the torments of hell dwellers.
"He will lead a jolly life in a lofty garden, the fruits of it are close to everywhere. Eat and drink for pleasure, as a reward for good deeds, which she sent ahead in recent days "(Sura 69, 22 - the guilty)
. The fear but Allah come to a safe place, in gardens with water sources, and they be dressed in silk and velvet, to sit across from each other. So be it. And we shall wed them to beautiful virgins, endowed with large and black eyes "(Sura 44, 51 - smoke).
there's sex so well.
"The following is the description of Paradise: In the same there are rivers of water that is not foul, rivers of milk, the spoils never, streams of wine (strong drink), sweet to the drinkers, and rivers of purified honey "(Sura 47, 15 - The War).
We recognize the principle of brainwashing (endless repetition of the same) and terror : the "faithful" to anxiety and fear are chasing ("In this way Allah makes His servants fear (Sura 39, 16 - distance).") so that they are a good boy and do all that Allah and Muhammad of them demand.
open to all: the trailer is to fear being, the Qur'an says it want to be clear. to scare the cruel corporal punishment, the public, with the cohabitation of "believers" must be completed. Such was the "prophet", it make the Muslims today.

14th What does Islam with the "infidels" intends

The "disbelievers", it would go bad in the hereafter, if they ever were one, as we have just seen. Pus to drink, cook with fire, and when the skin is burned, they will grow a new one. Bad!
And what about in this world? What do "Allah" and Muhammad laid down in this world for the "infidels"?
It is, one does not expect otherwise, also nothing good. And it is - surprise! - Repeated in several places.
. If you zusammentreffet with the infidels, then they smite off their heads until their great defeat have made among them "(Surah 47 - The War)
fight with all means:
If" but the sacred months in which . everyone fighting prohibited passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye may, thus, also, or receive him caught it, or besiege them, or lurking on them in every way "(Sura 9 - The Repentance)
latter made it to Muhammad, as he and his band of thieves, the caravans of infidels attacked.
. "Do not be careless with regard to the exploration of an unbelieving people" (Sura 4 - The women)
Again and again war, war, war. Thus Islam was spread.
"but it switches off, then seize them and slay them wherever ye find yourselves." (Sura 4 - The women)
Even Sure 'the women', which, as its name, mainly with the affairs of the women involved is not free from murder and lust for war.
. "Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and fight with their wealth and for the religion of Allah" (Surah 61 - The order of battle)
'fight in blood': the "Holy War" is compulsory for Muslims.
"Be not therefore gentle against your enemies, and invites them not to peace, as long as you are the powerful." (Surah 47 - The war) is
peace negotiations's only when the Muslims are weaker than the "infidels", but if they are stronger than that, then there's no peace and no mercy.
"fight them to stop all the temptation and the religion of Allah is universal." (Sura 8 - The Spoils of War)
This is the final goal: All 'temptation' has to stop, that is, all other religions must vanish and Islam must be spread 'general', as are left only religion and rule the world.


Islam is the incredibly cruel and brutal private "religion" of the "prophet" Muhammad. Already at the beginning, he uses his private "religion" to settle with his personal enemies, and later, together with his followers war against "infidels." For other faiths, Islam knows only the death, expulsion or subjugation. Of the spoils of his campaigns 20 percent went into the private coffers of Muhammad, who have used them for purposes of community wanted. Sound familiar? Reminiscent of Arafat. In the course of the 'revelations' of the tone towards Jews and Christians becomes sharper, because Muhammad had to make the experience that they do not dream of it thought to take his new doctrine. The consistent policy of Islam is this: If the enemy is stronger, then he comes up with to negotiate peace and tolerance. Strengthen Islam, however, is then destroyed the enemy relentlessly, and tolerance of other faiths will not then be granted


Forum discussion "What statements contradict Islam of the Islamists?" (Within 14 days of the dialogues could not single body specify) click me

Ibn Warraq Interview: click me

For dessert you can watch the videos from Channel 4: click me


Can You Take Robitussin With Benzonatate

Good News

A short excerpt from the New Testament

two of Yahweh alone. There is no god but him. He is the Living and resistant.
3 He hath revealed the Scripture with truth to you as confirmation of what was before her. He has sent down the Torah,
4 earlier, a guidance for mankind. And he has sent down the distinction. The Mohammedans, do not believe in the character of Yahweh will be subject to severe punishment. Yahweh is powerful. He can feel the sinner his revenge.

