Monuments of the Hereafter - The mystery of the pyramids
"There is no building in the sky, aligned to perfection the pyramids of Egypt! My eye was refreshed at these unique buildings, but my mind is tormented with the question of what they are supposed to mean!" Rates from the Middle Ages ...
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Monday, November 9, 2009
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beer, food and work - everyday life in ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt is not only one of the first civilizations of the world - the country's history dates back over 5000 years - but also one that is best studied. Egyptology has existed since Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, but the focus of this science was a long time only the rich upper class in Egypt. But how lived at that time the common people? The sources also are often excessive and remains very low. However, it should bear some managed to flesh out the knowledge of the work and lives of officials and craftsmen. Yuksek, with the people in ancient Egypt, clothing, cosmetics and hair style probably a big role. Even the diet of the ancient Egyptians are now known, as is their fondness for wine and a type of beer.
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Ancient Egypt is not only one of the first civilizations of the world - the country's history dates back over 5000 years - but also one that is best studied. Egyptology has existed since Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, but the focus of this science was a long time only the rich upper class in Egypt. But how lived at that time the common people? The sources also are often excessive and remains very low. However, it should bear some managed to flesh out the knowledge of the work and lives of officials and craftsmen. Yuksek, with the people in ancient Egypt, clothing, cosmetics and hair style probably a big role. Even the diet of the ancient Egyptians are now known, as is their fondness for wine and a type of beer.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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Ballista instructions
I have some time here and have found it today again have: D
How to Build a Ballista?
Note: It is a PDF Seite.Hier is the link to Adobe Reader 9.2
Adobe Reader 9.2 DownLoad
I have some time here and have found it today again have: D
How to Build a Ballista?
Note: It is a PDF Seite.Hier is the link to Adobe Reader 9.2
Adobe Reader 9.2 DownLoad
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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underwater city is almost 6000 years old
On bottom front are the Greek Peloponnese peninsula, the remains of Pavlopetri that applies for decades as the oldest sunken city in the world. But their origins lie not in the Bronze Age, as archaeologists previously thought, but even in the late Stone Age. The proof ceramic pieces that archaeologists have now found in the area and are aged 5000-6000 years.
Pavlopetri once was 100 000 square meters, about half of the area have Nic Flemming from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and his team are now mapped. Since many roads and houses are still visible, they could reconstruct the plan of the port city almost completely. Nearby, the researchers also made shipwreck and its cargo of lost. Soon they will investigate the findings further, to learn more about the beginnings of maritime trade in the Mediterranean.
Flemming had Pavlopetri discovered in 1967, the remains were initially estimated at an age of 4000 years. The town existed until about 1000 BC, why then sank in the sea, is unclear. According to geologists could you fall with a rise in sea level or an earthquake related.
National Oceanography Centre
On bottom front are the Greek Peloponnese peninsula, the remains of Pavlopetri that applies for decades as the oldest sunken city in the world. But their origins lie not in the Bronze Age, as archaeologists previously thought, but even in the late Stone Age. The proof ceramic pieces that archaeologists have now found in the area and are aged 5000-6000 years.
Pavlopetri once was 100 000 square meters, about half of the area have Nic Flemming from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and his team are now mapped. Since many roads and houses are still visible, they could reconstruct the plan of the port city almost completely. Nearby, the researchers also made shipwreck and its cargo of lost. Soon they will investigate the findings further, to learn more about the beginnings of maritime trade in the Mediterranean.
Flemming had Pavlopetri discovered in 1967, the remains were initially estimated at an age of 4000 years. The town existed until about 1000 BC, why then sank in the sea, is unclear. According to geologists could you fall with a rise in sea level or an earthquake related.
National Oceanography Centre
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Pope Joan - The triumph of a woman
History Film / Drama - Germany / Italy / Spain. 2009
Rated: PG-12 - 148 mins - Rental: Constantin
Start: 22/10/2009
Legend has it that in the 9th have been taken over centuries the highest office in the church by a man dressed as a woman. Whether that is true, is still controversial. Neither the time nor the event itself is agreement. While the producers of the film Pope Joan as a true story To apply church historians refute their veracity and rate the alleged Pope Joan as a fictional character. Should be about a woman led the whole Catholic Church by the nose?
controversial, the subject, so rocky and the way the book was to film. First, should not Sönke Wortmann (Das Wunder von Bern, Germany. A summer fairytale) staging the bestseller Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross, but Oscar-winner Volker Schlondorff (The Tin Drum, Ulzhan). But when he criticized an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Cinema-TV hybrid products, he was by the production company Constantin unceremoniously shown the door. Also favored by Schlöndorff Actress Franka Potente should not rise more in the habit of Joanna from now. The role of Pope was instead filled by Johanna Wokalek (North Face, The Baader Meinhof Complex).
So much for the trappings of the film that triggered all kinds of vortex and the success of the film is likely to be beneficial. But what is it exactly? Sönke Wortmann's historical epic begins in the freezing winter of 814th In poor conditions the girl Johanna was born the third child. The love of knowledge seems to become her in the cradle to be. She learns quickly and eagerly, even though her father, the village priest (Iain Glen), she denied any education and only his two sons, Matthew (Sandro Lohmann) and John (Jan-Hendrik Kiefer informed). When her brother Matthew Johanna persuaded her secretly teach reading, writing and Latin, this is the beginning of a long odyssey of a life by repeatedly and have to hide their true identity. Women were not for the school, but to bear children and is responsible for the budget. Only men were allowed to benefit from education.
But Joan refuses to be: against the strict father, against the rules of the church, for their convictions and their faith. She senses that her destiny is different, that God has it a different way. But the price is high. During the long meet them again and again people who acknowledge their intelligence and mental sharpness, and their help. They make it to the cathedral school, where they met Count Gerold, a nobleman at the court of the bishop (David Wenham), and love to learn. When the war breaks out, it appears under the name of Brother John was a man dressed as the Benedictine monastery of Fulda. For several years she lived as a respected healer and medicine man. threatened when her true identity to be revealed, she flees to Rome. There she again meets Count Gerold, noting that one can not deny it longer: their love.
On and Johanna rises on the side of the pope in the church hierarchy, always greater the risk of discovery and increasingly they feel that they must decide: Will she give her heart God or a man? When Pope Sergius (John Goodman) dies, Johanna is elected as his successor. They quickly, the people on their side, have for the never before done a church leader so much. But Joan has also envy and enemies that you will one day become fatal.
Whether true or fictitious, one thing is certain: Pope Joan is anything but a boring history ham. What is shown here, the magnificent triumph of a woman in a patriarchal society, Johanna's emancipation to the Church but also against a man she loves. A fight in which they 148 minutes brilliantly mastered and worth every minute without lengths.
directed by Sönke Wortmann
writer Donna Woolfolk Cross, Heinrich Hadding, Sönke Wortmann
Camera: Tom ferryman
Editor: Hans Funck
Music: Marcel Barsotti
protagonist: Johanna Wokalek, Anatole Taubman, John Goodman, Jördis Triebel, David Wenham
History Film / Drama - Germany / Italy / Spain. 2009
Rated: PG-12 - 148 mins - Rental: Constantin
Start: 22/10/2009
Legend has it that in the 9th have been taken over centuries the highest office in the church by a man dressed as a woman. Whether that is true, is still controversial. Neither the time nor the event itself is agreement. While the producers of the film Pope Joan as a true story To apply church historians refute their veracity and rate the alleged Pope Joan as a fictional character. Should be about a woman led the whole Catholic Church by the nose?
controversial, the subject, so rocky and the way the book was to film. First, should not Sönke Wortmann (Das Wunder von Bern, Germany. A summer fairytale) staging the bestseller Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross, but Oscar-winner Volker Schlondorff (The Tin Drum, Ulzhan). But when he criticized an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Cinema-TV hybrid products, he was by the production company Constantin unceremoniously shown the door. Also favored by Schlöndorff Actress Franka Potente should not rise more in the habit of Joanna from now. The role of Pope was instead filled by Johanna Wokalek (North Face, The Baader Meinhof Complex).
So much for the trappings of the film that triggered all kinds of vortex and the success of the film is likely to be beneficial. But what is it exactly? Sönke Wortmann's historical epic begins in the freezing winter of 814th In poor conditions the girl Johanna was born the third child. The love of knowledge seems to become her in the cradle to be. She learns quickly and eagerly, even though her father, the village priest (Iain Glen), she denied any education and only his two sons, Matthew (Sandro Lohmann) and John (Jan-Hendrik Kiefer informed). When her brother Matthew Johanna persuaded her secretly teach reading, writing and Latin, this is the beginning of a long odyssey of a life by repeatedly and have to hide their true identity. Women were not for the school, but to bear children and is responsible for the budget. Only men were allowed to benefit from education.
But Joan refuses to be: against the strict father, against the rules of the church, for their convictions and their faith. She senses that her destiny is different, that God has it a different way. But the price is high. During the long meet them again and again people who acknowledge their intelligence and mental sharpness, and their help. They make it to the cathedral school, where they met Count Gerold, a nobleman at the court of the bishop (David Wenham), and love to learn. When the war breaks out, it appears under the name of Brother John was a man dressed as the Benedictine monastery of Fulda. For several years she lived as a respected healer and medicine man. threatened when her true identity to be revealed, she flees to Rome. There she again meets Count Gerold, noting that one can not deny it longer: their love.
On and Johanna rises on the side of the pope in the church hierarchy, always greater the risk of discovery and increasingly they feel that they must decide: Will she give her heart God or a man? When Pope Sergius (John Goodman) dies, Johanna is elected as his successor. They quickly, the people on their side, have for the never before done a church leader so much. But Joan has also envy and enemies that you will one day become fatal.
Whether true or fictitious, one thing is certain: Pope Joan is anything but a boring history ham. What is shown here, the magnificent triumph of a woman in a patriarchal society, Johanna's emancipation to the Church but also against a man she loves. A fight in which they 148 minutes brilliantly mastered and worth every minute without lengths.
directed by Sönke Wortmann
writer Donna Woolfolk Cross, Heinrich Hadding, Sönke Wortmann
Camera: Tom ferryman
Editor: Hans Funck
Music: Marcel Barsotti
protagonist: Johanna Wokalek, Anatole Taubman, John Goodman, Jördis Triebel, David Wenham
Monday, October 26, 2009
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gladiators sought
Regensburg historian experimental project on nutrition and training of Roman gladiators start
the students of the Uni Regensburg is still looking for volunteers who are willing to undergo an intensive training and adhere to a strict diet.
The full-scale replica of an ancient Roman galley and two marches in Legionnaires' Equipment - 2004 over the Alps and 2008 on the Danube along Carnuntum (Lower Austria) and Regensburg - could historians make the University of Regensburg have nationwide attention. On Tuesday, 20 October 2009, fell on the campus of Regensburg launch another project in the field of experimental archeology. It is organized once again by employees of the Department of Ancient History at the University of Regensburg. As part of the Research Centre "Region in Transition" (RIU), the organizers take it another familiar theme of the ancient world closer look: the gladiators. Equal to twenty original reproduction of Gladiator equipment was handed over to the University of Regensburg in this context by a generous donor, the entrepreneur Hans Schaller from Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.
