Crusades and Islam
637 (462 years before the Christian Crusades) : a Muslim army conquered the the Christian Byzantine empire belonging Jerusalem
642 (457 years before the Christian Crusades) : a Muslim army conquered the Byzantine Empire to the Christian belonging to Alexandria, the capital of Egypt's Christian
645 (454 years before the Christian Crusades) : Muslims conquer the Christian Barka in North Africa (Libya)
674 (425 years before the Christian Crusades) : a Muslim attack on Constantinople (the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire and seat of the Christian emperor) is blocked
717 (382 years before the Christian Crusades ) : a Muslim attack on Constantinople (the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire and seat of the Christian emperor) is blocked.
708 (391 years before the Christian Crusades) : The Muslim campaign for the conquest of Christian North Africa, the Atlantic coast.
710 (389 years before the Christian Crusades) : the conquest of the last Christian city in North Africa is under Islamic rule through the former Christian North Africa. Almost all of the 400 Christian dioceses in North Africa will go under. North Africa was a once flourishing Christian world, the great theologian of Christian antiquity has produced: Tertullian, Cyprian, Athanasius, Augustine.
711 (388 years before the Christian Crusades) : Muslim armies cross the Strait of Gibraltar and invade Europe. Beginning of the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula (today Spain and Portugal).
712 (387 years before the Christian Crusades) : the conquest of southern Spain is finished.
713 (386 years before the Christian Crusades) : The Arabs conquer Barcelona, crossing the Pyrenees and begin the conquest of southern France. About ninety years after Muhammad's death are Muslim armies (not Muslim missionaries!) In the Christian kingdom of the Franks (now France)
(before 379 years the beginning of the Crusades) 720 : The Arabs conquer the south of France Narbonne and besiege Toulouse.
723 (376 years before the Crusades) Defense Battle of Tours and Poitiers (now France): European victory of the armies of the Muslim army.
1009 (90 years before the Christian Crusades) : Caliph Al-Hakim ordered the systematic destruction of all Christian shrines in Jerusalem. The Holy Sepulchre, including the Holy Sepulchre is destroyed.
1070 (29 years before the Christian Crusades) : the Seljuks, a Turkish nomadic people from Central Asia, which in the 10th Century, had converted to Islam, giving it control over Jerusalem. The peaceful pilgrimage of Christians to the holy Places will be increasingly hampered.
1071 (28 years before the Christian Crusades) : Battle of Manzikert - a Christian Byzantine army defeated by a Muslim army. The Muslim Seljuk Turks conquered the core of the Christian Byzantine Empire: Asia Minor.
1095 (4 years before the Christian Crusades) : The Christian Byzantine Emperor Alexius I sent an embassy to Pope Urban II with the request for military assistance. At the synod of Clermont, the Crusade is decided.
1099 to 1293 After nearly four hundred seventy Years of Islamic expansion by the sword start two centuries of the Christian Crusades.
1389 Battle of Kosovo: A Christian army of Serbs, Bosnians and Bulgarians will be beaten by a Muslim army of. The Balkans are Muslim Christian vassals.
1453 conquest of Constantinople (now Istanbul), the Centre of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Orthodox Church. The Christian emperor is killed in action. End of the Christian Byzantine Empire.
1480 a Muslim army captured Otranto in Italy. In 1481 retaken by a Christian army.
1521 a Muslim army conquered Belgrade.
1526 Mohács - a Christian army by a Muslim army was defeated. Muslim armies conquered most of Hungary and threatened Vienna.
The first siege of Vienna in 1529 failed by a Muslim army.
The second siege of Vienna in 1683 failed by a Muslim army.
This data was by a member of the Forum "Station 13" was compiled and posted as a contribution. (Copied from here )
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