Continue here: click me

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Walk Ins Give Free Birth Control ?


5th Analysis and solutions

Farewell to multiculturalism . Ways out of the integration crisis
Stefan air

The title says it all and he does what he promises. With facts, analysis and a list of measures.

Not for the do-gooders.

The weaker sex - the Turkish men. Forced marriage, domestic violence, double standards of the honor of Ahmet Toprak

presentation and analysis of concrete cases.

How raped his wife on their wedding night, so she knows in the future, who is the boss.

Holy War in Europe , Udo Ulfkotte

An analysis of how the Muslim Brotherhood - make wide spread in the West and the de facto Sharia law - under the guise of different organizations. Supported by people who mean so just fine.

An indigestible summary and synopsis. But you should do that.

The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims by Andrew G. Bostom

the unsavory history of the Holy War, which must be waged against all who were aufgerrufen to submit to Islam and just do not want to submit.

Unbelievable, but covered with sources.

Stomach Flu Versus Gallbladder


4th Satire

caravan Islam, Sadek Hedayat .

short (90 pages), and biting. 1930 wrote, is still current.

Sadegh Hedayat (1903-1951) is considered the founder of the classic modern Iranian literature. In the 'Caravan Islam, "he describes in a satirical manner a Missionszug Islamic preacher and jurist to Europe. They were then merely corrupt and not break into the air. Really nice people, so to speak.

Journey to the Imam of Sadek Hedayat

more satires, from a pilgrimage, a journey, and more. read Very enjoyable.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Gum Still Sore Three Weeks After Extraction

Koran and human rights

Because UN Human Rights were a Western Errfindung, the Conference of Islamic States its own Islamic-compliant and Quran-compliant version developed

Cairo Declaration of Human Rights
( text down there on this page to German and English, additional information on Wiki )

Article 24: under
all rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration, the Islamic Sharia .
Article 25:
The Islamic Sharia is the only source for interpretation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.
contradicts the human rights.

This declaration is signed by all Muslim countries, from Morocco to Turkey and Malaysia.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Islamic Charter? click me and me

(Excerpt from "conscience and freedom," No. 36 1991)

The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights

The members of the Organization of Islamic Conference
emphasize the cultural and historical role of the Islamic Ummah, which was created by God as the best nation that has brought mankind a universal and well-balanced civilization in between life here on earth and in the Beyond Harmony and consists in the knowledge associated with faith, and they emphasize the role this Umma at the leadership should take over by competing aspirations and ideologies confused humanity and resolve the ongoing problems of this materialistic civilization;
they want their contribution to the efforts of humanity to protect the human rights of the people from exploitation and persecution protect and affirm his freedom and his right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari'a,
they are convinced that mankind has achieved a high level in the material science, and in the future still in urgent need of faith , to support their civilization, and that she needs a motivational force, to protect their rights; believe
them that the fundamental rights and freedoms in Islam are an integral part of the Islamic religion and that basically no one has the right to withdraw it in whole or in part, to hurt them or to ignore, because they are binding Commandments, which are contained in the Revealed Books of God and were sent through his last prophet, to complete the previous divine messages. Such compliance is therefore an act of worship of God and their defiance or violation is a terrible sin, and therefore each person is individually responsible for complying with it - and the Ummah has the responsibility to the community.
Due to the above principles to explain why:

Article 1:
a) All human beings form one family whose members are united by submission to God and descent from Adam. All are equal in dignity, duties and responsibilities, and without regard to race, color, language, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other reasons. The true faith is the guarantee for the attainment of such dignity along the path to human perfection.
b) All human beings are subjects of God, and he loves the most, the other subjects benefit most, and no one is superior to the other, except of piety and good deeds.

Article 2:
a) Life is a gift from God, and the right to life is guaranteed to every human being. It is the duty of the individual, society and the states to protect this right from violation, and it is forbidden to take away life, except when required by the Sharia.
b) It is prohibited to use resources that lead to the destruction of mankind.
c) As long as God granted man's life, it must be protected under the Sharia.
d) The right to physical integrity is guaranteed. Each state is obliged to safeguard it, and it is prohibited to breach it, unless one of the Shari'a prescribed reason.