Historical background:
What is another subject of classical studies hardly the history of Roman gladiators fraught with stereotypes, distorting the historical reality in many ways. Although, the munera, so the events were held in the framework of gladiatorial combat, a form of mass entertainment. Often overlooked, however, that this form of spectacle to religious rituals of the Etruscans is based, originally constituted extraordinary homages to the dead. Moreover, the history of the gladiatorial with an extraordinary process of professionalization is connected, which in turn is closely related to the political development of Rome.
The former burial customs changed in the course of time as a part of PR campaigns of Roman statesmen like Caesar. In imperial times gladiatorial combats were then in almost all parts of the expanding Roman Empire introduced. Gladiator fights were an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization. While at first prisoners of war and slaves were forced to such struggles, life went as a gladiator as a result, members of the Roman upper class. Many distinguished Romans gave to their social rank, to be part of the circle of those who in the arenas of the Empire fought out the munera. With brutal and without any rules also fought battles, as is suggested, the modern media of our time, had the munera also rarely anything in common.
Although they were actually located on the lowest social level, enjoyed the well-trained medical well-served gladiators in the Roman society sometimes the status of idols, comparable to modern "Super Stars". Coupled with the extensive medical care for these "super stars" was a coordinated nutrition plan, which was the same as the treatment of gladiators strict scientific criteria. Both were incorporated into the design of the ancient Roman army, thereby making an important contribution into the development of medicine in the West until the early modern period.
objectives and timetable of the project:
precisely these scientific developments will be at the heart of the new project of Regensburg scientists. Based on whether it is possible for a man of the 21st century to make a Gladiator on the ancient model, they should be medical, nutritional and sports science aspects are examined in the light of ancient sources.
After the handover of equipment by the contractor Gladiator Hans Schaller go there in the coming weeks is to find volunteers for the proposed project. We are looking for male students at the University of Regensburg, 20-30 years, who must first submit an intense strength and movement training and are trained in the use of heavy equipment. In addition, based on antique Sources - in particular the statements of the ancient physician Galen - a detailed eating plan drawn up that is challenging for the subjects with a high level of discipline. Target point of the project, the outcome at this stage due to the high demands of the parties seems to be completely open, a longer stay in the amphitheater in Carnuntum. In this context, the subjects will be for every month to train long and as ancient gladiators.
The project could provide not only a deeper understanding of the lives of the gladiators, further evidence for the nutrition science, sports science and sports medicine. Precisely for this reason, the different phases the project by members of the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Regensburg accompanied.
Regensburg historian experimental project on nutrition and training of Roman gladiators start
the students of the Uni Regensburg is still looking for volunteers who are willing to undergo an intensive training and adhere to a strict diet.
The full-scale replica of an ancient Roman galley and two marches in Legionnaires' Equipment - 2004 over the Alps and 2008 on the Danube along Carnuntum (Lower Austria) and Regensburg - could historians make the University of Regensburg have nationwide attention. On Tuesday, 20 October 2009, fell on the campus of Regensburg launch another project in the field of experimental archeology. It is organized once again by employees of the Department of Ancient History at the University of Regensburg. As part of the Research Centre "Region in Transition" (RIU), the organizers take it another familiar theme of the ancient world closer look: the gladiators. Equal to twenty original reproduction of Gladiator equipment was handed over to the University of Regensburg in this context by a generous donor, the entrepreneur Hans Schaller from Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.
Historical background:
What is another subject of classical studies hardly the history of Roman gladiators fraught with stereotypes, distorting the historical reality in many ways. Although, the munera, so the events were held in the framework of gladiatorial combat, a form of mass entertainment. Often overlooked, however, that this form of spectacle to religious rituals of the Etruscans is based, originally constituted extraordinary homages to the dead. Moreover, the history of the gladiatorial with an extraordinary process of professionalization is connected, which in turn is closely related to the political development of Rome.
The former burial customs changed in the course of time as a part of PR campaigns of Roman statesmen like Caesar. In imperial times gladiatorial combats were then in almost all parts of the expanding Roman Empire introduced. Gladiator fights were an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization. While at first prisoners of war and slaves were forced to such struggles, life went as a gladiator as a result, members of the Roman upper class. Many distinguished Romans gave to their social rank, to be part of the circle of those who in the arenas of the Empire fought out the munera. With brutal and without any rules also fought battles, as is suggested, the modern media of our time, had the munera also rarely anything in common.
Although they were actually located on the lowest social level, enjoyed the well-trained medical well-served gladiators in the Roman society sometimes the status of idols, comparable to modern "Super Stars". Coupled with the extensive medical care for these "super stars" was a coordinated nutrition plan, which was the same as the treatment of gladiators strict scientific criteria. Both were incorporated into the design of the ancient Roman army, thereby making an important contribution into the development of medicine in the West until the early modern period.
objectives and timetable of the project:
precisely these scientific developments will be at the heart of the new project of Regensburg scientists. Based on whether it is possible for a man of the 21st century to make a Gladiator on the ancient model, they should be medical, nutritional and sports science aspects are examined in the light of ancient sources.
After the handover of equipment by the contractor Gladiator Hans Schaller go there in the coming weeks is to find volunteers for the proposed project. We are looking for male students at the University of Regensburg, 20-30 years, who must first submit an intense strength and movement training and are trained in the use of heavy equipment. In addition, based on antique Sources - in particular the statements of the ancient physician Galen - a detailed eating plan drawn up that is challenging for the subjects with a high level of discipline. Target point of the project, the outcome at this stage due to the high demands of the parties seems to be completely open, a longer stay in the amphitheater in Carnuntum. In this context, the subjects will be for every month to train long and as ancient gladiators.
The project could provide not only a deeper understanding of the lives of the gladiators, further evidence for the nutrition science, sports science and sports medicine. Precisely for this reason, the different phases the project by members of the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Regensburg accompanied.
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Romans march: Suffering for science
Romans march: Suffering for science, Heroic, utterly fearless and, above all, very tough - the soldiers of the ancient Romans had to put up with much. And respect for the achievements of the Legion is growing even more if you slip a few hundred miles in their role.
Romans march: Suffering for science, Heroic, utterly fearless and, above all, very tough - the soldiers of the ancient Romans had to put up with much. And respect for the achievements of the Legion is growing even more if you slip a few hundred miles in their role.
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Asterix celebrates 50th Birthday
The year is 1959 AD. The whole world is occupied by a dusty historical image of Roman antiquity. The whole world? - No! Two indomitable comic book writers - The writer René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, the illustrator - invent Asterix. Since then, he delighted millions of comic fans all over the world, but also history and Latin teacher.
Asterix This would almost become a fox. For when Goscinny and Uderzo 1959 to develop the nascent magazine "Pilote" a comic story, the story will first turn to "Le Roman de Renard" - to German Reinecke Fuchs. But when they find out that another author has already had a similar idea to develop indomitable Gauls Asterix and his friends. In the first edition of the "pilots" starts on page 20, the adventure, Asterix the Gaul "and is now a hit. Jacta est Alea. (Latin: The cube has fallen.)
false start in Germany
corresponds Asterix and his stocky figure, big nose and the wings helmet actually not the stereotypes of the time to look like a comic book hero. But writers Goscinny convinced his partner Uderzo assume that Asterix must be different.. "I wanted an anti-hero," said Goscinny about the making of Asterix, "a little guy Asterix should be a kid, so noticeable as a punctuation mark I was important that the character was funny in itself. " Asterix is the stylishly comic book hero and that makes him successful. Veni, vidi, vici! (Latin: I came, saw and conquered!)
With the magic potion to get through the whole country
Quick Asterix makes even beyond the borders of France also talked about. And has secured the German fixed and Foxi publisher Rolf Kauka 1965 Asterix rights. He tried the Gauls in the comic book "Lupo" Germanization, called Siggi Asterix, Obelix makes Barbarras, from Gaul and Germania West chewing gum from the Romans U.S. boys. The heavy-handed references to the current policy of the 60 take the stories with its many allusions and sophisticated word play the wit, the joke is gone. Morituri te salutant (Latin. Those destined to die salute you) save
But Goscinny and Uderzo their heroes and take back the rights. Until almost ten years after its start in France in 1968 appears the first authentic Asterix book "Asterix the Gaul" in the correct translation in Germany. But the indomitable Gauls conquering flanked by two movie appearances, including the classic "Asterix and Cleopatra" again very soon a large following. Nunc est bibendum (Latin: Well must be drunk.)
An anti-hero to success
Asterix convinced by inner values: he is cunning, clever, brave, and sometimes a little stubborn and argumentative. At his side is his strong and thick - "Who's fat?" - Sorry - stocky friend Obelix, which can knock anything - except a kiss the beautiful Panacea. Obelix is therefore so strong because he as a child fell into the pot with a magic potion that gives superhuman strength and the Druid Miraculix regular brews, when the Romans will be once again beat. Using the magic potion made the Gauls, the toughest adventure of Egypt to Britain, from Germania America. Non licet omnibus Adire Corinthum. (Latin: It is not every permitted to proceed to Corinth.)
secret of success: attention to detail
What is the attraction of the Asterix stories? Firstly because the funny idea, the actual conditions of the magic potion is to turn simple - well-equipped Roman and unscrupulous pirates suddenly afraid of the Gauls. Second, the stories convince by their richness and lovingly prepared outlines for all participants. For example, allusions and references to popular stereotypes, the inhabitants of the countries visited lovingly pull his leg. Many Romans are not simply evil, but mostly rather simple-minded, arrogant or lazy and also because of chance. Sic transit gloria mundi (lat.. Thus passes the glory of the world)
Goscinny died at 51 years
is just "Asterix in Belgium", as during the work on the band in 1977 Goscinny surprisingly with only 51 years dies. This loses Asterix the brilliant storyteller, Goscinny ideas and subtle language. As a result, brings out another artist Uderzo Asterix adventure. But the loss of the stories is to be noted clearly. Qualis Artifex pereo! (Latin: What artists to me passes away)
Asterix comics makes acceptable
After 50 years, Asterix is not only a place in many children's shelves conquered, but the intelligent humor of the books has comics in general, made acceptable. Schools provide the fabric with his help, whether in Latin, French, Greek, or in history lessons. Even museums devoted his major exhibitions. His adventures have been in more than 100 Translated languages and dialects, including Saxon, Swabian and Bavarian. And so Hans Well makes use of the Biermösl Blosn then "armed to Asterix" "Graffd wead.
The year is 1959 AD. The whole world is occupied by a dusty historical image of Roman antiquity. The whole world? - No! Two indomitable comic book writers - The writer René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, the illustrator - invent Asterix. Since then, he delighted millions of comic fans all over the world, but also history and Latin teacher.
