Wednesday, January 17, 2007

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5th Analysis and solutions

Farewell to multiculturalism . Ways out of the integration crisis
Stefan air

The title says it all and he does what he promises. With facts, analysis and a list of measures.

Not for the do-gooders.

The weaker sex - the Turkish men. Forced marriage, domestic violence, double standards of the honor of Ahmet Toprak

presentation and analysis of concrete cases.

How raped his wife on their wedding night, so she knows in the future, who is the boss.

Holy War in Europe , Udo Ulfkotte

An analysis of how the Muslim Brotherhood - make wide spread in the West and the de facto Sharia law - under the guise of different organizations. Supported by people who mean so just fine.

An indigestible summary and synopsis. But you should do that.

The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims by Andrew G. Bostom

the unsavory history of the Holy War, which must be waged against all who were aufgerrufen to submit to Islam and just do not want to submit.

Unbelievable, but covered with sources.


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