Article 3:
a) the use of force and in case of armed conflict is not allowed, as bystanders in the war to kill old people, women and children. Wounded and sick shall have the right to medical care, prisoners have the right to food, shelter and clothing. It is prohibited to mutilate dead bodies. It is the duty to exchange prisoners and the families that were torn apart by war conditions to arrange visits or meetings.
b) It is prohibited to fell trees, to destroy crops or livestock and civilian buildings and to destroy the enemy's bodies by shelling, blasting or other means.

Article 4:
Everyone has the right to the inviolability and protection of his reputation and his honor during his lifetime and after death. State and society shall protect his remains and buried.

Article 5:
a) The family is the fundamental unit of society, and marriage is the foundation of their education. Men and women have the right to marry, and they must by no restrictions based on race, color or nationality shall prevent them to take this right.
b) The Company and the State shall all the obstacles that stand in the way of a marriage, and help eliminate the marriage. They guarantee the protection and welfare of the family.

Article 6:
a) The woman is the man at the same dignity, she has rights and obligations, it is quite capable and financially independent, and she has the right to retain its name and origin.
b) The husband is responsible for the maintenance and welfare of the family.

Article 7:
a) At birth, the child has the right to have delivered his parents and society for its proper care and education and material, hygienic and moral care. The child in the womb and the mother enjoy protection and care.
b) parents and persons parents represented, have the right to choose for their children the education they want, provided they rnitberücksichtigen while the interest and future of children and that education with the ethical values and principles Sharia matches.
c) In accordance with the provisions of Sharia law both parents have certain legal rights over their children, and relatives have legal rights over their offspring.

Article 8:
Everyone has the right to legal capacity as a legal and moral obligation. Was he the legal capacity lose or just enjoy limited, it is represented by his guardian.

Article 9:
a) The quest for knowledge is an obligation, and society and the state have a duty to provide educational opportunities. The State must ensure that education is available and that a diverse society in the interests of education is guaranteed. People must have the ability to deal with the religion of Islam and the things of the world for the benefit of mankind.
b) Everyone has the right to receive both religious and secular education through the various educational and training institutions. These include the family, schools, universities, media, etc. All together they provide balanced for the fact that his personality is that his faith in God is strengthened and that he perceives both his rights and his duties complied with.

Article 10:
Islam is the religion of unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any kind of pressure on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to convert him to another religion or to atheism.

Article 11:
a) Man is born free, and no one has the right to enslave, humiliate, oppress or exploit them. Submission, it is only under God, the Almighty.
b) Colonialism of all types is one of the worst forms of slavery. Therefore it is absolutely forbidden. Peoples suffering from colonialism have the full right to liberty and self-determination. It is the duty of all States and peoples, the struggle of colonial peoples for the elimination of all forms of colonialism and occupation to support, and all States and peoples have the right to preserve their independent identity and control over their wealth and natural resources themselves exercise.

Article 12: Everyone has
within the framework of Sharia law the right to freedom of movement and freedom to choose his place of residence whether within or outside his country. Who will be pursued may ask for asylum in another country. The country of refuge guarantees its protection until it is safe, unless his asylum is based on an act which constitutes a crime under Sharia law.

Article 13:
The state and society ensure that every able-bodied people the right to work. Everyone can freely choose the work that suits him best and which serves his interests and those of society. The employee has the right to protection and security, and to all other social guarantees. He may not be assigned work that exceeds his powers, nor be set in any way under pressure, are exploited or harmed. He has - without any discrimination based on sex - Right to just and immediately paid wages for his work and he is entitled to grant leave and to earn promotion. By the employee in turn is expected that he carries out his work conscientiously and accurately. If, between workers and employers disagree on any point, the state intervenes to resolve the conflict and the grievances redressed, the rights confirmed and justice enforced without bias.

Article 14:
Everyone has the right to lawful income, if not monopoly, Fraud or harm to themselves or to others. Usury (riba) is absolutely prohibited.

Article 15:
a) Everyone has the right to have legally acquired property, and any claim to the property rights without inconvenience to himself, others or society in general. Expropriation is not permissible except for requirements of public interest and without delay a fair compensation is paid.
b) Confiscation and seizure of property is prohibited, unless a legally constituted necessity.