Asterix This would almost become a fox. For when Goscinny and Uderzo 1959 to develop the nascent magazine "Pilote" a comic story, the story will first turn to "Le Roman de Renard" - to German Reinecke Fuchs. But when they find out that another author has already had a similar idea to develop indomitable Gauls Asterix and his friends. In the first edition of the "pilots" starts on page 20, the adventure, Asterix the Gaul "and is now a hit. Jacta est Alea. (Latin: The cube has fallen.)
false start in Germany
corresponds Asterix and his stocky figure, big nose and the wings helmet actually not the stereotypes of the time to look like a comic book hero. But writers Goscinny convinced his partner Uderzo assume that Asterix must be different.. "I wanted an anti-hero," said Goscinny about the making of Asterix, "a little guy Asterix should be a kid, so noticeable as a punctuation mark I was important that the character was funny in itself. " Asterix is the stylishly comic book hero and that makes him successful. Veni, vidi, vici! (Latin: I came, saw and conquered!)
With the magic potion to get through the whole country
Quick Asterix makes even beyond the borders of France also talked about. And has secured the German fixed and Foxi publisher Rolf Kauka 1965 Asterix rights. He tried the Gauls in the comic book "Lupo" Germanization, called Siggi Asterix, Obelix makes Barbarras, from Gaul and Germania West chewing gum from the Romans U.S. boys. The heavy-handed references to the current policy of the 60 take the stories with its many allusions and sophisticated word play the wit, the joke is gone. Morituri te salutant (Latin. Those destined to die salute you) save
But Goscinny and Uderzo their heroes and take back the rights. Until almost ten years after its start in France in 1968 appears the first authentic Asterix book "Asterix the Gaul" in the correct translation in Germany. But the indomitable Gauls conquering flanked by two movie appearances, including the classic "Asterix and Cleopatra" again very soon a large following. Nunc est bibendum (Latin: Well must be drunk.)
An anti-hero to success
Asterix convinced by inner values: he is cunning, clever, brave, and sometimes a little stubborn and argumentative. At his side is his strong and thick - "Who's fat?" - Sorry - stocky friend Obelix, which can knock anything - except a kiss the beautiful Panacea. Obelix is therefore so strong because he as a child fell into the pot with a magic potion that gives superhuman strength and the Druid Miraculix regular brews, when the Romans will be once again beat. Using the magic potion made the Gauls, the toughest adventure of Egypt to Britain, from Germania America. Non licet omnibus Adire Corinthum. (Latin: It is not every permitted to proceed to Corinth.)
secret of success: attention to detail
What is the attraction of the Asterix stories? Firstly because the funny idea, the actual conditions of the magic potion is to turn simple - well-equipped Roman and unscrupulous pirates suddenly afraid of the Gauls. Second, the stories convince by their richness and lovingly prepared outlines for all participants. For example, allusions and references to popular stereotypes, the inhabitants of the countries visited lovingly pull his leg. Many Romans are not simply evil, but mostly rather simple-minded, arrogant or lazy and also because of chance. Sic transit gloria mundi (lat.. Thus passes the glory of the world)
Goscinny died at 51 years
is just "Asterix in Belgium", as during the work on the band in 1977 Goscinny surprisingly with only 51 years dies. This loses Asterix the brilliant storyteller, Goscinny ideas and subtle language. As a result, brings out another artist Uderzo Asterix adventure. But the loss of the stories is to be noted clearly. Qualis Artifex pereo! (Latin: What artists to me passes away)
Asterix comics makes acceptable
After 50 years, Asterix is not only a place in many children's shelves conquered, but the intelligent humor of the books has comics in general, made acceptable. Schools provide the fabric with his help, whether in Latin, French, Greek, or in history lessons. Even museums devoted his major exhibitions. His adventures have been in more than 100 Translated languages and dialects, including Saxon, Swabian and Bavarian. And so Hans Well makes use of the Biermösl Blosn then "armed to Asterix" "Graffd wead.
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revolution from above - The Emancipation of Prussia
begins in 1807 in Prussia, a reform project that shake the foundations of corporate society forever and Germany should pave the way into the industrial age. It is a revolution from above without spilling blood into the work set by statesmen, administrators, and scholars who want to provide economically for the Prussians defeat by Napoleon to his feet. The farmer's exemption is only part of it, but an essential: For farmers earn the lion's share of the gross national product. The Edict of 9 October 1807 is preparing an end to the oppressive serfdom and acts like a thunderbolt
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
begins in 1807 in Prussia, a reform project that shake the foundations of corporate society forever and Germany should pave the way into the industrial age. It is a revolution from above without spilling blood into the work set by statesmen, administrators, and scholars who want to provide economically for the Prussians defeat by Napoleon to his feet. The farmer's exemption is only part of it, but an essential: For farmers earn the lion's share of the gross national product. The Edict of 9 October 1807 is preparing an end to the oppressive serfdom and acts like a thunderbolt
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
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Judaism - the religion of the parties and celebrations
Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot for most non-Jews today still only exotic terms. Here, the festivals of the Jewish prayer, liturgy and calendar of their Christian fellow citizens who had the final.
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot for most non-Jews today still only exotic terms. Here, the festivals of the Jewish prayer, liturgy and calendar of their Christian fellow citizens who had the final.
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
Friday, October 16, 2009
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New Museum reopens
Egyptian collection of world-famous to see a bust of Nefertiti
After more than 70 years on 17 October, the Neues Museum on Berlin's Museum Island was reopened. After the handover ceremony on the eve of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), then the public can visit the Egyptian collection of the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti and the Museum of Prehistory and Early History. To kick off the weekend there are two open days with free admission.
Neues Museum
Who set it up, can not travel to Berlin for the weekend, can sometimes take a virtual tour through the New Museum and make the Museum Island.
Museum Island (flash animation)
Egyptian collection of world-famous to see a bust of Nefertiti
After more than 70 years on 17 October, the Neues Museum on Berlin's Museum Island was reopened. After the handover ceremony on the eve of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), then the public can visit the Egyptian collection of the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti and the Museum of Prehistory and Early History. To kick off the weekend there are two open days with free admission.
Neues Museum
Who set it up, can not travel to Berlin for the weekend, can sometimes take a virtual tour through the New Museum and make the Museum Island.
Museum Island (flash animation)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
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Alexander the Great and the opening of the world
"the drive to previously unattained"
Asian Cultures in Transition
Alexander the Great - Myth, Hero and King. He changed the world and today everyone knows his name. Until 21 February 2010 to devote his Mannheim Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums and the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute, a special exhibition.
40 museums have their part in the exhibition "Alexander the Great and the opening of the world. Asia Cultures in Transition contributed. "Some pieces are for the first time in Europe to see. It's all about Alexander (356-323 BC), the great heroes of past and these days. That would be pleasing to him, it was him but it seems more important to keep rooted in generations.'ve Therefore it his obsequious and uncritical reporting accompanied on the campaign. The lasted eleven years and led by the giant Persian Empire. There is much to report.
"Of particular appeal"
Also present for the Mannheim Museum, the Alexander was. Previously on Alexander shows his work, mostly in Europe and in Egypt are of interest. Now the focus moves to Central Asia. And of course it on, on the ancient authors wrote: "He had a cowlick on the forehead and held his head a little askew, his eyes were of particular appeal, and he was relatively small in stature.." He had also been passionate, "with a desire for exceptional so far unmatched.
exchange of cultures
Alexander the Great brought during his campaign a mess of things: The Central Asian nations were confronted with Greek culture and lifestyle. In return, met Alexander's army and the Persian armada living environment and local cultures of Central Asia. These interactions are the center of the Mannheim exhibition.
The stories about the king are fascinating and abstract. Since book learning meets expert knowledge. The exhibition organizers initially had concerns, the myth of Alexander the Great to succumb. That did not happen. For the Great is glorified not only, but also the drawbacks are present. And the aftermath.
visitors to pick up the presence
because there has never been such a level of communication between East and West as to Alexander. He has during his campaign not only the culture but also animals and plants documented the people. "The visitor is to see that this is an era in which cultures mix and a new culture arises. "says Prof. Dr. Alfried Wieczorek, the Executive Director of the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums
It is a huge subject and a great man can please even the children how Wieczorek promises." We declare the life-world time to go something like Hellenism then not. . Younger visitors can see how cultures live together and to arise again, "In the present, would you pick up the visitor's why there are among the many special exhibits something to touch and try.
Museum World Cultures D5
68159 Mannheim
Tel: 0621 2933150
Fax: 0621 2939539
The exhibition "Alexander the Great and the opening of the World Cultures of Asia in Transition "runs until 21 February 2010.
The exhibition catalog is published by Schnell & Steiner, has about 500 pages and approximately 600 color illustrations. The museum offers an extensive program accompanying the exhibition.
opening times: Tuesday to Sunday
11-18 clock, including holidays (except December 24 and 31)
Admission: Adults 10
€, reduced 5 €, families 18 €.
Guided tours: Sundays at 14
clock and by appointment. Audioguides also be offered.
"the drive to previously unattained"
Asian Cultures in Transition
Alexander the Great - Myth, Hero and King. He changed the world and today everyone knows his name. Until 21 February 2010 to devote his Mannheim Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums and the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute, a special exhibition.
40 museums have their part in the exhibition "Alexander the Great and the opening of the world. Asia Cultures in Transition contributed. "Some pieces are for the first time in Europe to see. It's all about Alexander (356-323 BC), the great heroes of past and these days. That would be pleasing to him, it was him but it seems more important to keep rooted in generations.'ve Therefore it his obsequious and uncritical reporting accompanied on the campaign. The lasted eleven years and led by the giant Persian Empire. There is much to report.
"Of particular appeal"
Also present for the Mannheim Museum, the Alexander was. Previously on Alexander shows his work, mostly in Europe and in Egypt are of interest. Now the focus moves to Central Asia. And of course it on, on the ancient authors wrote: "He had a cowlick on the forehead and held his head a little askew, his eyes were of particular appeal, and he was relatively small in stature.." He had also been passionate, "with a desire for exceptional so far unmatched.
exchange of cultures
Alexander the Great brought during his campaign a mess of things: The Central Asian nations were confronted with Greek culture and lifestyle. In return, met Alexander's army and the Persian armada living environment and local cultures of Central Asia. These interactions are the center of the Mannheim exhibition.
The stories about the king are fascinating and abstract. Since book learning meets expert knowledge. The exhibition organizers initially had concerns, the myth of Alexander the Great to succumb. That did not happen. For the Great is glorified not only, but also the drawbacks are present. And the aftermath.
visitors to pick up the presence
because there has never been such a level of communication between East and West as to Alexander. He has during his campaign not only the culture but also animals and plants documented the people. "The visitor is to see that this is an era in which cultures mix and a new culture arises. "says Prof. Dr. Alfried Wieczorek, the Executive Director of the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums
It is a huge subject and a great man can please even the children how Wieczorek promises." We declare the life-world time to go something like Hellenism then not. . Younger visitors can see how cultures live together and to arise again, "In the present, would you pick up the visitor's why there are among the many special exhibits something to touch and try.
Museum World Cultures D5
68159 Mannheim
Tel: 0621 2933150
Fax: 0621 2939539
The exhibition "Alexander the Great and the opening of the World Cultures of Asia in Transition "runs until 21 February 2010.
The exhibition catalog is published by Schnell & Steiner, has about 500 pages and approximately 600 color illustrations. The museum offers an extensive program accompanying the exhibition.
opening times: Tuesday to Sunday
11-18 clock, including holidays (except December 24 and 31)
Admission: Adults 10
€, reduced 5 €, families 18 €.
