popular is called the Golden Rule :
What you do not want that one you'll do that do not do to others.
Immanuel Kant has formulated Sun:
Act so that every time your action may be brought to the maxim.
(This is otherwise a guide to action , a solicitation click me to nice wishes )
in Islam is called the rule
None of you is a believer until he does not for his brother Hopes that he would have wished for themselves. (1)This is not a rule of conduct, not a rule for action, but a wishy-washy rule: Moreover, one must know that the brother is only a brother if he is Muslim. And even if one extends the group of people: You may also wish that the other would be Muslim. The golden rule degenerates So to Rusty rule.
who think this is an assumption see Sura 48:29 is at:
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers but merciful to one another.See also Wiki Sura 5:51
you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends!Due to the Rusty rule, an "Islamic youth magazine" quite sometimes make a call to Muslims to "participate in the reshaping of this company" to make them available to the Islamic Ummah. This is even more justified by Sura 33, verse 27:
Allah has made you inheritors of the unbelievers, their lands and homes of all their goods and all the land, which will take her foot.
dish: Fatwa on the question: How should Muslims treat Christians? click me
(1) Hadith Bukhari 1.2.12, click me or me
It is therefore not even in the form of rusty in the Koran (as has been previously thought).
to have Mohammed way, said in his last sermon, one should not harm anyone, because he one could also harm - that is first, no ethical rule, but a practical behavior of consideration, and it does not apply to dhimmis, and non-Muslims, because that may yes not testify against Muslims, and can not defend themselves. ("Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you" click me ).
See also: Harbi
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