Article 16: Everyone has the right
, the success of his scientific, literary, artistic or technical work enjoy and protect deriving the resulting moral and material interests provided that the works do not contradict the principles of Sharia.

Article 17:
a) Everyone has the right to live in a clean environment, away from vice and moral corruption, in an environment that is conducive to its development. It is the responsibility of the state and society in general to afford that right.
b) Everyone has the right to social services and all public services that can provide the state with the means available to him.
c) The State guarantees the individual the right to an adequate standard of living, so that he is able to satisfy his needs and his family. These include food, clothing, housing, education, medical care and other basic needs.

Article 18:
a) Everyone has the right to personal safety, safety of his religion, his family, his honor and his property.
b) Everyone has the right to privacy, at home, in the family and in relation to his property and his private life. It is prohibited to be spying, surveillance or to besmirch his reputation. The State must protect citizens from arbitrary interference.
c) Inviolability of private residence is guaranteed. Entering a private home may not be done without the permission of the occupier, or in any unlawful manner. The apartment may be demolished or confiscated, nor should the residents be evicted.

Article 19:
a) All persons are equal before the law. There is no difference between the ruler and the ruled.
b) Everyone has the right to appeal to the courts.
c) Liability is in essence personal.
d) no crime or punishment except in accordance with the provisions of the Sharia.
e) A defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty proven in a fair court proceedings, and must be able to defend himself fully.

Article 20:
It is forbidden to arrest someone without a legitimate reason to restrict his freedom, to exile or to punish him. It is forbidden to anyone to physical or psychological torture, humiliate him or treat cruel or degrading. It is also forbidden to take in a person without his consent or without acute risk to his health or his life to medical or scientific experimentation. Nor is it permitted to promulgate emergency laws that such action would be justified.

Article 21:
hostage in any form and no matter for what purpose is expressly forbidden.

Article 22:
a) Everyone has the right to free speech, where he did not violate the principles of Sharia.
b) Everyone has the right to stand in line with the norms of the Sharia for the right to defend the good and to warn against what is wrong and evil.
c) Information is the lifeblood of the company. It must not be used for this and abused to violate the sanctity and dignity of Prophets, undermine moral and ethical values and to divide the society, to corrupt them to harm or weaken its faith. to do
d) It is prohibited to stoke nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or anything that could lead to any form of racial discrimination.

Article 23:
a) Authority is a responsibility and therefore it is absolutely forbidden to abuse or malicious exploitation. Only then can the basic human rights are guaranteed.
b) Everyone has the right to participate directly or indirectly in the management of state affairs in his country. He also has the right to assume, in accordance with the provisions of the Sharia is a public office.

Article 24:
all rights and freedoms in this Declaration called under, were the Islamic Sharia.

Article 25:
The Islamic Sharia is the only source for interpretation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.

Cairo, 14 Muharram 1411H 5th August 1990

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam , Aug. 5, 1990, UN GAOR, World Conf
. on Hum. Rts., 4th Sess., Agenda Item 5, UN Doc.
A/CONF.157/PC/62/Add.18 (1993) [English translation].

The Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Session of Peace, Interdependence and Development), held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, from 9-14 Muharram 1411H (31 July to 5 August 1990),

Keenly aware of the place of mankind in Islam as vicegerent of Allah on Earth;

Recognizing the importance of issuing a Document on Human Rights in Islam that will serve as a guide for Member states in all aspects of life;

Having examined the stages through which the preparation of this draft Document has so far, passed and the relevant report of the Secretary General;

Having examined the Report of the Meeting of the Committee of Legal Experts held in Tehran from 26 to 28 December, 1989;

Agrees to issue the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam that will serve as a general guidance for Member States in the Field of human rights.

Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made as the best community and which gave humanity a universal and well-balanced civilization, in which harmony is established between hereunder and the hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this community to guide all humanity which is confused because of different and conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems of this materialistic civilization.

In contribution to the efforts of mankind to assert human rights, to protect man from exploitation and persecution, and to affirm his freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah.