Guided tours: Sundays at 14
clock and by appointment. Audioguides also be offered.
Paint Your Car Visualizer
Neros restaurant discovered?
It does not smell like peppered dove. Since no fried fly in the plumage of a bird on a dining table decorated with flowers. The archaeologists are not even sure if they have the fabulous dining room (coenatio rotunda) found by the Emperor Nero, described by the historian Suetonius in his Kaiser Biography: Nero's "banquet hall was in the form of a rotunda, whose dome, like the universe and day night turned constant.
But the scientists discovered in July and showed now for the first time on the southern slope of the Palatine Hill overlooking the Colosseum, a round building of 16 meters in diameter. At its center stands a four-meter wide pillar of a brick wall. Regularly fitted well in this column on a height at which could be anchored to a floor, allow the conclusion that probably the wooden floor is not fixed to the outer wall but was rotated.
ivory, pearl and gemstone for ornament
Archaeologists date the strange walls on the short period between the fire of Rome in 64 AD and the grinding of the entire site five years later in the first Flavierkaiser Vespasian, who could tear after Nero's death and the civil war in the "four emperors year" domination. By this date it might be actually in the building is a construction division in the vast area of Nero's Golden House (Domus Aurea), which the emperor until after the firing of several neighborhoods of Oppio Hill on Caelius in the east of the valley to build up to the Palatine hill was.
Your old building was never finished, but Suetonius reported half a century later: "The interior of the palace were all gold and inlaid with precious stones and mother of pearl. The dining rooms were decorated with ivory carvings, coffered ceilings, the paneling was moved so that they could leave flowers showered on the guests, and a tube plant to herabzusprühen fragrant essences. "
grand view of an artificial lake
After the finding, it could now also be that not only the ceiling above the dining room shot, but also the ground. It is thought to a hydraulic mechanism. But like Nero's guests saw nothing. They enjoyed a stunning look that can empathize with to this day. Where the successor Vespasian began the construction of the Colosseum, Nero had had to create an artificial lake. Nero's guests also saw the colossal statue of her Host. colonnades and should have been 36 meters high to Suetonius - which stood in a vestibule between - three rows of columns existing. After this statue probably named the Flavian Amphitheatre. Guests are offered the free view in all directions in the forum to the villas on the Palatine, if they should confirm the finding of the archaeologists.
For now, the plant as the entire area of the "domus aurea" closed to visitors, for safety reasons, as they say. In addition, further dug to perhaps to reveal the entire secret. So far, we had established in spite of the written sources of Nero's villa, especially in the Oppio. Only now is the enormity the system significantly. Nero lived only five months in his villa, the palace and garden in a house was before him, pressed by his enemies, with 31 years committed suicide. "Now I'm starting to live with dignity," he had said at the inauguration of his own home gold.
It does not smell like peppered dove. Since no fried fly in the plumage of a bird on a dining table decorated with flowers. The archaeologists are not even sure if they have the fabulous dining room (coenatio rotunda) found by the Emperor Nero, described by the historian Suetonius in his Kaiser Biography: Nero's "banquet hall was in the form of a rotunda, whose dome, like the universe and day night turned constant.
But the scientists discovered in July and showed now for the first time on the southern slope of the Palatine Hill overlooking the Colosseum, a round building of 16 meters in diameter. At its center stands a four-meter wide pillar of a brick wall. Regularly fitted well in this column on a height at which could be anchored to a floor, allow the conclusion that probably the wooden floor is not fixed to the outer wall but was rotated.
ivory, pearl and gemstone for ornament
Archaeologists date the strange walls on the short period between the fire of Rome in 64 AD and the grinding of the entire site five years later in the first Flavierkaiser Vespasian, who could tear after Nero's death and the civil war in the "four emperors year" domination. By this date it might be actually in the building is a construction division in the vast area of Nero's Golden House (Domus Aurea), which the emperor until after the firing of several neighborhoods of Oppio Hill on Caelius in the east of the valley to build up to the Palatine hill was.
Your old building was never finished, but Suetonius reported half a century later: "The interior of the palace were all gold and inlaid with precious stones and mother of pearl. The dining rooms were decorated with ivory carvings, coffered ceilings, the paneling was moved so that they could leave flowers showered on the guests, and a tube plant to herabzusprühen fragrant essences. "
grand view of an artificial lake
After the finding, it could now also be that not only the ceiling above the dining room shot, but also the ground. It is thought to a hydraulic mechanism. But like Nero's guests saw nothing. They enjoyed a stunning look that can empathize with to this day. Where the successor Vespasian began the construction of the Colosseum, Nero had had to create an artificial lake. Nero's guests also saw the colossal statue of her Host. colonnades and should have been 36 meters high to Suetonius - which stood in a vestibule between - three rows of columns existing. After this statue probably named the Flavian Amphitheatre. Guests are offered the free view in all directions in the forum to the villas on the Palatine, if they should confirm the finding of the archaeologists.
For now, the plant as the entire area of the "domus aurea" closed to visitors, for safety reasons, as they say. In addition, further dug to perhaps to reveal the entire secret. So far, we had established in spite of the written sources of Nero's villa, especially in the Oppio. Only now is the enormity the system significantly. Nero lived only five months in his villa, the palace and garden in a house was before him, pressed by his enemies, with 31 years committed suicide. "Now I'm starting to live with dignity," he had said at the inauguration of his own home gold.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tension Yi Fen Zhong Lyrics
unemployed finds huge gold treasure in England
It is the dream of every hunter's Gold: An amateur treasure hunter has discovered in England, the largest hoard of gold from the time of the Anglo-Saxons. In the field of a neighboring farmer in the county of Staffordshire, the unemployed man found with his metal detector up to 1,500 pieces, including war equipment in particular.
The treasure is probably from the seventh century and is to be worth millions. Archaeologists think the Fund for the largest and most important from the time of the Germanic tribe. The Finder Terry Herbert said the treasure was so large that he had only dreamed of gold. "Imagine you're listening at home and someone not to put money through your mail slot - so was this"
For archaeologists, the discovery in central England, however, a totally different dimension: The treasure was probably more significant than that of Sutton Hoo in East Anglia. There, archaeologists found a tomb 70 years ago with 1.6 kilograms of gold. "This is our views on the Anglo-Saxon England is going to change radically," Leslie said Webster, an expert at the British Museum. A judge declared the Fund in Staffordshire on Thursday officially as a treasure - that means that he belongs to the Crown and may be purchased by museums.
The find consists of 5 kilos of gold and 1.3 kilos of silver. These include elaborately decorated hilts and helmet parts. Experts believe that they come from the highest noble house. Also, a gold bracelet with biblical inscription from the Old Testament and up to three crosses are among the finds.
Archaeologists now speculate about the origin of the treasure. "Have wealth of such magnitude must have belonged to a king," said Roger Bland, of the British Museum Treasures is responsible. It could be that the owner had hidden the pieces in dangerous times to be later re-dig. The site is located in the former Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia. Bland said the value of the treasure would amount to a seven-figure sum.
"It looks like a collection of trophies," said Kevin Leahy Portable Antiquities Scheme of the organization. However, there were still numerous unanswered questions, "which will be discussed for decades." Currently, the Fund is in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Parts of it are to be issued from Friday at around two weeks.
Herbert had the treasure in July near his House discovered. Then he dug five days after the pieces and informed archaeologists. "I have always imagined that I would find the next day," said the 55-year-old. His detector he bought 18 years ago at a flea market for a few pounds.
While there will be some time before the exact value it is the discovery. But the treasure once sold, the money goes to Herbert and the farmer fell asleep in his box the gold. "This is more fun than to win the lottery," said Herbert. He wanted to buy with the proceeds of a bungalow. And he hopes for a better image. "People laugh at detectorists They say" beep, beep, looking for pennies'. But we are there to see such things -.? And they are out there "
Who were the Anglo-Saxons
from the coastal countries of the North Sea, walked in the 5th and 6th centuries, Germanic tribes from the British Isles. The fishing, of which the name is derived England (Old English "Engla land" - "Land of the Angles"), came from the territory of present-day Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish island of Fyn (Funen), the Saxons from the area between the lower reaches of the Weser and Elbe. The Anglo-Saxons conquered the British lowlands and pushed the Celts who settled there.
Immigrants Germanic gods worshiped as Tiu (Tyr), Wotan and Donar (Thor). The English days of the week Tuesday (Tuesday), Wednesday (Wednesday) and Thursday (Thursday) still remind you.
first began with Augustine of Canterbury 597 Kent gradually to Christianity by missionaries from Franks, Ireland and Rome. The names of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms have been preserved in the names of English counties or regions - such as Essex, Middlesex, Sussex and Wessex.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
It is the dream of every hunter's Gold: An amateur treasure hunter has discovered in England, the largest hoard of gold from the time of the Anglo-Saxons. In the field of a neighboring farmer in the county of Staffordshire, the unemployed man found with his metal detector up to 1,500 pieces, including war equipment in particular.
The treasure is probably from the seventh century and is to be worth millions. Archaeologists think the Fund for the largest and most important from the time of the Germanic tribe. The Finder Terry Herbert said the treasure was so large that he had only dreamed of gold. "Imagine you're listening at home and someone not to put money through your mail slot - so was this"
For archaeologists, the discovery in central England, however, a totally different dimension: The treasure was probably more significant than that of Sutton Hoo in East Anglia. There, archaeologists found a tomb 70 years ago with 1.6 kilograms of gold. "This is our views on the Anglo-Saxon England is going to change radically," Leslie said Webster, an expert at the British Museum. A judge declared the Fund in Staffordshire on Thursday officially as a treasure - that means that he belongs to the Crown and may be purchased by museums.
The find consists of 5 kilos of gold and 1.3 kilos of silver. These include elaborately decorated hilts and helmet parts. Experts believe that they come from the highest noble house. Also, a gold bracelet with biblical inscription from the Old Testament and up to three crosses are among the finds.
Archaeologists now speculate about the origin of the treasure. "Have wealth of such magnitude must have belonged to a king," said Roger Bland, of the British Museum Treasures is responsible. It could be that the owner had hidden the pieces in dangerous times to be later re-dig. The site is located in the former Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia. Bland said the value of the treasure would amount to a seven-figure sum.
"It looks like a collection of trophies," said Kevin Leahy Portable Antiquities Scheme of the organization. However, there were still numerous unanswered questions, "which will be discussed for decades." Currently, the Fund is in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Parts of it are to be issued from Friday at around two weeks.
Herbert had the treasure in July near his House discovered. Then he dug five days after the pieces and informed archaeologists. "I have always imagined that I would find the next day," said the 55-year-old. His detector he bought 18 years ago at a flea market for a few pounds.