Convinced that mankind which has reached an advanced stage in materialistic science is still, and shall remain, in dire need of faith to support its civilization as well as a self motivating force to guard its rights;

Believing that fundamental rights and freedoms according to Islam are an integral part of the Islamic religion and that no one shall have the right as a matter of principle to abolish them either in whole or in part or to violate or ignore them in as much as they are binding divine commands, which are contained in the Revealed Books of Allah and which were sent through the last of His Prophets to complete the preceding divine messages and that safeguarding those fundamental rights and freedoms is an act of worship whereas the neglect or violation thereof is an abominable sin, and that the safeguarding of those fundamental rights and freedom is an individual responsibility of every person and a collective responsibility of the entire Ummah;

Do hereby and on the basis of the above-mentioned principles declare as follows:

(a) All human beings form one family whose members are united by their subordination to Allah and descent from Adam. All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other considerations. The true religion is the guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity.

(b) All human beings are Allah's subjects, and the most loved by Him are those who are most beneficial to His subjects, and no one has superiority over another except on the basis of piety and good deeds.


(a) Life is a God-given gift and the right to life is guaranteed to every human being. It is the duty of individuals, societies and states to safeguard this right against any violation, and it is prohibited to take away life except for a shari'ah prescribed reason.

(b) It is forbidden to resort to any means which could result in the genocidal annihilation of mankind.

(c) The preservation of human life throughout the term of time willed by Allah is a duty prescribed by Shari'ah.

(d) Safety from bodily harm is a guaranteed right. It is the duty of the state to safeguard it, and it is prohibited to breach it without a Shari'ah-prescribed reason.


(a) In the event of the use of force and in case of armed conflict, it is not permissible to kill non-belligerents such as old men, women and children. The wounded and the sick shall have the right to medical treatment; and prisoners of war shall have the right to be fed, sheltered and clothed. It is prohibited to mutilate or dismember dead bodies. It is required to exchange prisoners of war and to arrange visits or reunions of families separated by circumstances of war.

(b) It is prohibited to cut down trees, to destroy crops or livestock, to destroy the enemy's civilian buildings and installations by shelling, blasting or any other means.


Every human being is entitled to human sanctity and the protection of one's good name and honour during one's life and after one's death. The state and the society shall protect one's body and burial place from desecration.


(a) The family is the foundation of society, and marriage is the basis of making a family. Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from exercising this right.

(b) The society and the State shall remove all obstacles to marriage and facilitate it, and shall protect the family and safeguard its welfare.


(a) Woman is equal to man in human dignity, and has her own rights to enjoy as well as duties to perform, and has her own civil entity and financial independence, and the right to retain her name and lineage.

(b) The husband is responsible for the maintenance and welfare of the family.


(a) As of the moment of birth, every child has rights due from the parents, the society and the state to be accorded proper nursing, education and material, hygienic and moral care. Both the fetus and the mother must be safeguarded and accorded special care.

(b) Parents and those in such like capacity have the right to choose the type of education they desire for their children, provided they take into consideration the interest and future of the children in accordance with ethical values and the principles of the Shari'ah.

(c) Both parents are entitled to certain rights from their children, and relatives are entitled to rights from their kin, in accordance with the tenets of the shari'ah.


Every human being has the right to enjoy a legitimate eligibility with all its prerogatives and obligations in case such eligibility is lost or impaired, the person shall have the right to be represented by his/her guardian.


(a) The seeking of knowledge is an obligation and provision of education is the duty of the society and the State. The State shall ensure the availability of ways and means to acquire education and shall guarantee its diversity in the interest of the society so as to enable man to be acquainted with the religion of Islam and uncover the secrets of the Universe for the benefit of mankind.

(b) Every human being has a right to receive both religious and worldly education from the various institutions of teaching, education and guidance, including the family, the school, the university, the media, etc., and in such an integrated and balanced manner that would develop human personality, strengthen man's faith in Allah and promote man's respect to and defence of both rights and obligations.


Islam is the religion of true unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of pressure on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to force him to change his religion to another religion or to atheism.


(a) Human beings are born free, and no one has the right to enslave, humiliate, oppress or exploit them, and there can be no subjugation but to Allah the Almighty.