While there will be some time before the exact value it is the discovery. But the treasure once sold, the money goes to Herbert and the farmer fell asleep in his box the gold. "This is more fun than to win the lottery," said Herbert. He wanted to buy with the proceeds of a bungalow. And he hopes for a better image. "People laugh at detectorists They say" beep, beep, looking for pennies'. But we are there to see such things -.? And they are out there "
Who were the Anglo-Saxons
from the coastal countries of the North Sea, walked in the 5th and 6th centuries, Germanic tribes from the British Isles. The fishing, of which the name is derived England (Old English "Engla land" - "Land of the Angles"), came from the territory of present-day Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish island of Fyn (Funen), the Saxons from the area between the lower reaches of the Weser and Elbe. The Anglo-Saxons conquered the British lowlands and pushed the Celts who settled there.
Immigrants Germanic gods worshiped as Tiu (Tyr), Wotan and Donar (Thor). The English days of the week Tuesday (Tuesday), Wednesday (Wednesday) and Thursday (Thursday) still remind you.
first began with Augustine of Canterbury 597 Kent gradually to Christianity by missionaries from Franks, Ireland and Rome. The names of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms have been preserved in the names of English counties or regions - such as Essex, Middlesex, Sussex and Wessex.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What Cm Do You Get Before Your Period
Happy Birthday Emperor Augustus
Augustus [Latin, "the sublime"], born Rome 23rd 9. 63 BC, died 19th Nola 8. AD 14, son of C. Octavius and Atia, a daughter of Caesar's sister Julia, after the adoption by his great uncle Julius Caesar Octavianus C., since 16 1. 27 Imperator Caesar Augustus. After he had accompanied Caesar into Spain and from him in various ways (priestly offices, military orders, admission among the patricians) had been awarded, he came after his assassination - adopted in his will and the heirs determined - in conflict with Antony, with whom he, however, after a game of Mutina and the March on Rome on 27 11. 43 BC Lepidus together with the so-called second Triumvirate ended. The political opponents, including Cicero, were by proscriptions of cleared the way, hit the Caesar's murderers Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, 42. In the division of the Empire (so-called Treaty of Brundisium) was Augustus the West, the East Antony, Lepidus, the African provinces. 37, the triumvirate was renewed for another 5 years, 36 sex. Pompey, the son of the famous Pompey at Mylae and Naulochos defeated and 35 killed in Miletus. After elimination of Lepidus began the rift between Augustus and Antonius. The latter was dismissed from his offices at the instigation of Augustus, also the related Egyptian queen Cleopatra declared the war. With the naval victory at Actium (31) Augustus was in sole possession of power and could have returned to Rome, as a sign of the war (29) close to the Temple of Janus.
In January 27 BC, took place the important Senate meetings, the decision on the position of Caesar's heir and the further development of the Roman Empire: On 13 January was transferred from the 35-year Senate proconsular empire for 10 years, divided the provinces into senatorial and imperial. Since the latter were concentrated in the armies, so Augustus had command of most of the Roman army. On 16 January he was awarded the title of Augustus. In June of that year he received the tribunician power for life, his proconsular empire was extended to the city of Rome and provincial governors was superior. This was the constitutional position of the first Princeps and all successor set and rested on the two pillars of the empire (since 19 BC for life) and the tribunician violence. The power of the emperor was strengthened further by his auctoritas and a number of religious functions: as a Divi Caesaris filius, "son of the deified Caesar, he was enjoying himself divine honor that led to the imperial cult, and he was pontifex maximus," high priest " and Pater patriae, "father of his country.
In foreign policy, mainly directed towards the securing of Roman rule in no new conquests was Augustus had seen during his 40-year government successes and failures: the Iberian peninsula and Gaul were finally and firmly incorporated into the Roman provincial system, secured the Rhine frontier (a conquest of freedom of Germania was set by the battle of the Teutoburg forest to an end), the northern boundary Italy was strengthened by the subjugation of the Alpine peoples and the conquest of Pannonia. Unless new provinces were established and guaranteed client states (Noricum, Moesia, Thrace), the Roman influence in Asia Minor (Armenia, Cappadocia, comma genes), where the return of the 53 BC, when the Parthians Carrhae lost Roman characters 20 was celebrated BC as a great diplomatic success in Rome.
In domestic policy was particularly the renewal of the Senate's comprehensive reforms of the administration (organizing a paid official apparatus of senators, knights and freedmen), particularly the provinces and the general financial situation of the Empire benefited, but also the order in Rome itself improved (construction, fire and police departments, grain supply, etc.), the creation of a standing, salaried army of great importance. These changes were, in law and legislation, and the success of the so-called marriage and sumptuary laws, however, must be doubted.
The undeniably successful domestic and foreign policy was the Participation capable helper and wise counselor requires, among which are mentioned in particular Agrippa and Maecenas. Finally, it is certainly their influence due to that reached under Augustus art and science is a proverbial bloom: the poet Horace, Propertius and Virgil celebrated the emperor and the time, Livy wrote a Roman history, the scholar Hyginus was head of the Palatine built library. An extensive building activity in Rome (imperial palace and forum, sundial, Ara Pacis and the mausoleum in the Campus Martius), Italy and the provinces (roads, aqueducts, temples, libraries, town halls and schools) began and carried along with city-ups and citizenship ceremonies to spread Roman culture and civilization.
Augustus died on 19 8. Nola in AD 14, the month has been renamed after him. One of the hardest problems, the succession, he was already 10 years before finally resolved after several failures: In 4 he had Tib. Claudius Nero, a son of his third wife Livia from her first marriage adopted; this succeeded him as emperor Tiberius (Tib. Caesar Augustus). Augustus left a statistical overview of the entire kingdom, and a list of his deeds, "Res Gestae Divi Augusti", fragments of which several copies were found (the so-called Monumentum Ancyranum the most important).
Augustus [Latin, "the sublime"], born Rome 23rd 9. 63 BC, died 19th Nola 8. AD 14, son of C. Octavius and Atia, a daughter of Caesar's sister Julia, after the adoption by his great uncle Julius Caesar Octavianus C., since 16 1. 27 Imperator Caesar Augustus. After he had accompanied Caesar into Spain and from him in various ways (priestly offices, military orders, admission among the patricians) had been awarded, he came after his assassination - adopted in his will and the heirs determined - in conflict with Antony, with whom he, however, after a game of Mutina and the March on Rome on 27 11. 43 BC Lepidus together with the so-called second Triumvirate ended. The political opponents, including Cicero, were by proscriptions of cleared the way, hit the Caesar's murderers Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, 42. In the division of the Empire (so-called Treaty of Brundisium) was Augustus the West, the East Antony, Lepidus, the African provinces. 37, the triumvirate was renewed for another 5 years, 36 sex. Pompey, the son of the famous Pompey at Mylae and Naulochos defeated and 35 killed in Miletus. After elimination of Lepidus began the rift between Augustus and Antonius. The latter was dismissed from his offices at the instigation of Augustus, also the related Egyptian queen Cleopatra declared the war. With the naval victory at Actium (31) Augustus was in sole possession of power and could have returned to Rome, as a sign of the war (29) close to the Temple of Janus.
In January 27 BC, took place the important Senate meetings, the decision on the position of Caesar's heir and the further development of the Roman Empire: On 13 January was transferred from the 35-year Senate proconsular empire for 10 years, divided the provinces into senatorial and imperial. Since the latter were concentrated in the armies, so Augustus had command of most of the Roman army. On 16 January he was awarded the title of Augustus. In June of that year he received the tribunician power for life, his proconsular empire was extended to the city of Rome and provincial governors was superior. This was the constitutional position of the first Princeps and all successor set and rested on the two pillars of the empire (since 19 BC for life) and the tribunician violence. The power of the emperor was strengthened further by his auctoritas and a number of religious functions: as a Divi Caesaris filius, "son of the deified Caesar, he was enjoying himself divine honor that led to the imperial cult, and he was pontifex maximus," high priest " and Pater patriae, "father of his country.
In foreign policy, mainly directed towards the securing of Roman rule in no new conquests was Augustus had seen during his 40-year government successes and failures: the Iberian peninsula and Gaul were finally and firmly incorporated into the Roman provincial system, secured the Rhine frontier (a conquest of freedom of Germania was set by the battle of the Teutoburg forest to an end), the northern boundary Italy was strengthened by the subjugation of the Alpine peoples and the conquest of Pannonia. Unless new provinces were established and guaranteed client states (Noricum, Moesia, Thrace), the Roman influence in Asia Minor (Armenia, Cappadocia, comma genes), where the return of the 53 BC, when the Parthians Carrhae lost Roman characters 20 was celebrated BC as a great diplomatic success in Rome.
In domestic policy was particularly the renewal of the Senate's comprehensive reforms of the administration (organizing a paid official apparatus of senators, knights and freedmen), particularly the provinces and the general financial situation of the Empire benefited, but also the order in Rome itself improved (construction, fire and police departments, grain supply, etc.), the creation of a standing, salaried army of great importance. These changes were, in law and legislation, and the success of the so-called marriage and sumptuary laws, however, must be doubted.
The undeniably successful domestic and foreign policy was the Participation capable helper and wise counselor requires, among which are mentioned in particular Agrippa and Maecenas. Finally, it is certainly their influence due to that reached under Augustus art and science is a proverbial bloom: the poet Horace, Propertius and Virgil celebrated the emperor and the time, Livy wrote a Roman history, the scholar Hyginus was head of the Palatine built library. An extensive building activity in Rome (imperial palace and forum, sundial, Ara Pacis and the mausoleum in the Campus Martius), Italy and the provinces (roads, aqueducts, temples, libraries, town halls and schools) began and carried along with city-ups and citizenship ceremonies to spread Roman culture and civilization.
Augustus died on 19 8. Nola in AD 14, the month has been renamed after him. One of the hardest problems, the succession, he was already 10 years before finally resolved after several failures: In 4 he had Tib. Claudius Nero, a son of his third wife Livia from her first marriage adopted; this succeeded him as emperor Tiberius (Tib. Caesar Augustus). Augustus left a statistical overview of the entire kingdom, and a list of his deeds, "Res Gestae Divi Augusti", fragments of which several copies were found (the so-called Monumentum Ancyranum the most important).
Friday, September 18, 2009
Microgynon 21 Day Pill Diarrhea
Happy Birthday Emperor Trajan, M. Ulpius
Trajan, M. Ulpius, dt Trajan, born in Italica (Spain, near Seville in today Santi Ponce) 18 9. 53, died in Selinus (Anatolia) 7 / 8 8. 117, Roman Emperor since 28 1. 98. He came from the Munizipalaristokratie southern Spain. His father had come under Nero in the Senate. Trajan was superior under Domitian Legion commander in Spain, 91 and 96 consul governor of Germania. 97 was the favorite among the soldiers of Senator Nerva adopted and ascended after his death as the first provincial of the imperial throne.
His foreign policy is characterized by large Offensive marked. 101/02 Dacia was subjected and put in a function, 105/06 and 107 conquering again declared a Roman province. As victory monuments created the monument of Adamklissi 109 and 113 in Rome, the 33-meter-high column of Trajan with 200 m long relief band. At Turnu Severin Apollodorus of Damascus, built the first permanent bridge across the Danube from 1 km in length. 106, the Nabatean kingdom in the province of Arabia was transformed. In the Parthian 114-117 Trajan Armenia and Mesopotamia was conquered and incorporated the kingdom. 116 he came to Ctesiphon to the Persian Gulf. Riots in the hinterland, especially a collection of Jews, prevented the continuation of the war. died on the return trip to Rome the Emperor at Selinus in Cilicia.
preserved in the internal politics Trajan the Rights of the Senate, which gave him only 114 to the track Optimus princeps (best Kaiser). Simultaneously, the Arch of Trajan was built in Beneventum whose extensive, well-preserved relief decoration on the relationship of the emperor at Rome (city side) and to the provinces (land side) is dedicated. The imperial power has been strengthened through the expansion of bureaucracy and the army, subordinate to the provincial cities increasingly imperial control. The correspondence of Trajan with Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, is instructive for its state political wisdom in matters of detail, eg in the treatment of Christians. The Emperor sought to the strengthening of border defenses along the Rhine and Danube (the Limes and Trajanswall in Dobrogea) and founded many colonies, including Ulpia Traiana (Xanten), Noviomagus (Nijmegen) and Thamugadi (Timgad). An extensive building activity (Trajan's Forum with 2 libraries and Basilica Ulpia, expansion of ports and roads), the extension of Nerva Alimentarstiftungen, generous donations and magnificent games made him and the people is very popular, exhausted but the finances, despite the influx of Dacian gold.
The marriage to the originating from southern Gaul Plotina remained childless. The successor Hadrian was adopted by will (Adoptivkaisertum). In the reign of Trajan's military The Roman Empire reached its greatest extent and the height of his power. Of all the emperors, he was the greatest conqueror and also the last.
Trajan, M. Ulpius, dt Trajan, born in Italica (Spain, near Seville in today Santi Ponce) 18 9. 53, died in Selinus (Anatolia) 7 / 8 8. 117, Roman Emperor since 28 1. 98. He came from the Munizipalaristokratie southern Spain. His father had come under Nero in the Senate. Trajan was superior under Domitian Legion commander in Spain, 91 and 96 consul governor of Germania. 97 was the favorite among the soldiers of Senator Nerva adopted and ascended after his death as the first provincial of the imperial throne.
His foreign policy is characterized by large Offensive marked. 101/02 Dacia was subjected and put in a function, 105/06 and 107 conquering again declared a Roman province. As victory monuments created the monument of Adamklissi 109 and 113 in Rome, the 33-meter-high column of Trajan with 200 m long relief band. At Turnu Severin Apollodorus of Damascus, built the first permanent bridge across the Danube from 1 km in length. 106, the Nabatean kingdom in the province of Arabia was transformed. In the Parthian 114-117 Trajan Armenia and Mesopotamia was conquered and incorporated the kingdom. 116 he came to Ctesiphon to the Persian Gulf. Riots in the hinterland, especially a collection of Jews, prevented the continuation of the war. died on the return trip to Rome the Emperor at Selinus in Cilicia.
preserved in the internal politics Trajan the Rights of the Senate, which gave him only 114 to the track Optimus princeps (best Kaiser). Simultaneously, the Arch of Trajan was built in Beneventum whose extensive, well-preserved relief decoration on the relationship of the emperor at Rome (city side) and to the provinces (land side) is dedicated. The imperial power has been strengthened through the expansion of bureaucracy and the army, subordinate to the provincial cities increasingly imperial control. The correspondence of Trajan with Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, is instructive for its state political wisdom in matters of detail, eg in the treatment of Christians. The Emperor sought to the strengthening of border defenses along the Rhine and Danube (the Limes and Trajanswall in Dobrogea) and founded many colonies, including Ulpia Traiana (Xanten), Noviomagus (Nijmegen) and Thamugadi (Timgad). An extensive building activity (Trajan's Forum with 2 libraries and Basilica Ulpia, expansion of ports and roads), the extension of Nerva Alimentarstiftungen, generous donations and magnificent games made him and the people is very popular, exhausted but the finances, despite the influx of Dacian gold.
The marriage to the originating from southern Gaul Plotina remained childless. The successor Hadrian was adopted by will (Adoptivkaisertum). In the reign of Trajan's military The Roman Empire reached its greatest extent and the height of his power. Of all the emperors, he was the greatest conqueror and also the last.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Funny Perverted Email Cards
a theme day at the ancient Greeks
3Sat Sunday 20 September 2009 6.35Uhr
A visit to Athens was a must for any educated Roman antiquity. Ancient Greece was already recognized as the cradle of civilization. To date, the country and its history have lost none of its fascination. 3sat deals for 24 hours with the ancient Greeks, its architectural heritage, its cultural achievements and with their everyday lives.
3sat theme day in ancient Greece
3Sat Sunday 20 September 2009 6.35Uhr
A visit to Athens was a must for any educated Roman antiquity. Ancient Greece was already recognized as the cradle of civilization. To date, the country and its history have lost none of its fascination. 3sat deals for 24 hours with the ancient Greeks, its architectural heritage, its cultural achievements and with their everyday lives.
3sat theme day in ancient Greece
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Nudy Simi Grawal In Mera Naam Joker
medieval fair with jousting tournament Bad Münster
From Friday, 09/18 through Sunday, 22.09.2009, states in Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg again "Well, be it" - as at 23 Time now been returned to the medieval world in the narrow winding streets Ebernburg. Well worth a visit then by all means, the boars burger market has one of the oldest and, moreover, the largest and most beautiful medieval festivals in Germany.
Proud Knight in flashing armor, noble damsels, jesters, witches, craftsmen, and Pfaff Bauersleut people back in time to the beginning end of the 13th Century. For the Countess invited us to the market day after Ebernburg. As is stands at around 100 medieval Crafts demonstrated Kramer try to bring their goods among the people and in the taverns there is a lively atmosphere. In the bath house you can indulge yourself with delicious recipes, before the lady of his heart to show grounds falls to the noble knights in the battle to watch.
more information (timetables, program, photos, contact details) under summer
From Friday, 09/18 through Sunday, 22.09.2009, states in Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg again "Well, be it" - as at 23 Time now been returned to the medieval world in the narrow winding streets Ebernburg. Well worth a visit then by all means, the boars burger market has one of the oldest and, moreover, the largest and most beautiful medieval festivals in Germany.
Proud Knight in flashing armor, noble damsels, jesters, witches, craftsmen, and Pfaff Bauersleut people back in time to the beginning end of the 13th Century. For the Countess invited us to the market day after Ebernburg. As is stands at around 100 medieval Crafts demonstrated Kramer try to bring their goods among the people and in the taverns there is a lively atmosphere. In the bath house you can indulge yourself with delicious recipes, before the lady of his heart to show grounds falls to the noble knights in the battle to watch.
more information (timetables, program, photos, contact details) under summer
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Mole Hurts To Touch
Abraham - father of the Faith
Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the nomadic tribal leaders Abraham from Mesopotamia as a classic example of a trusting conversation with God ...
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the nomadic tribal leaders Abraham from Mesopotamia as a classic example of a trusting conversation with God ...
[Broadcast simultaneously hear them] to download "Save target as .."
My 16 Month Old Has Runnystool
Bad Kreuznach Roman Hall is contemporary
FUNDING No more reading tables, visitors will be active / country subsidizes new concept
The concept of the Roman Hall, opened 25 years ago to the current needs of the museum visitor will be adjusted. In four stages, changes made in the permanent exhibition, there will be interactive stations where visitors themselves actively and playfully called knowledge is presented. For example, to building materials, heating equipment, the lives of the rich and the poor Romans, the military and of course, the mosaic floors. The Museum Association of Rhineland-Palatinate 2007 was the city, and Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp, Director of Museums in the manor Bangert, approached the question of a development concept for the transformation.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Culture, Mainz, has promised the city's financial support for a revision and expansion of the permanent exhibition in the Roman Hall. The Roman Hall is one of four museums in Rhineland-Palatinate, undergoing multi-year project funding from state funds. "This support also makes clear the importance, which the Romans have Hall and the Roman Villa of the Roman past of our state," emphasized Cultural Affairs Helga Baumann and Nestler-Zapp.
A total of 189 000 euro will put into the redesign, 50 000 of them with the city. Due to the promotion of "cultural heritage of the region," the implementation of the project is based on four years. It takes place in annual projects, the first step "building history of the Roman Villa of Bad Kreuznach" begins in 2009.
Heidi Schumacher, Head of the Culture Ministry, stressed that the Tourism Strategy 2015, the country's culture which is considered as the basis of the four priorities hiking, cycling, wine and wellness. Under the umbrella of "Romans, knights, and romantic," said Schumacher, funded projects, of which one is a Revitalization of an entire region promise. In particular, "bad weather" offerings were sown in the country for the tourists not as abundant. The cultural significance of the Roman Villa, on the basis of the residential type, the size of the plant, the building concept and the splendor of the interior construction of an outstanding example of Roman architecture villas north of the Alps, was evaluated in the application as a unique selling point. The collection of soldiers grave stones of the cemetery at Bingerbrück from the 1st Century AD and the late ancient fort at Kreuznach will be important topics of the redesign. Target is the contemporary treatment and presentation of exhibits, the cultural experience and the intergenerational learning for the visitors in the foreground. Archaeological findings are to be made usable as a former Roman territory readable and thus as an identification feature of the region of Rhineland-Palatinate.
A team, the project, its scientific management in the hands of Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp implement, is: Sibylle von Roesgen MA, (v.roesgens cultural management, Heidenheim, Germany), Alfred Engler (arts + media, Mainz), Dr. Karin Drda-Kuehn (k media, Bad Mergentheim), and Dr. Sabine Hornung MA, Mainz. Support has also promised provincial archaeologist Dr. Gerd Rupprecht. "Through the promotion of a contemporary Roman Hall Standard of Presentation prepared. It contains unique treasures, but they alone are not sufficient to attract visitors, it must also meet the show standard to today's requirements, "said Cultural Affairs Baumann. Currently, in the Roman Hall counted annually 13000-14000 visitors. Nester-Zapp stressed that the number to be increased, "the device would have earned more than twice as many visitors."
FUNDING No more reading tables, visitors will be active / country subsidizes new concept
The concept of the Roman Hall, opened 25 years ago to the current needs of the museum visitor will be adjusted. In four stages, changes made in the permanent exhibition, there will be interactive stations where visitors themselves actively and playfully called knowledge is presented. For example, to building materials, heating equipment, the lives of the rich and the poor Romans, the military and of course, the mosaic floors. The Museum Association of Rhineland-Palatinate 2007 was the city, and Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp, Director of Museums in the manor Bangert, approached the question of a development concept for the transformation.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Culture, Mainz, has promised the city's financial support for a revision and expansion of the permanent exhibition in the Roman Hall. The Roman Hall is one of four museums in Rhineland-Palatinate, undergoing multi-year project funding from state funds. "This support also makes clear the importance, which the Romans have Hall and the Roman Villa of the Roman past of our state," emphasized Cultural Affairs Helga Baumann and Nestler-Zapp.
A total of 189 000 euro will put into the redesign, 50 000 of them with the city. Due to the promotion of "cultural heritage of the region," the implementation of the project is based on four years. It takes place in annual projects, the first step "building history of the Roman Villa of Bad Kreuznach" begins in 2009.