(b) Colonialism of all types being one of the most evil forms of enslavement is totally prohibited. Peoples suffering from colonialism have the full right to freedom and self-determination. It is the duty of all States peoples to support the struggle of colonized peoples for the liquidation of all forms of and occupation, and all States and peoples have the right to preserve their independent identity and econtrol over their wealth and natural resources.


Every man shall have the right, within the framework of the Shari'ah, to free movement and to select his place of residence whether within or outside his country and if persecuted, is entitled to seek asylum in another country. The country of refuge shall be obliged to provide protection to the asylum-seeker until his safety has been attained, unless asylum is motivated by committing an act regarded by the Shari'ah as a crime.


Work is a right guaranteed by the State and the Society for each person with capability to work. Everyone shall be free to choose the work that suits him best and which serves his interests as well as those of the society. The employee shall have the right to enjoy safety and security as well as all other social guarantees. He may not be assigned work beyond his capacity nor shall he be subjected to compulsion or exploited or harmed in any way. He shall be entitled - without any discrimination between males and females - to fair wages for his work without delay, as well as to the holidays allowances and promotions which he deserves. On his part, he shall be required to be dedicated and meticulous in his work. Should workers and employers disagree on any matter, the State shall intervene to settle the dispute and have the grievances redressed, the rights confirmed and justice enforced without bias.


Everyone shall have the right to earn a legitimate living without monopolization, deceit or causing harm to oneself or to others. Usury (riba) is explicitly prohibited.


(a) Everyone shall have the right to own property acquired in a legitimate way, and shall be entitled to the rights of ownership without prejudice to oneself, others or the society in general. Expropriation is not permissible except for requirements of public interest and upon payment of prompt and fair compensation.

(b) Confiscation and seizure of property is prohibited except for a necessity dictated by law.


Everyone shall have the right to enjoy the fruits of his scientific, literary, artistic or technical labour of which he is the author; and he shall have the right to the protection of his moral and material interests stemming therefrom, provided it is not contrary to the principles of the Shari'ah.


(a) Everyone shall have the right to live in a clean environment, away from vice and moral corruption, that would favour a healthy ethical development of his person and it is incumbent upon the State and society in general to afford that right.

(b) Everyone shall have the right to medical and social care, and to all public amenities provided by society and the State within the limits of their available resources.

(c) The States shall ensure the right of the individual to a decent living that may enable him to meet his requirements and those of his dependents, including food, clothing, housing, education, medical care and all other basic needs.


(a) Everyone shall have the right to live in security for himself, his religion, his dependents, his honour and his property.

(b) Everyone shall have the right to privacy in the conduct of his private affairs, in his home, among his family, with regard to his property and his relationships. It is not permitted to spy on him, to place him under surveillance or to besmirch his good name. The State shall protect him from arbitrary interference.

(c) A private residence is inviolable in all cases. It will not be entered without permission from its inhabitants or in any unlawful manner, nor shall it be demolished or confiscated and its dwellers evicted.


(a) All individuals are equal before the law, without distinction between the ruler and the ruled.

(b) The right to resort to justice is guaranteed to everyone.

(c) Liability is in essence personal.

(d) There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Shari'ah.

(e) A defendant is innocent until his guilt is proven in a fast trial in which he shall be given all the guarantees of defence.


It is not permitted without legitimate reason to arrest an individual, or restrict his freedom, to exile or to punish him. It is not permitted to subject him to physical or psychological torture or to any form of maltreatment, cruelty or indignity. Nor is it permitted to subject an individual to medical or scientific experiments without hisconsent or at the risk of his health or of his life. Nor is it permitted to promulgate emergency laws that would provide executive authority for such actions.


Taking hostages under any form or for any purpose is expressly forbidden.


(a) Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari'ah.

1.. Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari'ah.

(c) Information is a vital necessity to society. It may not be exploited or misused in such a way as may violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets, undermine moral and ethical Values or disintegrate, corrupt or harm society or weaken its faith.

(d) It is not permitted to excite nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or to do anything that may be an incitement to any form or racial discrimination.


(a) Authority is a trust; and abuse or malicious exploitation thereof is explicitly prohibited, in order to guarantee fundamental human rights.

(b) Everyone shall have the right to participate, directly or indirectly in the administration of his country's public affairs. He shall also have the right to assume public office in accordance with the provisions of Shari'ah.


All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah.


The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.