Heidi Schumacher, Head of the Culture Ministry, stressed that the Tourism Strategy 2015, the country's culture which is considered as the basis of the four priorities hiking, cycling, wine and wellness. Under the umbrella of "Romans, knights, and romantic," said Schumacher, funded projects, of which one is a Revitalization of an entire region promise. In particular, "bad weather" offerings were sown in the country for the tourists not as abundant. The cultural significance of the Roman Villa, on the basis of the residential type, the size of the plant, the building concept and the splendor of the interior construction of an outstanding example of Roman architecture villas north of the Alps, was evaluated in the application as a unique selling point. The collection of soldiers grave stones of the cemetery at Bingerbrück from the 1st Century AD and the late ancient fort at Kreuznach will be important topics of the redesign. Target is the contemporary treatment and presentation of exhibits, the cultural experience and the intergenerational learning for the visitors in the foreground. Archaeological findings are to be made usable as a former Roman territory readable and thus as an identification feature of the region of Rhineland-Palatinate.
A team, the project, its scientific management in the hands of Dr. Angela Nestler-Zapp implement, is: Sibylle von Roesgen MA, (v.roesgens cultural management, Heidenheim, Germany), Alfred Engler (arts + media, Mainz), Dr. Karin Drda-Kuehn (k media, Bad Mergentheim), and Dr. Sabine Hornung MA, Mainz. Support has also promised provincial archaeologist Dr. Gerd Rupprecht. "Through the promotion of a contemporary Roman Hall Standard of Presentation prepared. It contains unique treasures, but they alone are not sufficient to attract visitors, it must also meet the show standard to today's requirements, "said Cultural Affairs Baumann. Currently, in the Roman Hall counted annually 13000-14000 visitors. Nester-Zapp stressed that the number to be increased, "the device would have earned more than twice as many visitors."
Knit Adult Jester Hat
A shard saves the Roman settlement
The paper has become nightmare by Gerda Weller is called "master plan No. 14" and is on the 13 . dated November 1990th almost 19 years later, she stands on that place where the community Lahnau in the Lahn-Dill-Kreis originally wanted to set up a 3.6-acre industrial park. Weller moves with the index finger on the sketch plan at the time, then it has a sweeping gesture over the surrounding area: In two hundred yards away stands a large mound.
Next door is the large funnel, where researchers found the horse head of the Roman bronze statue, which created two weeks ago for world-wide attention. In the other facing the storage building of a commercial building adjacent to the site. There, the archaeologists team up: between concrete slabs and forklifts reside, the researchers and their collaborators in two orange containers. "That's all become a large industrial area, "says Weller.
sound fragments and shards from Roman times
It has become nothing, instead, has today a nondescript sign on the road towards Naunheim with "Roman Forum" in the direction of the site. There Weller prevented their field visits in the autumn of 1989 at an industrial park. She herself sees her subordinate role: the sensational discovery of the fragment of the statue was mainly due to right decisions with the authorities. She has not even seen the horse's head today.
Gerda Weller climb the so-called commander Hill, a viewing platform in the middle of the excavation site. In this area she made twenty years ago at the suggestion of the then district Bodendenkmalpflege Klaus Engelbach, the field visits, where they found the first fragments and sound fragments from the Roman period. "I actually thought of this early medieval finds," she says.
stone foundations of ancient Rome
Weller As the end of 1989 at the bottom of the circle of monuments Wetzlar, Heinrich Janke, their finds on the table, pulls out of a single shard. "This is Roman," is his brief comment. Weller then began on the western corner of her home town to thoroughly search for more remains. In 1991, she brought boxes of bricks and broken glass on the State Conservation Office in Wiesbaden, in the fall of 1992, finally went to Heinz-Jürgen Köhler of the Roman-Germanic Commission in the fields before Waldgirmes Frankfurt. "This was a historic day," says Weller. They tend not to euphoria, because of their passion, they need patience and a cool head: In 90 percent of their field visits they found absolutely nothing.
Allen was cause for celebration in 1993 after three years patiently searching: for a so-called sounding, the first soil analysis by the Roman-Germanic Commission is clear that among the fields more needs to be hidden: Then, the Plans for the industrial park shelved. In 1998, archaeologists discovered during excavation work even the first right bank of stone foundations of ancient Rome - "This place has a great historical significance," Weller says, looking back.
"concatenation of circumstances and reasonable diligence"
you've been interested in as a child for Archaeology, said the little woman, born in 1957. At that time she was pulled through the fields, and collected relics from the past. That was not easy, because the season for field inspections is limited to the spring and late fall: "If grain standing on the fields, can not search me, "says Weller. During the "season" for it is regularly out and sacrificed most of their leisure time. have made
fact that it was their field surveys 20 years ago, the sensation of weeks possible three rated it as "concatenation of favorable circumstances and diligence." "The Efficient sometimes luck," she says. The concept of "amateur archaeologist" Weller may not, that it sounds too derogatory: it is a volunteer from the state office for historic preservation.
systematically search for traces of the past
Before the equestrian statue of Emperor Augustus has now gathered a large group of elderly cyclists devoutly in a semicircle. The bronze sculpture in the center of the Roman Forum is just a replica - as well as the Forum itself, the one after the excavation had spilled over and instead modeled the ground a few feet above, white Weller. The plinth on which the equestrian statue shines in the sun, flanked by four rectangular concrete slabs mark the locations of other bases in the forum - whether there were also sculptures, is unclear.
will probably open if further discoveries are below the 7.7 hectares land of the former Roman town, for only part of the land have been plowed, the archaeologists: the Building Materials and some houses on the western edge of the town are on the site of the ancient settlement. Weller is still satisfied, and finally, the industrial area have been prevented. For Waldgirmes she wants an archaeological park to the Roman city of "visual experience" to make. "People must be offered something that history has taken place here," she says. The discovery of the horse's head, at least not finish their field visits - they will continue to search the Lahntal by their cadastral maps and plans systematically for evidence of the past. Without much enthusiasm, but with patience, "I never stop "
source. /
The paper has become nightmare by Gerda Weller is called "master plan No. 14" and is on the 13 . dated November 1990th almost 19 years later, she stands on that place where the community Lahnau in the Lahn-Dill-Kreis originally wanted to set up a 3.6-acre industrial park. Weller moves with the index finger on the sketch plan at the time, then it has a sweeping gesture over the surrounding area: In two hundred yards away stands a large mound.
Next door is the large funnel, where researchers found the horse head of the Roman bronze statue, which created two weeks ago for world-wide attention. In the other facing the storage building of a commercial building adjacent to the site. There, the archaeologists team up: between concrete slabs and forklifts reside, the researchers and their collaborators in two orange containers. "That's all become a large industrial area, "says Weller.
sound fragments and shards from Roman times
It has become nothing, instead, has today a nondescript sign on the road towards Naunheim with "Roman Forum" in the direction of the site. There Weller prevented their field visits in the autumn of 1989 at an industrial park. She herself sees her subordinate role: the sensational discovery of the fragment of the statue was mainly due to right decisions with the authorities. She has not even seen the horse's head today.
Gerda Weller climb the so-called commander Hill, a viewing platform in the middle of the excavation site. In this area she made twenty years ago at the suggestion of the then district Bodendenkmalpflege Klaus Engelbach, the field visits, where they found the first fragments and sound fragments from the Roman period. "I actually thought of this early medieval finds," she says.
stone foundations of ancient Rome
Weller As the end of 1989 at the bottom of the circle of monuments Wetzlar, Heinrich Janke, their finds on the table, pulls out of a single shard. "This is Roman," is his brief comment. Weller then began on the western corner of her home town to thoroughly search for more remains. In 1991, she brought boxes of bricks and broken glass on the State Conservation Office in Wiesbaden, in the fall of 1992, finally went to Heinz-Jürgen Köhler of the Roman-Germanic Commission in the fields before Waldgirmes Frankfurt. "This was a historic day," says Weller. They tend not to euphoria, because of their passion, they need patience and a cool head: In 90 percent of their field visits they found absolutely nothing.
Allen was cause for celebration in 1993 after three years patiently searching: for a so-called sounding, the first soil analysis by the Roman-Germanic Commission is clear that among the fields more needs to be hidden: Then, the Plans for the industrial park shelved. In 1998, archaeologists discovered during excavation work even the first right bank of stone foundations of ancient Rome - "This place has a great historical significance," Weller says, looking back.
"concatenation of circumstances and reasonable diligence"
you've been interested in as a child for Archaeology, said the little woman, born in 1957. At that time she was pulled through the fields, and collected relics from the past. That was not easy, because the season for field inspections is limited to the spring and late fall: "If grain standing on the fields, can not search me, "says Weller. During the "season" for it is regularly out and sacrificed most of their leisure time. have made
fact that it was their field surveys 20 years ago, the sensation of weeks possible three rated it as "concatenation of favorable circumstances and diligence." "The Efficient sometimes luck," she says. The concept of "amateur archaeologist" Weller may not, that it sounds too derogatory: it is a volunteer from the state office for historic preservation.
systematically search for traces of the past
Before the equestrian statue of Emperor Augustus has now gathered a large group of elderly cyclists devoutly in a semicircle. The bronze sculpture in the center of the Roman Forum is just a replica - as well as the Forum itself, the one after the excavation had spilled over and instead modeled the ground a few feet above, white Weller. The plinth on which the equestrian statue shines in the sun, flanked by four rectangular concrete slabs mark the locations of other bases in the forum - whether there were also sculptures, is unclear.
will probably open if further discoveries are below the 7.7 hectares land of the former Roman town, for only part of the land have been plowed, the archaeologists: the Building Materials and some houses on the western edge of the town are on the site of the ancient settlement. Weller is still satisfied, and finally, the industrial area have been prevented. For Waldgirmes she wants an archaeological park to the Roman city of "visual experience" to make. "People must be offered something that history has taken place here," she says. The discovery of the horse's head, at least not finish their field visits - they will continue to search the Lahntal by their cadastral maps and plans systematically for evidence of the past. Without much enthusiasm, but with patience, "I never stop "
source. /
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Taking Woodstock
Actually dreams of young Elliot Tiber from a career as an interior designer. But the motel his parents is anything but exhilarating, and so he sits on in his native dump and ponders an idea of how to bring the business back up and running. When he learns from the newspaper that announced a large open air concert, the permit has been revoked, Elliot suspects a chance: He he offers organizers simply the Kuhwiese behind his parents' property as a venue, not knowing which wave he This offer lash out.
Taking Woodstock
Actually dreams of young Elliot Tiber from a career as an interior designer. But the motel his parents is anything but exhilarating, and so he sits on in his native dump and ponders an idea of how to bring the business back up and running. When he learns from the newspaper that announced a large open air concert, the permit has been revoked, Elliot suspects a chance: He he offers organizers simply the Kuhwiese behind his parents' property as a venue, not knowing which wave he This offer lash out.
Taking Woodstock
Monday, August 24, 2009
Techno Song That Counts Down From 10
Mississippi Camp Fire - Acoustic blues from Münster
Mississippi Campfire dedicated to the acoustic blues. With guitar, dobro, blues harp, kazoo, cajon and other percussion instruments, the trio a (time) trip through the world of traditional blues (and a little more!).
The Blue Train will start exploring somewhere in the Delta, where he not only again lodges several stops, but also branch lines.
It is not just (recently by Clapton and Peter Green revived) songs from Robert Johnson to hear, but also the music of half-forgotten heroes of the 20s and 30s such as Sleepy John Estes and Jim Jackson. A course car goes south to Louisiana and New Orleans to stay there, stuck in the middle earthy Swampsounds somewhere deep in the bayous. The other cars drive on the north, lay a short stopover in Memphis, then take a small pinch-Jugband Music on board and then to enter into the Illinois Central in Chicago.
The pre-war blues musicians like Big Bill Broonzy, Tampa Red ..... and early songs by Jimmy Rogers and Muddy Waters are invited in large parcels to cargo compartment.
And here loses the track of our train, a pinch of Country, a dash of boogie and finally a few home-grown musical packed in the suitcase. The songs are not just academically copied to the last scratch the old shellac records, but played as the musicians simply feel most comfortable. Blues musicians of all generations have never thought otherwise.
Burkhard Ellger is a singer and guitarist initiator of this project
active for almost thirty years as a blues musician, he was lead singer, guitarist, singer and "mastermind" of the Blue Mafia, up touring to their dissolution in 2003 through Germany and heard in many famous blues and jazz clubs and at festivals was.
not only with the guitar, but also on bass or behind the piano he accompanied authentic blues musicians such as Champion Jack Dupree, Louisiana Red, Angela Brown, and especially Jeanne Carroll.
His distinctive voice, his penchant for half-forgotten songs, and his sense of entertainment shape the sound of Mississippi Camp Fire.
Burkhard is the driving force in our trio, the heart of the force and the walking blues encyclopedia same time. The selection of pieces is available all in his hand .
Bernd Werner
The percussion is primarily his main instrument.
In some band projects he swung the broom and made bobbin lace from the skin of the drums. His musical passion is rock 'n' Roll.
The blues is him with his many faces, not entirely new, and a proposal from the traditional, rather RAUR beat, the blues is so peculiar.
for MISSISSIPPI CAMPFIRE he waved from the drums on the cajon. The percussion player Bernd Werner came to the last group.
Mario and Burke had long been working hard to improve her repertoire and spent couple of appearances. It had clicked between the two long, with Bernd was added to double: from the duo was a real little band. Bernd brings years of experience in the ska and Rockabillybereich with one, is noticed here in Münster but above all by his swinging and stylish percussion at the "Groovy Iceland blues band in the scene.
in with Bernd's safe Backbeat background plays As laid back, the trio, as the musicians would not take on any stage or bars at the weekly sample, but gather relaxed around a campfire. Mississippi Camp Fire was born ........
Mario Hemken got in 1990 his first Cross-Harp and tootled same bike driving and playing around the country. After initial squealing harmonica Bob Dylan he turned to the blues, which still restrains his soul. He is since 1990 active in the blues scene as a harpist. Not only on countless sessions, but also by his role in the "Kitty Hawk" and the "Busy Bedbugs " He has proven to be in and around Münster harmonica player made not only with audiences but also with the musicians a good name. ImGegensatz to his other projects, playing Mario on the Mississippi, Camp Fire Blue Sharp largely acoustic, sometimes he does but also due to the electric sound of his hero Little Walter and Big Walter Horton. With Burkhard Ellger he found a partner who has mastered the rough, old blues with finesse. He plays and sings the blues of 20/30/40er years. And with that, especially the blues in its original form: Acoustically, without electrical instrumentation. addition to the blues harmonica and his lack of theoretical knowledge about music, he still plays the Membranophone, i.dt. : Kazoo. It works much like the old technique of the comb-blowing: One sings or hums to a membrane, which is distorted by their vibrations the sound, so a slightly saxophone-like sound is produced.
Here are some videos from a concert in Le Midi , Münster 2010
John Henry
City of New Orleans
Who Do You Love?
Polk Salad Annie
Diamonds At Her Feet
Grinnin` In Your Face
Back To New Orleans
Just Your Fool

The Blue Train will start exploring somewhere in the Delta, where he not only again lodges several stops, but also branch lines.
It is not just (recently by Clapton and Peter Green revived) songs from Robert Johnson to hear, but also the music of half-forgotten heroes of the 20s and 30s such as Sleepy John Estes and Jim Jackson. A course car goes south to Louisiana and New Orleans to stay there, stuck in the middle earthy Swampsounds somewhere deep in the bayous. The other cars drive on the north, lay a short stopover in Memphis, then take a small pinch-Jugband Music on board and then to enter into the Illinois Central in Chicago.
The pre-war blues musicians like Big Bill Broonzy, Tampa Red ..... and early songs by Jimmy Rogers and Muddy Waters are invited in large parcels to cargo compartment.
And here loses the track of our train, a pinch of Country, a dash of boogie and finally a few home-grown musical packed in the suitcase. The songs are not just academically copied to the last scratch the old shellac records, but played as the musicians simply feel most comfortable. Blues musicians of all generations have never thought otherwise.

active for almost thirty years as a blues musician, he was lead singer, guitarist, singer and "mastermind" of the Blue Mafia, up touring to their dissolution in 2003 through Germany and heard in many famous blues and jazz clubs and at festivals was.
not only with the guitar, but also on bass or behind the piano he accompanied authentic blues musicians such as Champion Jack Dupree, Louisiana Red, Angela Brown, and especially Jeanne Carroll.
His distinctive voice, his penchant for half-forgotten songs, and his sense of entertainment shape the sound of Mississippi Camp Fire.
Burkhard is the driving force in our trio, the heart of the force and the walking blues encyclopedia same time. The selection of pieces is available all in his hand .

The percussion is primarily his main instrument.
In some band projects he swung the broom and made bobbin lace from the skin of the drums. His musical passion is rock 'n' Roll.
The blues is him with his many faces, not entirely new, and a proposal from the traditional, rather RAUR beat, the blues is so peculiar.
for MISSISSIPPI CAMPFIRE he waved from the drums on the cajon. The percussion player Bernd Werner came to the last group.
Mario and Burke had long been working hard to improve her repertoire and spent couple of appearances. It had clicked between the two long, with Bernd was added to double: from the duo was a real little band. Bernd brings years of experience in the ska and Rockabillybereich with one, is noticed here in Münster but above all by his swinging and stylish percussion at the "Groovy Iceland blues band in the scene.
in with Bernd's safe Backbeat background plays As laid back, the trio, as the musicians would not take on any stage or bars at the weekly sample, but gather relaxed around a campfire. Mississippi Camp Fire was born ........

Here are some videos from a concert in Le Midi , Münster 2010
John Henry
City of New Orleans
Who Do You Love?
Polk Salad Annie
Diamonds At Her Feet
Grinnin` In Your Face
Back To New Orleans
Just Your Fool
Friday, April 3, 2009
Harley Davidson Love Quotes
"Primeval shop for dinosaur fans
Duvensee (Dinosaur World) - All wish for a fossil collector (and much more), can be found in "Primeval Shop" at the address the web. The numerous amenities include unique and high quality fossils of invertebrates, fish, reptiles (including dinosaurs), and prehistoric mammals and attractive plants. All the fossils were prepared first class and are an asset to any fossil collection.
Besides original discoveries of fossils are also kits and accessories, books about dinosaurs and mammoths, CDs, Dinosaur models, posters, pictures, puzzles, games, key chains, stationery, lifelike replicas of skulls and skeletons, toys, fabric animals, T-shirts and special offers available.
Small and large dinosaur fans are likely to skeletal models from Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, Carnotaurus, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus on a smaller scale have their joy. Who has more space and money, comes with impressive models of dinosaur Deinonychus, Dimetrodon and Syntarsus, in quality and size for museums, parks and Dino Dinosaur exhibitions best suited their money. Even a giant skull of the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex ("King of the tyrannosaur") is to be had.
The also offered replicas of skulls and skeletons are from classic museum pieces that are usually beyond the reach of average earners. With the strikingly authentic replicas can be compared to expensive original fossils inexpensive to build a spectacular collection.
The replica offer includes the following impressive skulls of saber-toothed cats, formerly also called saber-toothed tiger, and dagger-toothed cats. Among them are skulls of saber-toothed cats Megantereon cultridens, Homotherium crenatidens and Xenosmilus hodsonae and the dagger-toothed cat Smilodon.
From 75 € order value provides the primitive shop - within Germany - Free Shipping!
dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals from A to Z
following is a cross-category and alphabetically sorted overview of all the prehistoric reptiles (dinosaurs) and prehistoric mammals, which can in the "Primeval Shop" section. If you click on the "Primeval Shop" to a name, all items will be displayed on this animal.
Albertosaurus Allosaurus
Ankylosaurus Apatosaurus Archaeopteryx
Camarasaurus Carnotaurus
Dilong paradoxus
Dilophosaurus Diplodocus Dimetrodon
Gastonia Giganotosaurus
H Homotherium
Triceratops Troodon
prehistoric bison
Utahraptor Velociraptor
Duvensee (Dinosaur World) - All wish for a fossil collector (and much more), can be found in "Primeval Shop" at the address the web. The numerous amenities include unique and high quality fossils of invertebrates, fish, reptiles (including dinosaurs), and prehistoric mammals and attractive plants. All the fossils were prepared first class and are an asset to any fossil collection.
Besides original discoveries of fossils are also kits and accessories, books about dinosaurs and mammoths, CDs, Dinosaur models, posters, pictures, puzzles, games, key chains, stationery, lifelike replicas of skulls and skeletons, toys, fabric animals, T-shirts and special offers available.
Small and large dinosaur fans are likely to skeletal models from Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, Carnotaurus, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus on a smaller scale have their joy. Who has more space and money, comes with impressive models of dinosaur Deinonychus, Dimetrodon and Syntarsus, in quality and size for museums, parks and Dino Dinosaur exhibitions best suited their money. Even a giant skull of the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex ("King of the tyrannosaur") is to be had.
The also offered replicas of skulls and skeletons are from classic museum pieces that are usually beyond the reach of average earners. With the strikingly authentic replicas can be compared to expensive original fossils inexpensive to build a spectacular collection.
The replica offer includes the following impressive skulls of saber-toothed cats, formerly also called saber-toothed tiger, and dagger-toothed cats. Among them are skulls of saber-toothed cats Megantereon cultridens, Homotherium crenatidens and Xenosmilus hodsonae and the dagger-toothed cat Smilodon.
From 75 € order value provides the primitive shop - within Germany - Free Shipping!
dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals from A to Z
following is a cross-category and alphabetically sorted overview of all the prehistoric reptiles (dinosaurs) and prehistoric mammals, which can in the "Primeval Shop" section. If you click on the "Primeval Shop" to a name, all items will be displayed on this animal.
Albertosaurus Allosaurus
Ankylosaurus Apatosaurus Archaeopteryx
Camarasaurus Carnotaurus
Dilong paradoxus
Dilophosaurus Diplodocus Dimetrodon
Gastonia Giganotosaurus
H Homotherium
Triceratops Troodon
prehistoric bison
Utahraptor Velociraptor
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